Bionovo INC

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Bionovo INC

30.12.09 00:09

Bionovo INC 7169874

Bionovo, Inc

Bionovo is a pharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of safe and effective treatments for women's health and cancer, markets with significant unmet needs and billions in potential annual revenue. The company applies its expertise in the biology of menopause and cancer to design new drugs derived from botanical sources which have novel mechanisms of action. Based on the results of early and mid-stage clinical trials, Bionovo believes they have discovered new classes of drug candidates within their rich pipeline with the potential to be leaders in their markets. Bionovo is headquartered in Emeryville, California and is traded on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the symbol, "BNVI". For more information about Bionovo and its programs, visit



Bionovo INC 7169874

Intraday (Realtime):
Bionovo INC 7169874


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News !

30.12.09 00:11
BNVI / Bionovo Announces Publication Describing First Novel Dual mTOR Inhibitor, BN107, for the Treatment of Breast Cancer

BNVI Nov Seeking Alpha article

30.12.09 00:16


30.12.09 12:07

Report vom November

30.12.09 13:34


30.12.09 15:49
Gap closed ?

Gap zu + Taxlosssellers raus...

31.12.09 13:55
Zudem gute News.
Sollte im Januar  "lala" machen.. :-)
Schön im Auge behalten...imo

02.01.10 00:32

Bionovo INC" style="max-width:560px" />


02.01.10 11:12

Bezielle (BZL101) Clinical Trial Trial Status: Active, Not Recruiting

Bionovo INC 7182645


02.01.10 11:22

Seala® for Postmenopausal Vaginal Atrophy and Dryness

Bionovo INC" style="max-width:560px" />


BioShockers 1Q 2010 Watch List

02.01.10 11:24
Posted by: Camaro1093    Date: Friday, January 01, 2010 7:43:43 PM  
In reply to: None  Post # of 180      

BioShockers 1Q 2010 Watch List

ANX (.3499) – NDA Submission for ANX-530 by mid-January.
CRXX (0.83) – FDA Decision on Exalgo on Feb. 22.
DDSS (2.08) – FDA Decision on novel formulation of Trazadone on Feb. 11.
IGXT.OB (0.62) – FDA Decision on higher dosage of Welbutrin on Feb. 6.
IVD (0.51) – Possible FDA Decision for the MAGO® 4S 510k submission in 1Q 2010.
BNVI (0.4755) – Possible initiation of 1st of two pivotal phase 3 trials for Menerba.
GNVC (1.18) – Possible release of PACT trial data.
NEXM (0.285) - 1Q financials, since Bio-Quant acquisition completed Dec. 2009.
ACHN (3.11) - Possible early-mid January release of an additional cohort's data in their Hepatitis C drug.

Possible BioShockers, but w/ higher level of risk than others:

CDXP.OB (0.05) – Note due, but note holders keep extending due date. In my opinion, partnership could possibly be coming. But, it is also very likely that they file for BK.


Disclosure: Do your OWN DD before investing. Do not buy or sell securities based on my nor anyone else's opinion.


02.01.10 13:05

Bionovo INC[Fact_Sheet_2.JPG" style="max-width:560px" />



06.01.10 12:55
Sieht doch ganz gut aus das ganze...


06.01.10 14:13
Dr. Marco Gambacciani, M.D. Joins Bionovo, Inc. Medical Advisory Board
Date : 01/06/2010 @ 8:00AM
Source : PR Newswire
Stock : Bionovo (MM) (BNVI)
Quote :  0.505  0.0 (0.00%) @ 8:11AM


06.01.10 22:15

Bionovo INC" style="max-width:560px" />




08.01.10 21:46
Auch hier gehts stetig Bergauf...

schaut gut aus................

25.01.10 09:53
Man wird nicht reich, durch das, was man verdient, sondern durch das, was man nicht ausgibt

stetig bergauf...bionovo

10.02.11 11:29
fällt von tag zu tag...was los hier?

35,3 cent bionovo

21.03.11 12:22
keiner mehr da, der mitdiskutiert über die gründe des abstiegs?
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