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Aquarius Platinum (Sydney ASX)
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/charts/big.chart?symb=AU%3AAQP&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&ma=0&maval=9&uf=0&lf=1&lf2=0&lf3=0&type=2&size=2&state=8&sid=157323&style=320&time=1&freq=9&nosettings=1&rand=3382&mocktick=1&rand=9098" style="max-width:560px" border=0>
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/charts/big.chart?symb=AU%3AAQP&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&ma=0&maval=9&uf=0&lf=1&lf2=0&lf3=0&type=2&size=2&state=8&sid=157323&style=320&time=8&freq=1&nosettings=1&rand=9526&mocktick=1&rand=2739" style="max-width:560px" border=0>
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/charts/big.chart?symb=AU%3AAQP&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&ma=0&maval=9&uf=0&lf=1&lf2=0&lf3=0&type=2&size=2&state=8&sid=157323&style=320&time=20&freq=2&nosettings=1&rand=6706&mocktick=1&rand=7325" style="max-width:560px" border=0>
KurshistorieSydney DatumErster Hoch Tief Letzter Umsatz 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a4.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 07.04.200621,00 21,20 20,51 20,51 242.6k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 06.04.200620,51 21,00 20,51 20,62 126.8k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 05.04.200619,65 19,92 19,65 19,90 194.3k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a4.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 04.04.200619,75 19,80 19,53 19,53 94.1k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a4.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 03.04.200620,00 20,00 19,70 19,80 134.7k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 31.03.200619,26 20,14 19,26 19,90 67.0k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 30.03.200619,00 19,25 18,94 19,02 110.7k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 29.03.200618,75 19,12 18,75 18,95 161.2k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 28.03.200618,47 18,99 18,47 18,60 65.8k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 27.03.200617,90 18,10 17,81 18,01 48.4k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 24.03.200617,15 17,85 16,98 17,30 180.1k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 23.03.200617,25 17,25 16,90 17,05 36.6k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a4.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 22.03.200617,30 17,46 16,98 17,02 55.7k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 21.03.200617,25 17,50 17,08 17,12 85.5k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 20.03.200616,22 16,85 16,22 16,85 40.5k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 17.03.200615,88 16,02 15,88 16,02 114.6k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 16.03.200615,85 15,85 15,50 15,62 105.4k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a4.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 15.03.200615,69 15,69 15,15 15,30 65.7k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 14.03.200615,40 15,81 15,40 15,60 18.4k berlinvestor.de - Aquarius Platinum interessant
14:45 07.01.05
Die Experten von "berlinvestor.de" halten die Aktie von Aquarius Platinum (ISIN BMG0440M1029/ WKN 925908) für ein interessantes Investment.
Der australische Minenkonzern Aquarius Platinum (AQP) betreibe gegenwärtig drei Minen (z. T. in Kooperation) in Südafrika und Simbabwe. "Filetstück" sei die Kroondal-Mine mit einer Jahresproduktion von 260.000 Unzen Platingruppenmetalle (PGM). Kroondal sei derzeit mit einer Gewinnspanne von über 300 USD/pro Unze PGM (Platin, Palladium, Rhodium, Gold) die effizienteste Mine der Welt. AQP halte hier einen 50-prozentigen Anteil. Weitere AQP-Minen seien die Marikana Mine und die Mimosa Platinum (50 Prozent-Anteil).
Im abgelaufenen Quartal habe AQP trotz eines 10-prozentigen Anstieges der Produktion von Platingruppenmetalle (PGM) nur einen operativen Gewinn von 0,04 australischen Dollar (AUD) pro Aktie erzielt. Belastend hätten sich die hohen Produktionskosten in der Mariakane Mine ausgewirkt. Hier seien aber bereits erste Schritte zur Problembewältigung eingeleitet worden.
AQP sei ein überaus interessantes Investment. Mit der Kroondal-Beteiligung verfüge der Konzern über ein starkes Standbein. Mit der sehr aussichtsreichen Everest Mine gehe im Jahr 2006 eine weitere Mine in Produktion. Insgesamt werde sich so die Jahresproduktion von aktuell 270.000 Unzen PGM auf 480.000 Unzen PGM erhöhen.
Die Experten von "berlinvestor.de" stellen bei Aquarius Platinum ein Kursziel von 4,20 Euro (12 Monate) in Aussicht.
