(bhoa son langer Name Du) Symbol: ENJ

Beiträge: 38
Zugriffe: 7.315 / Heute: 3
Entergy New Orle. 21,02 $ +0,00% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -16,63%

(bhoa son langer Name Du) Symbol: ENJ

22.05.15 17:46
Kosmonova buran


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Der Wald:

... uuuuuund kurz vor Pfingsten

22.05.15 23:18
der nächste (unvermeidliche, da von ARIVA geduldet bzw. gefördert) Versuch eines DUMM-PUSHes von einem gewissen "Buran" ....
So what ...


23.05.15 15:30
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
  22.05.15    25,212    25,212§25,21 25,21 $ 967 22.993

Der Wald:


24.05.15 09:53

1733 GEBONGT 1733

26.05.15 20:06
Zeit      Kurs Stück
  18:00:13§25,224 $ 733
  18:00:12§25,14 $ 267
  18:00:10§25,21 $ 733

und zack zack gleich weiter ask RT

26.05.15 20:08
Preis pro share 25,23 $ Schleife 200 spread 1,16% buran und MfG und zu spät wenn im Orbit Sarg die Pfeife schwebt

die alte Düsedau::::

27.05.15 13:27
::::::::::::::::: 25,23 $ +0,08% +0,02 $
In Euro: 23,181 € | NYSE, 26.05.15 ,GrB
Der Wald:

du alte SCHROTT-Sau::::

27.05.15 22:15

27 satzlich

28.05.15 06:45
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
  27.05.15   25,0299    25,186§25,0299 25,186 $ 900 21.738

Der Wald:

0815 entsetzlich

28.05.15 15:02

Wieso entsetzlich ?
Begruendung: Buransche Blöd-PUSH-"Werte" !!!
gebongt mit frdl. Unterstützung des "seriösen" Boards ARIVA , GRINS ......


5700 Scheine punktuell realtime

28.05.15 18:50

No 28:::::

29.05.15 07:45
:::::::::::::::: 25,19 $ +0,02% +0,004 $
In Euro: 23,008 € | NYSE, 28.05.15 ,GrB

Investor Information

29.05.15 13:06
www.entergynewsroom.com/investor-relations/ GrB

Stock Information

29.05.15 13:06
$76.55   + 0.14 May 28, 2015
4:03 PM ET
Quotes delayed at least 20 minutes.

Lewis Creek Units Taken Offline;

29.05.15 13:09
Dam Repair Work Continues

THE WOODLANDS, TEXAS -- To reduce the risk of levee failure and help protect the community, Entergy Texas, Inc. officials took Lewis Creek units 1 and 2 offline last night. This will allow the continued reduction of water level in the Lewis Creek Reservoir. www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/...-repair-work-continues/

Visual Inspection Reveals No Additional Areas Of

29.05.15 13:09
Concerns, Lewis Creek Levee Holding
After early rains today, geotechnical engineers and officials with Entergy Texas, Inc. inspected the Lewis Creek levee and found no additional areas of concern.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

Montgomery County Emergency Management Media

29.05.15 13:10
Release: Mandatory Evacuations Cancelled
Based on revised weather forecasts that lowered rainfall predictions, County Judge Craig Doyal, in concert with Sheriff Tommy Gage, Precinct 1 Commissioner Mike Meador, and emergency officials, has cancelled the mandatory evacuation for neighborhoods near the Lewis Creek Reservoir.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

Reservoir Repairs Improve Dam Condition

29.05.15 13:10

As a result of the around-the-clock work on the Lewis Creek Reservoir dam, Entergy Texas President and CEO Sallie Rainer reported to Montgomery County officials today that the threat of a dam failure has substantially decreased, but has not been completely eliminated.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

Lewis Creek Dam Intact After Storms Move

29.05.15 13:11
Through the Area
Most of the heavy rain and thunderstorms have moved through area near the Lewis Creek reservoir. The company has performed an initial inspection of the dam and has confirmed that there is no breach and no visible damage. The protective coverings remain in place.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

Pilgrim nuclear power plant returns to service

29.05.15 13:12
after $70 million investment to boost safety and reliability
Entergy's Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station has returned to full service, renewed after a $70 million investment to upgrade, replace, overhaul and inspect hundreds of pieces of equipment that make the plant safer today than when it was built.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

