Beschäftigt sich hier jemand mit Nanophase Technologies??

Beiträge: 16
Zugriffe: 1.014 / Heute: 1
Kaiser Sosá:

Beschäftigt sich hier jemand mit Nanophase Technologies??

12.07.00 02:51
Die kommenden Quartalszahlen werden wohl voll im Plan liegen, ausserdem wurden heute an der NASDAQ die 12$ durchbrochen, was für einen Schub nach Norden sorgen könnte.

Interessiert sich hier noch jemand für diesen Wert, würde gerne mal ein paar Meinungen hören ...

Bin schon länger investiert,

12.07.00 05:56
und halte Nanophase für einen sehr aussichtsreichen Wert. Nanotechnologie ist sicher eine Schlüsseltechnologie der Zukunft. Alle großen Cemieunternehmen investieren momentan in diese Technik. Nanophase könnte hier u.U. gut mitspielen. Allein der Markt für Nanotechnische Oberflächen ist gigantisch.

upper falls:

Re: Nach 70% Gewinn in wenigen Wochen, alleine gestern 14 %....

12.07.00 07:25
bei NANOPHASE (NANX) habe ich mich nach "verwandten"Werten
umgesehen und dabei u.a. HHGP (911428) entdeckt , die fast
758.000 Aktien von NANX zu Kaufkursen von 1,73 $ besitzen, aber noch nicht
von der Erholung ihres Babys profitiert haben.
Zweitens  ALTI ( 902675):
Press Release

                 Altair International Inc.

                 Nasdaq NM Symbol: ALTIF
                                              STRONG BUY
                                              Price Objective: $20.00
                 Capitalization (September 30, 1999)
                 Long Term Debt: None
                                              Price: $5 1/8
                 Common Stock: 15.4 million shares

                                              Range: $9 7/16 high, $3 3/8
                 Float: 12.0 million shares approximately
                 Market Cap: $78,925,000

                 The future is now. Nano particles are being engineered for high
                 technology use, near-molecular scale building blocks used for
                 telecommunications, computers, medicine and a multiplicity of
                 industrial uses.

                 Altair acquired patented Nano particle technology last year from BHP
                 minerals, the giant mining conglomerate. Altair has just begun to
                 manufacture Nano particle products at its production facility in Reno,

                 A Nano Particle is 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human
                 hair. Altair's "TiNano" Product is already being sent to potential
                 commercial users as trial samples. Full production is possible as
                 early as this summer. Management believes it's porduct is superior to
                 current supplies and can be produced for half the cost of conventional
                 sources. Altair's plant is capable of producing 300 to 600 tons of
                 titanium dioxide (TiO2) Nano particles annually with room for
                 expansion. Specialized products for paint, automotive, cosmetic,
                 specialized sub-micron cotaings and powders sell for up to
                 $37,500/ton and can be produced for under $1000/ton. The Altair
                 technology allows unprecedented control of particle size, chemical
                 purity and crystal morphology - elements which may be custom
                 tailored to industrial specifications.


                 Under the most conservative estimates, this production could
                 generate annual revenue of $10.5 million in 2000 with a net profit of
                 around 40%. Year 2000 earnings are projected at $0.30 per share with
                 a geometric progression in future sales and earnings growth
                 attainable for a number of years.


 A recent announcement by Altair about the development of a business-to-business web
 site to facilitate the commerce of its nano-partical processing technology and sale of
 high-value specialty chemicals, including its titanium dioxide nano-partical is just the
 beginning of many more positive developments yet to come. Altair's marketing advisors
 from Menlo Park, California suggested a business-to-business web site to provide
 access to all nano-partical users. Identifying new users is critical as new uses are being
 developed at a rapid rate. Titanium dioxide nano-partical samples are available at
 Altair's Reno demonstration facility and will be provided to qualifying customers.
 Currently, commercial applications of Ti02 nano-particles fall into two main categories:
 optical and photo catalytic. Optical applications include pearlescent or metallic paints for
 automobiles, as well as sun-blocking and cosmetic applications. Photo catalytic
 applications include self cleaning tiles, sanitary ware and service coatings. Emerging
 photo catalytic applications include electro-conductive floor panels, textiles and wall
 materials; concrete additives; industrial filters; and environmental controls such as water
 treatment and purification. Numerous other potential applications that utilize materials
 other than titanium dioxide that may be produced with the new Altair technology include:
 ductile ceramics, special catalysts, high-strength magnetic media, optoelectronic
 components and pharmaceutical applications.