Quelle: aktiencheck.de
Operations and projects | Kroondal Mine925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/icon_pdf.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/icon_printer.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> Key featuresLocation:Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex, in the North West Province of South Africa.Comprises:Underground mining to a depth of 400 metres via three decline sections – the Central, East and No 3 Shafts
Construction of fourth decline shaft commenced in January 2005; also opencast mining
Hot commissioning of new 250,000 ton per month concentrator plant to process additional ore from P&SA commenced in March 2005.Management:Dedicated AQP(SA) management team (14 people)
Mining outsourced: Underground – Cementation Mining; Opencast – MCC; Concentrator operations – Minopex.Production:Total production of 324,730 PGM ounces for FY2005; production attributable to AQP(SA) of 162,365 PGM ounces
At steady state, new concentrator is targeted to more than double annual output at Kroondal to 505,000 PGM ounces per annum by 2006.Life-of-mine:To 2016Refining:Offtake agreement with Impala Refining Services to 2008; balance of concentrate to be processed by Anglo Platinum as part of P&SA.Number of employees:1,550 contractors
About Kroondal
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/kroondal_map1.gif" style="max-width:560px" align=right>Conceived in 1996, Kroondal Platinum Mine – Aquarius Platinum's first and flagship operation – commenced production in August 1999. During 2000 Kroondal expanded its operation by installing a regrind mill and extra float cells in the plant. The production rate was increased by 66%, thereby reducing the life-of-mine to 2008.
This short life was addressed in early 2003, Aquarius Platinum entered into a Pool and Share Agreement (P&SA) with Anglo Platinum, whereby AQP(SA) and Anglo Platinum have shared revenues, costs and capital expenditure from 1 November 2003. By incorporating the Anglo Platinum reserves adjacent to Kroondal into the new mine plan, the transaction has resulted in an extension in the life-of-mine to 2016, and a more than doubling of the production rate.
During FY2005, Kroondal posted record production of 324,730 PGM ounces, of which 162,365 PGM ounces were attributable to AQP(SA).
Mining and processingKroondal is primarily an underground operation, with open pit operation slowly tailing off. With both reefs and the parting being mined, this has resulted in a wide-reef operation underground. Blasting control creates large waste rocks in the parting zone of which a large proportion are removed underground to improve the economics of the operation.
The practice of wide-reef mining at Kroondal translates into an increased resource and also improved safety with the competent hanging wall.
Kroondal’s success can further be ascribed to the skills and expertise of the management team, the efficiency of contract mining and processing, which brings with it focused, ”bought-in“ expertise, and the working of all, together, as one team.
Current productivity levels are among the highest in the industry.
The capital-intensive small-mine concept developed at Kroondal revolutionised the South African PGM industry. Essentially, the concept incorporates the use of key contractors, highly mechanised mining operations and the outsourcing of high-cost, high-risk smelting and refining operations. As a result, productivity levels at Kroondal rank among the highest in the industry.
A revised life-of-mine development plan for the expanded operation post the P&SA has been completed and approved by the joint Aquarius/Anglo Platinum management committee. Expansion of the underground operations at the Central, East and No 3 shafts to access the Anglo Platinum reserves to the north and east of the current Kroondal infrastructure has progressed well, including the construction of a fourth decline shaft having commended in January 2005. Over 1,000 metres of down-dip development has been completed to date, with the first ounces produced out of the newly commissioned 250,000 ounce per annum concentrator plant in March 2005.
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/kroondal_03.jpg" style="max-width:560px" align=right>The P&SA will see Kroondal’s production profile increasing from a name plate 240,000 PGM ounces per annum to 505,000 PGM ounces per annum by 2006, at an estimated cost of R750 million in 2003 money terms. It is also envisaged that some 1,000 new job opportunities will be created as a result of the expansion.
Location and geology
Kroondal is located approximately 120 kilometres north-west of Johannesburg, on the Western Limb of the world-renowned Bushveld Complex. The UG2 Reef outcrops on the property and dips to the north at approximately 9 degrees. This orebody comprises two mineralised seams – namely the Main and the Leader seams – which are separated by a one-metre pyroxenite zone commonly known as the parting.
Mining and processing
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/kroondal_pie2.gif" style="max-width:560px" align=right>Primarily an underground operation, Kroondal employs mechanised bord-and-pillar mining methods. As both the Main and Leader seams are mined together with the parting, Kroondal is a wide-seams operation underground – a practice which translates into an increased resource, improved productivity and improved safety because of the competent hanging wall. Further blasting control creates large waste rocks in the parting zone; a large proportion of these are removed underground in an effort to improve the economics of the operation. A Dense Media Separation (DMS) process in the concentrator plant removes further waste from the ore stream, effectively upgrading mill and flotation speed. Kroondal has a concentrate offtake agreement with Impala Refining Services until early 2008. Thereafter, in accordance with the P&SA, all smelting, refining and marketing of output from Kroondal, including that from the new plant, goes to Anglo Platinum.
