bagger aus den 90ern...
Message from anonymous
A few things:
1. Aston Bay 0.035 cent financing is dead, the Aug 02 news and the subsequent rise in the share price all but killed the deal. These are TSX rules, I would suspect BAY will make an announcement to this effect after August 15th, just my guess.
2. There are 0.12 cents warrants in the money that will be exercised, this will look after BAY"s short term cash needs.
3. BAY has been exploring STORM for nearly a decade and did a deal with BHP, but they walked away when their targets came up duds, it was a binary decision for them.
4. Thomas Ullrich (CEO of Aston Bay) did a deal with American West, as they bought into Tom's geologic model of a stratabound sedimentary hosted copper system. AW was willing to put up the cash and take the risk, and now they have an 80% stake in a emerging potentially tier 1, world class, sedimentary hosted copper belt. Kudos to AW, for being aggressive and having the balls to take the big risk, it's a win, win for everybody. BAY could not have found a better dance partner in American West.
5. BAY gets a free ride until a mine decision, so no dilution while drilling out a potentially world class super giant. This is BAY's advantage, as BAY can raise capital at higher prices down the road as more drilling results prove out the ore body(ies).
6. At what point does AW and BAY do a business combination, spin out Storm Copper into it"s own entity and bring in a major for a 10% stake for $150 million cash so they can drill the f*** out of this thing and start a Voisey's Bay style $4.5 Billion bidding war???
7. The DSO is a game changer for this project, payback will likely be in the first year of operation, it's comparitively not expensive to run a pit and sorting machines, it will spin off cashflow almost immediately.
8. The jurisiduction is not a problem, the Hope Bay gold mine is a big operation, currently producing in Nunavut, they are not that far away, as well several former mines operated in the area for decades.
This discovery is only 3 holes in, we're just getting started...