bei der Nasdaq ist es wie mit einem Flugzeug...

Beiträge: 7
Zugriffe: 493 / Heute: 1

bei der Nasdaq ist es wie mit einem Flugzeug...

30.11.00 17:02
..zuerst geht es nach oben und wenn dann das Öl ausgeht wieder nach unten.
Aber einen Boden haben bisher alle gefunden, ausnahmslos!

@ flitzpiepe: dito, what goes up - must come down! o.T.

30.11.00 17:12

Und wenns dann aufschlägt kommt es nie wieder nach

30.11.00 17:17

@Gordon_Gekko o.T.

30.11.00 17:27

Die Frage ist, in welchem Flight-Level wir grad

30.11.00 17:36
sind ...

Je höher, desto größer der BUMS
(kleiner Scherz)


30.11.00 17:40
kennst du etwa alan parsons project?dann müsstest du ja wissen,dass es ein eye in the sky gibt(zur zeit leider das von lucifer).
aber im sinne von eurythmics:sweet dreams.
gruss karo

@ karo (only): sweet dreams? PSYCHOBABBLE!!!

30.11.00 18:15

Tell you 'bout a dream that I have every night

Tell you 'bout a dream that I have every night
It ain't kodachrome and it isn't black and white
Take me for a fool if you feel that's right
Well I'm never on my own but there's nobody in sight
I don't know if I'm scared of the lightning
Trying to reach me

I can't turn to the left or the right
I'm too scared to run and I'm too weak to fight
But I don't care it's all psychobabble rap to me

Tell you 'bout a dream that I have every night
It's in dolby stereo but I never hear it right
Take me for a fool well that's alright
Well I see the way to go but there isn't any light
I don't know why I'm scared of the lightning
Trying to reach me

Help me to find what I don't wanna know
You're taking me there but I don't wanna go
I don't care it's all psychobabble rap to me

Psychobabble all psychobabble
Psychobabble all psychobabble

I don't care it's all psychobabble rap to me
You're readin' my mind you won't look in my eyes
You say I do things that I don't realise
But I don't care it's all psychobabble rap to me

Psychobabble all psychobabble
Psychobabble all psychobabble

You're lighting a scene that's faded to black
I threw it away cause I don't want it back
But I don't care it's all psychbabble rap

Written by Eric Woolfson and Alan Parsons
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