 Altair plans to produce and sell Ti02 nano-particles and other high-value specialty
 chemicals. Altair International is the 100% leasehold owner of a large titanium/zircon
 deposit in Tennessee. Titanium and zircon are contained in mineralized sand deposits
 which are estimated to total 540 million tons grading 3.6% heavy minerals. Altair is in the
 final development stages of commercializing its state-of-the-art technology, the Altair
 Centrifugal Jig, which recovers extremely fine, heavy particulate matter using a
 combination of a mechanical jig and centrifugal force. With the impressive volume levels
 we've witnessed over the last several days, one has to believe the stock could be ready
 to make a major move to the upside. Hopefully, Altair will be the next MDO super success
 story!! Our near term price target is $12.

 (Voluntary Disclosure: Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy)


Bin ebenfalls investiert. Kurzfristiges Kursziel 20 o.T.

12.07.00 08:33

Nanophase hat das Umsatzziel erreicht! und verdreifacht gegenüber 1999

12.07.00 15:11
Nanophase Technologies Achieves Second Quarter Revenue Growth Goal
Tuesday, July 11, 2000 08:30 AM  Mail this article to a friend  

BURR RIDGE, Ill., July 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanophase Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: NANX, news, msgs), a global leader in nanomaterials and nanoengineered products, today announced that it had reached its second quarter revenue growth target toward the company's 2000 goal of tripling revenue from 1999. Preliminary figures for the quarter ending June 30 indicate that the company realized revenue of approximately $1,104,000, representing a revenue increase of 235% compared to the second quarter of 1999, and 78% sequential quarterly revenue growth compared to the first quarter of 2000. For the six months ending June 30, the company's revenues totaled approximately $1,723,000, for an increase of 163% compared to the same period of 1999. During the first 6 months of 2000, the company's revenues were 21% above the company's entire 1999 annual revenue.

"We are quite satisfied to have hit our second quarter and first half year revenue growth targets toward our goal of tripling revenue this year from our 1999 results," stated Joseph Cross, Nanophase's president and CEO. "This quarter's results demonstrate the success of the manufacturing scale-up which began in the third quarter of 1999 and will continue during 2000, especially as we migrate development activities to our recently announced additional facility and begin further new product initiatives. Product revenues, equating to approximately 91% of this quarter's revenue, is the largest yet in the company's history for a fiscal quarter, but is an accomplishment we expect to eclipse later this year. At this point in time, based on purchase orders, customer commitments, and product development efforts nearing culmination, we remain comfortable with our 2000 revenue goal." Nanophase will release financial results on July 26, 2000, followed by its quarterly conference call on July 27 at 10:00 CST. The call will also be broadcast on Vcall. For information on how to "attend" this virtual conference call, log in at .

Nanophase Technologies Corporation provides engineered solutions utilizing nanocrystalline materials for a variety of industrial product applications. Using proprietary technology to produce nanocrystalline materials, the company creates products with unique performance attributes. The company's global customer base includes a number of Fortune 500 companies. Nanophase trades on the Nasdaq NMS under the symbol "NANX." Visit the company's web site at .

The words "expect", "anticipates, "plans", "forecasts" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward looking statements. Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts are forward looking statements that are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements reflect the Company's current beliefs, and a number of important factors could cause actual results for future periods to differ materially from those expressed in this news release. These important factors include, without limitation: a decision of the customer to cancel a purchase order or supply agreement; demand for, and acceptance of, the Company's nanocrystalline materials; changes in development and distribution relationships; the impact of competitive products and technologies; and other risks indicated in the Company's current Annual Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Nanophase undertakes no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements to reflect new events or uncertainties.

For Additional Information on Nanophase Technologies by fax at no cost, Dial 1-800-PRO-INFO, Code NANX.

SOURCE Nanophase Technologies Corporation

CONTACT: Joseph Cross, President and CEO, 630-734-4722, Dan Bilicki, VP of Sales and Marketing, 630-734-4751, Marianne Steimle, Investor Relations Manager, 630-734-4776, all of Nanophase Technologies; or General Information, Ted Gage, 312-640-6745, Analysts, Lisa Fortuna, 312-640-6779, Media, Tim Grace, 312-274-2240, all at The Financial Relations Board for Nanophase Technologies

upper falls:

jetzt beschäftigen.....M.T.

