BCD Res 70000 Oz. Produzent für 30 Mio€

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BCD Res 70000 Oz. Produzent für 30 Mio€

19.02.10 20:44
Erreicht Gewinnzone Prduktionkosten liegen bei über 900 AUD und die Ressourcen sind relativ knapp bemessen

• Operating Cash Flow of $6.6 million for the half-year

• EBITDA of $5.9 million, compared to $3.2 million for the December 2008 halfyear

• Net profit after tax of $0.7 million, compared to a loss of $2.3 million

• Cash and bullion increased by $3.9 million to $12.1 million

• Total Tasmania Mine gold resources increased to 571,000 ounces

• Reserves increased to 285,000 ounces at 9.6g/t

• The trial of a lower cost, enhanced remote mining method is on track to
commence in the March 2010 quarter

BCD Resources is pleased to report a net profit for the half-year of $0.7 million (31 December 2008
half-year: loss of $2.3 million). This was after providing $4.7 million for depreciation and amortisation.
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation were $5.9 million, an 87.5% improvement on
the December 2008 half-year result.
The improved performance mainly reflects a stronger Australian dollar gold price, partly offset by 4%
lower gold production. The average gold price realised for the half-year of A$1,186 per ounce was 11%
higher than for the same period last year. The average gold price received to date during calendar 2010
is A$1,234 per ounce.
A number of initiatives were commenced during the half-year to further improve productivity and reduce
costs. These included the introduction of a new mining method with lower development and drilling
costs, and selective mining of high grade areas by contractors.
The gross profit from Tasmania Mine operations was $7.8 million, which funded expenditure of $2.0

million on mine development and exploration. The benefit of this exploration was seen in a 37%
increase in gold resources to 571,000 ounces. Cash increased by $4 million and bank debt was fully
repaid during the half-year. Group cash and bullion despatched and accounted as revenue totalled
A$12.1 million at 31 December 2009.
BCD Resources will continue to target resource extensions at the Tasmania Mine and will pursue an
active gold exploration program. It continues to look at options to enhance the value of its attractive
Victorian copper assets.



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Best Tasmania Reef gold intersection since 1983

17.05.10 07:51

@DasMünz      Die Bohrergebnisse sind absolut krass;-)) Hoffe für Dich, dass Du noch investiert bist?!

Leider nicht

17.05.10 17:13
aber mal abwarten wie die nächsten Tage laufen.

Recent drilling adds 66,000 oz of high-grade

28.05.10 16:18
Fast eine Jahresproduktion High Grade Material, dürfe die Produktionkosten deutlich senken wenn auf einmal noch ein Drittel der Erzmenge bewegt werden muss, um das gleich Ergebnis zu erzielen- dazu kommt noch eine günstigere Abbaumethode- vielleicht auf 700AUD/Oz.

Recent drilling adds 66,000 oz of high-grade resources
(18.9 g/t gold) at the Tasmania Mine

28 May 2010 ASX Announcement

• Interim JORC resource for the new Western Zone as at 26 May 2010 estimated to
be 155,000 tonnes at 16.0 g/t gold containing 80,000 ounces

• Represents an additional 66,000 ounces or 12% increase on December 2009 total
Tasmania Reef resources of 571,000 ounces

• Proximity of Western Zone to existing underground development will facilitate
early development

• Best Western Zone hole to date, J26, intersects 46.7 g/t gold over 11.4m
downhole, including 115.7 g/t over 2.7m

• Two underground rigs drilling to further extend gold resources

BCD Resources CEO, Bill Colvin said: “It is very pleasing to announce an addition of 66,000 ounces
to our December 2009 gold resources as a result of our on-going drilling campaign. Importantly the
additional resources are very high grade at 18.9 g/t.
This new Western Zone is much thicker than typical Tasmania Reef mineralisation. We plan to
extract it using our new radial-in-reef, remote mining method which offers substantial cost savings
over our previous remote mining method. The new mining method, the ore thickness and the high
gold grade indicate that mining of the Western Zone should be very profitable.”
An on-going campaign of underground diamond drilling is delineating high grade ore in the western

area of the Tasmania Mine, now known as the Western Zone. The Western Zone is close to
existing underground development as shown in Figure 1. As considerable potential exists to add
further high grade mineralisation to the resource, drilling has been accelerated with the manning of
an additional diamond drill crew. Results of further significant intersections will be released as they
become available.
Resource Statement
An interim Resource Statement for the Western Zone has been independently prepared by Coffey
Mining, using ordinary kriging to estimate grade. The Identified Mineral Resource for the Western
Zone of the Tasmania Reef, using a 6.0 g/t gold cut-off, as at 26 May 2010 is shown in Table 1.
The total Tasmania Reef Resource as at 31 December 2009 was 571,000 ounces. At that time, the
resource estimate included 46,800 tonnes at 9.3 g/t gold for 14,000 ounces in respect of the
Western Zone. The increase for the Western Zone since 31 December 2009 therefore is 108,000
tonnes at 18.9 g/t for 66,000 ounces of gold.
Development Plans
The discovery of the thick, high-grade Western Zone promises to substantially improve the
profitability of future mining operations at the Tasmania Mine.
The Western Zone is only 130m along strike from existing mine workings (refer Figure 1) and
several alternatives to access the area for early production are currently being assessed.
For further information contact:
Bill Colvin – Chief Executive Officer
BCD Resources NL
t: 61-3-9909-7401
e: enquiries@bcdresources.com.au
w: www.bcdresources.com.au

Nicht mal der stand aus vor einem Jahr

28.05.10 19:55
erreicht, aber BCD steht viel besser da als damals
BCD Res 70000 Oz. Produzent für 30 Mio€ 323107

BDG übernimmt BCD

24.07.10 12:52
Bendigo Mining (ASX: BDG) and BCD Resources (ASX: BCD) have entered into a Scheme of Arrangement to merge the companies to create a larger, gold mining business.

Bendigo will acquire all of the ordinary shares in BCD. BCD shareholders will receive 0.72 Bendigo shares for each BCD share held which, based on the last closing prices, implies a combined market capitalisation of A$162 million.

The merger is unanimously recommended by the BCD directors in the absence of a superior proposal and subject to scheme is in the best interests of BCD shareholders.

The merger offer ratio of 0.72 Bendigo shares for every BCD shares implies an offer price of 14.4 cents per BCD share, a premium of 44 per per cent to BSC's closing price.

The merger would combine Bendigo’s production and strong balance sheet with BCD’s high grade Tasmania Mine.

Bendigo has acquired a relevant interest in 19.92% of BCD’s ordinary shares from BCD’s largest shareholder, Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad.
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