Indian Point Unit 3 Back in Service,

29.05.15 13:12
Generating Electricity Following Transformer Replacement
Entergy's Indian Point Unit 3 nuclear power plant returned to service yesterday generating electricity, after a sixteen-day shutdown to replace a failed main electrical transformer. The unit had safely and automatically shut down when the transformer failed on May 9.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

Lewis Creek Dam Intact After Storms;

29.05.15 13:13
Repair Work Continues
Early this morning, the company performed inspections of the Lewis Creek dam with a geotechnical engineer and has confirmed that the dam remains intact.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

Lewis Creek Dam Intact After Storms;

29.05.15 13:13
Repair Work Continues
Early this morning Entergy Texas, Inc. performed inspections of the Lewis Creek Reservoir dam with a geotechnical engineer and have confirmed that the dam remains intact. Previously installed protective covering continues to hold.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

Entergy New Orleans to Begin $30 Million

29.05.15 13:14
Transmission System Upgrade
New Orleans will be positioned for continued economic growth and development when Entergy New Orleans, Inc. begins a $30 million technological upgrade to its electric power transmission system this summer.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

Lewis Creek Levee Remains Intact; More Preventive

29.05.15 13:14
Measures on the Way
Repairs continue at the Lewis Creek levee after recent heavy rainfall resulted in soil movement in some areas earlier this week.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

Entergy Mississippi, Inc.

29.05.15 13:15
Prepares for Hurricane Season
The month of June is traditionally known for weddings, school vacations and the official start of summer. There's much to celebrate, but there's also something to prepare for: June 1 is the official start of the 2015 Atlantic hurricane season.

Read More … www.entergynewsroom.com/latest-news/

About Us

29.05.15 13:16
Entergy Corporation is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including nearly 10,000 megawatts of nuclear power, making it one of the nation’s leading nuclear generators. www.entergynewsroom.com/about-us/

#27 Entergy delivers electricity to 2.8 million

29.05.15 13:17
utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Entergy has annual revenues of more than $12 billion and approximately 13,000 employees. www.entergynewsroom.com/about-us/

buran & MARIO www.facebook.com/mario.meierhof/

7-May-2015 Quarterly Report

15.06.15 21:04

Refer to

15.06.15 21:05
further information with respect to operating statistics. biz.yahoo.com/e/150507/enj10-q.html

Revenue per MWh for Entergy Wholesale Commodities

15.06.15 21:05
Nuclear Plants biz.yahoo.com/e/150507/enj10-q.html


15.06.15 21:06
See "MANAGEMENT'S FINANCIAL DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS - Results of Operations - Realized Revenue per MWh for Entergy Wholesale Commodities Nuclear Plants" in the Form 10-K for a discussion of the effects of sustained low natural gas prices and power market structure challenges on market prices for electricity in the New York and New England power regions over the past few years. The higher realized revenue in first quarter 2014 compared to first quarter 2015 was due to significantly higher Northeast spot market prices in first quarter 2014 as a result of sustained cold weather across the entire region combined with limited liquefied natural gas imports and natural gas infrastructure constraints. biz.yahoo.com/e/150507/enj10-q.html


15.06.15 21:07
.......FinancialsEDGAR Online Financials(Fri, May 15) finance.yahoo.com/q?s=ENJ&ql=1

Hassan fass die Sau::::

25.01.16 01:08
:::::::::::: 25,649 $ +0,47% +0,1189 $
In Euro: 23,752 € | NYSE, 22.01.16 ,GrB

Entergy New Orleans, a subsidiary of Entergy

29.04.17 18:53
Corporation, is an electric and gas utility serving Orleans Parish. Entergy New Orleans owns one generating station: the 870 MW Michoud Plant located in eastern New Orleans. www.entergy-neworleans.com/about_entergy/default.aspx


414 GEBONGT 414

04.05.17 23:12

Zeit     Kurs Stück Umsatz Lfd. Stück Lfd. Umsatz
  21:56:00§24,88 $ 100 2.488 279 6.936
  15:33:26§24,85 $ 179 4.448 179 4.448



letzte ask 22-08 und somit aktuell für 23-08

22.08.17 23:18
Preis pro Schein 25,17 $ Schleife 200 spread 0,28% ,GrB
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  37 (bhoa son langer Name Du) Symbol: ENJ buran buran 24.04.21 23:51
