AT&T Gewinnwarnung und Dividendenkürzung...

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Hans Dampf:

AT&T Gewinnwarnung und Dividendenkürzung...

20.12.00 23:07

                 AT&T slashes dividend, warns
                 --4:55 pm - By William L. Watts
                 AT&T (T: news, msgs) moved after the close Wednesday to slash its annual
                 dividend and warned that fourth quarter revenues would fall below
                 expectations. Ma Bell said it was cutting its quarterly dividend to 3.75 cents a
                 share from the previous level of 22 cents a share to bring its dividend policy in
                 line with its peers. The company said top line revenue is expected to grow
                 between 2.5% to 3% in the fourth quarter, compared to previous guidance of
                 4% to 5%.
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