12.07.00 19:42
wir uns mit einem anderen Unternehmen aus dem Nanotechnologie-Bereich:
ALTI (902675).
Die haben gegenüber NANX (die ich weiter halte) doch erheblichen Nachholbedarf, vor allem nach diesen brandheissen news:
Wednesday July 12, 12:41 pm Eastern Time

Company Press Release

SOURCE: Altair International Inc.

PaineWebber Incorporated Engaged by Altair

CODY, Wyo., July 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Altair International Inc. (Nasdaq: ALTI - news) today announced that PaineWebber
Incorporated (PaineWebber) has been engaged to act as Altair's investment banker. The two parties have agreed
PaineWebber will assist Altair in exploring strategic alternatives that could enhance shareholder value, which may include,
among other things, strategic alliances, financings and mergers and acquisitions.

Altair International owns a proprietary technology for making nanocrystalline materials of unique quality. The company is
currently developing special nanomaterials with potential applications in fuel cells, hard coatings, catalysts, cosmetics, paints,
batteries, computers, semi-conductors and telecommunications. Altair also holds mineral leases on a ``world class'' titanium
mineral sand deposit in Tennessee where pilot plant construction has commenced.

The PaineWebber Group Inc., together with its subsidiaries, serves the investment and capital needs of a worldwide client
base. Founded in 1879, its core businesses include private client investment services, asset management, research, investment
banking, global equity sales and trading, municipal securities and transaction (correspondent) services. With $452 billion in
client assets, the firm employs 20,008 people in 318 offices.

This press release may be deemed to contain certain forward-looking statements with respect to Altair that are subject to risks
and uncertainties that include, but are not limited to, Altair's ability to obtain necessary capital, performance and reliability of
technology, market acceptance of products using Altair technology, variance in anticipated production costs and unanticipated
effects of regulatory requirements related to the technology, as well as those identified in the Company's press releases or
discussed from time to time in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings. Actual results may vary materially.

For more information, please contact William P. Long, President of Altair International Inc., 307-587-8245,; or Paul Savageau of Savageau & Associates, 303-756-8045, for Altair International Inc.

News releases and other information on Altair can be accessed at no charge at Altair's website

SOURCE: Altair International Inc.


das kann ja nur eine beabsichtigte Kapitalerhöhung bedeuten! bei ALTI .

12.07.00 20:02

Die deutsche Nanophase heisst Nanogate

12.07.00 20:41

Ich weiss nicht ob dass nicht schon bekannt ist, habe aber den obigen Link gefunden mit der erwähnten Firma, will allerdings nocht nicht an den NM..
upper falls:


13.07.00 07:22
....evtl.auch als Vorbereitung für Aquisitionen oder "mergers":

Wednesday July 12, 1:47 pm Eastern Time

Altair hires PaineWebber, weighs merger or linkup

CODY, Wyo., July 12 (Reuters) - Altair International Inc. (NasdaqNM:ALTI - news) said
on Wednesday it hired investment banker PaineWebber Group Inc. (NYSE:PWJ - news) to
help it explore strategic alternatives including a possible alliance, merger or acquisition.

``The two parties have agreed PaineWebber will assist Altair in exploring strategic
alternatives that could enhance shareholder value,'' said a statement issued by Altair, which
develops nanocrystalline materials used in paints, cosmetics, fuel cells and computers.

Shares of Altair were off 1/16 to 3-5/16 on the Nasdaq market, down sharply from its 52-week high of 9-7/16 set in March.

Kaiser Sosá:

Bin gestern bei 13,10€ bei NANX eingestiegen.

13.07.00 09:17
wahrscheinlich viel zu spät, aber irgendwie wollte ich Nanophase erstmal auf der Watchlist beobachten. Hoffe der Kursanstieg hält an ....
upper falls:

Könnte sein, dass jetzt einige Tage.....M.T.

14.07.00 18:22
.....HHGP (911428) nachzieht.
HHGP besitzt ja bekanntlich 758.000 Aktien von NANX zu Kaufkursen
um 1,73 $ und hat noch kaum auf die NANX-Euphorie reagiert.
Wer mehr wissen will über diese interessante AG:  

Upper falls: habe Altair auch mal auf der Watchlist gehabt,die Homepag.