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves as at 30 June 2005
The following Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves have been confirmed in accordance with the Joint Ore Reserves Code (JORC), under the auspices of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Krondal MineKroondal Mine (Attributable to AQP(SA)Mt4E PGE g/tMozMt4E PGE g/tMozMineralResources Measured52.375.579.3726.185.574.69Indicated10.285.491.815.145.490.91Inferred1.505.060.240.755.060.12TOTAL64.155.5411.4232.075.545.72Ore
ReservesOpen castProved0.444. = corrected 4E PGE-grade (Pt+Pd+Rh+Au)
Operations and projects | Marikana Platinum 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/icon_pdf.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/icon_printer.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> Key featuresLocation:Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex, in the North West Province of South Africa.Comprises:Open cast mining operations and a concentrator plant.Management:Dedicated AQP(SA) management team (seven people)
Mining outsourced: Opencast – MCC
Underground – M&R Cementation.Production:Total production of 99,161 PGM ounces during FY2005; steady state production post P&SA2 at 250,00 PGM ounces per annum (Aquarius attributable 50%).Life-of-mine:To 2011 though extending to 2024 post P&SA2.Refining:Refining: Concentrate offtake agreement with Impala Refining Services.Number of employees:980 contractors
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/marikana_map1.gif" style="max-width:560px" align=right>Commissioned in late 2002, ahead of schedule and under the budgeted capital cost of R630 million, the Marikana Platinum Mine is Aquarius Platinum’s second operating mine in South Africa.
Location and geology
Marikana is located eight kilometres from the company’s flagship operation, Kroondal with both situated on the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex.
The orebody, which measures approximately 1.5 kilometres by 3 kilometres, is a basin-like structure which dips down toward the centre from all sides at an angle of between 10 and 20 degrees to a maximum depth of about 200 metres. The surface topography is flat with a gentle slope to the north.
Mining and Processing
Initially the orebody is being mined through an open pit to a depth of some 100 metres. Progress has been made to initiate trial underground mining, with the positioning and design of portals for access completion. Trial underground mining from 60 metres below the original ground level is set to continue during 2005.
Production at Marikana was below expectations in FY2004. This was largely a result of production being negatively affected by abnormal rainfall and a high incidence of internal waste dilution. Planned recoveries were also adversely affected due to a higher oxidized:fresh ore ratio being mined as a result of the production delays. A second opencast mining contractor has been appointed to mine the shallow, north-eastern sector of the mine. Although only modest recoveries are expected from this sector, the economics are favourable as a result of the low stripping ratio. -->925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/marikana_03.jpg" style="max-width:560px" align=left> While the Marikana process circuit is very similar to that of Kroondal, a Dense Media Separation (DMS) circuit has not been installed at start-up since the opencast mining allows for selective waste removal from the run-of-mine (ROM) ore. The plant has proven its ability to process the designed throughput of 128,000 tons per month with a record 146,000 tons processed in June 2004. All designed plant operating parameters have been met with respect to grind, concentrate quality and costs. -->Marikana has a life of mine offtake agreement with Impala Refining Services, a subsidiary of Impala Platinum Holdings Limited.
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves as at 30 June 2005
The following Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves have been confirmed in accordance with the Joint Ore Reserves Code (JORC), under the auspices of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/marikana_map2.gif" style="max-width:560px" > Marikana Mine Mt4E PGE g/tMozMineralResources Measured12.173.571.40Indicated4.283.950.54Inferred3.322.900.31TOTAL19.773.542.25Ore
ReservesOpen castProved8.773.150.89Probable0.953.550.11UndergroundProved3.59 2.950.34Probable TOTAL13.313.121.34*g/t = corrected 4E PGE-grade (Pt+Pd+Rh+Au) Operations and projects | Everest925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/icon_pdf.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> <!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/Library/print.lbi" -->925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/icon_printer.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0><!-- #EndLibraryItem --> 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/everestLogo.gif" style="max-width:560px" >Key featuresLocation:Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa.Comprises:Single decline shaft and opencast operation being established
Concentrator under construction.Management:Dedicated AQP(SA) management team (currently 3 people)
Dowding Reynard and Associates (DRA) appointed to execute the project
Mining outsourced: Underground – Shaft Sinkers; Opencast – MCC; Concentrator – Minopex.Production:Commissioned in November 2005; Planned production of 225,000 PGM ounces per annum at steady state, scheduled for 2006.Life-of-mine:10 - 12 yearsRefining:Offtake Agreement with Impala Refining Services.