14.07.00 18:43
aber die finanzielle Situation hat mir nicht sehr gefallen.Vielleicht sollte man sich auch mal Agilent Technologies ansehen,die für Hewlett Packard im Computerbereich forschen.Da war auch irgendwo ein Report.Und sehr interessant im Mikroelektronikbereich könnte Cepheid werden,die gerade konsolidieren.Ist ne Ipo,die DNA-Analysen macht im Biotechbereich.
  mfG  Kicky

Re: Beschäftigt sich hier jemand mit Nanophase Technologies??

14.07.00 20:34
Mit Nanotecs ist im Moment wahrscheinlich nicht viel los, da in USA jeder $
für die aktuellen Zocks gebrucht wird.Und gerade deshals erinnert Euch an die alte Regel: Werte, an die Ihr glubt, kaufen, wenn sie kein anderer will.
Kicky, die Auszüge aus Deiner Watchlist sind mit das interessanteste im Board.

Was haltet Ihr von Nanopierce?

15.07.00 10:42
Im Focus stand mal ein Bericht über ide Firma, aber ich finde in Deutschland keine Info´s (WKN:916132).
gruß jollyjumper  

Re: Beschäftigt sich hier jemand mit Nanophase Technologies??

15.07.00 11:49
Nanopierce oder NPCT eingeben.
Verbindungen auf molekularer Ebene werden IMHO ein Muss für z.B. Platinen
der näheren Zukunft (3+ Jahre). Beim Gedanken an Lötverbindungen zwischen
Bauteilen deren Interfaces im 3stelligen MHz-Bereich agieren, rollen sich
Nachrichtentechnikern doch die Fussnägel auf.
upper falls:

Re: A L T I - news (19.07.00)!!!!!!!!!!! M.T.

19.07.00 17:48
Company Press Release

SOURCE: Altair International Inc.

Altair Fuel Cell Research

CODY, Wyo., July 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Altair International Inc. (Nasdaq: ALTI - news) reported today that its wholly owned
subsidiary, Altair Technologies, has begun development of ceramic oxide fuel cell membranes and reactive catalyst support
structures, that if successful could have widespread utilization in the development and manufacturing of fuel cells. Fuel cells are
projected to become widely used as power generation sources. ``Success of our research work in the fields of crystalline
catalyst bases and surface chemistry control of nanoparticle sized titanium dioxide led us to the decision to support a
development team on the ceramic oxide fuel cell membranes and reactive support systems,'' said Mr. Ken Lyon, president of
Altair Technologies. ``The activity is parallel to other nanoparticle work.''

``We are optimistic that the unique nature of our process for growing crystalline Ti02 from dense films will allow us to
overcome the deficiencies normally encountered in high temperature fuel cells,'' said Dr. Bruce Sabacky. Altair has previously
demonstrated its unique ability to grow porous (greater than 50% void space) interlocked structures of 1 to 2 micron by 8 to
10 micron rutile crystals. This base shows very high structural stability up to around 1100 oC according to Dr. Sabacky, the
principal scientist involved in the fuel cell development. Surface chemistry control methods will be used to apply catalyst and
conductivity components as an integral feature of the support structure. The company is attempting to use this reactive base to
support oxygen transfer membrane films using established sol gel techniques.

Altair International owns a proprietary technology for making nanocrystalline materials of unique quality, economically in large
quantities. The company is currently developing special nanomaterials with potential applications in fuel cells, hard coatings,
catalysts, cosmetics, paints, batteries, computers, semi-conductors and telecommunications. The technology may also be used
to make paint pigment at a cost forecast to be substantially lower than commercial technologies employed today. Altair holds
mineral leases on a ``world class'' titanium mineral sand deposit in Tennessee and is in the process of constructing a pilot plant
at that site. The company's other principle asset is the Altair Centrifugal Jig, an environmentally friendly breakthrough
technology for mining, coal treatment and environmental remediation.

This press release may be deemed to contain certain forward-looking statements with respect to Altair that are subject to risks
and uncertainties that include, but are not limited to, Altair's ability to obtain necessary capital, performance and reliability of
technology, market acceptance of products using Altair technology, variance in anticipated production costs and unanticipated
effects of regulatory requirements related to the technology, as well as those identified in the Company's press releases or
discussed from time to time in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings. Actual results may vary materially.

News releases and other information on Altair can be accessed at no charge at Altair's website
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