About Everest
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/everest_map1.gif" style="max-width:560px" align=right>The Everest Platinum Mine is Aquarius Platinum’s third operation in South Africa. The feasibility study for the project was upgraded to full bankable status in February 2003 and the project was awarded its mining licence in June 2003. The UG2 reserve contains 2.8 million PGM ounces and at full production it is anticipated the mine will produce an average of 225,000 PGM ounces per annum, of which 135,000 ounces will be platinum.
Construction of Everest started in October 2004 following the conclusion of a Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) transaction with a consortium led by Savannah Resources. This transaction injected some R860 million in cash into Aquarius Platinum South Africa. The Everest capital budget is R819 million, including a R33 million allowance for escalation.
In November 2003, AQP(SA) acquired TKO Investments Holdings Limited (TKO), which holds significant surface and water rights on and around the Everest project. Primarily an agricultural business focusing on kiwi fruit farming, TKO is run as an independent self-sustaining entity. Since the business provides both permanent and seasonal employment within the project area, AQP(SA) intends using the business to create a sustainable farming enterprise that will co-exist with mining operations and contribute to the development of the community long after mining in the area ceases. Some of the surface rights within the project area are being transferred to the local Phetla community – the land’s historical owners – under a settlement reached with the land restitution authorities. In terms of this agreement, the land required for mining will be leased back to AQP(SA).
Further identification and implementation of social upliftment and sustainability-related projects is ongoing. Contractor recruitment of local labour, coordinated with the Department of Labour in nearby Lydenburg, is proving effective. Other projects include an Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) course run twice-weekly and water supplies to a local primary school. Future projects, such as a day care facility and nutritional feeding scheme are also being considered.
Location and geology
Located on the southern portion of the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex near the town of Lydenburg, Everest is approximately 450 kilometres east-north-east of the company’s flagship operation, the Kroondal Platinum Mine. The orebody is a well-defined elongate basin-like structure of UG2 Reef lying beneath a hill and extending from surface to a depth of around 250 metres at the deepest point. The shallow nature of the orebody makes the development of Everest relatively cost-effective.
Proposed mining and processing
While underground mining will produce the majority of the run-of-mine (ROM) tons to the plant, opencast mining will be used to generate early mill feed. Once sufficient underground ore is available, opencast mining will be reduced to a single shift operation.
The principal stoping method at Everest will be bord-and-pillar stoping with the general direction of the advancing mining face along strike. The average reef dip of the underground mining area is approximately nine degrees making it well suited to this mining method. In the steeper dipping areas, a modified form of bord-and-pillar stoping will be employed.
Ore from the opencast and underground operations will go to a primary crusher, from where it will be conveyed to the process plant for grinding and froth flotation to produce a PGM concentrate. Metallurgical testing has shown that a two-stage grind and flotation circuit will be required. Test work on samples from different locations across the orebody has demonstrated that consistently good recoveries and concentrate grades can be achieved.
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves as at 30 June 2005:
A Competent Person’s Report confirmed a UG2 reserve of 26.79 million tons at 3.26g/t (4E) containing 2.8 million ounces of PGMs. The following Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves have been confirmed in accordance with the Joint Ore Reserves Code (JORC), under the auspices of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/everest_map2.gif" style="max-width:560px" > Everest Mt4E PGE g/t
4E PGE Moz MineralResources Measured 21.773.632.54Indicated20.043.502.26Inferred 3.943.440.44TOTAL 45.753.565.24 Ore
Reserves Open castProven 0.615.400.11Probable 0.844.161.51 UndergroundProven14.533.231.51Probable 10.813.121.08 TOTAL 26.793.262.81g/t = corrected 4E PGE-grade (Pt+Mimosa Key featuresLocation:Wedza Geological Complex on the southern part of the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe.Comprises:Underground mine accessed by decline shaft
Concentrator.Management:Managed by Mimosa Investments Limited, overseen by 50:50 owners– Aquarius Platinum and
Impala Platinum Holdings Limited (Implats). Production:Total production of 130,167 PGM ounces during FY2005, of which 65,084 ounces are attributable to Aquarius.Refining:Concentrate offtake agreement with Impala Refining Services (IRS).Number of employees:1,570 employees
About Mimosa
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/mimosa_map1.gif" style="max-width:560px" align=right>Aquarius Platinum’s 50% interest in Mimosa provides the company with a prime, long-life asset and a foothold on the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, one of the world’s largest known primary PGM reserves.
Aquarius acquired at 50% stake in Mimosa Investments on 1 July 2002. Mimosa Investments is jointly controlled by Aquarius (50%) and Implats (50%). In 2005, the mine produced a total of 130,167 PGM ounces, an increase of 9% over the previous year. During FY2005, successful commissioning of both the expanded mining operations and surface infrastructure translated into 1 72% increase in production over the previous year. The mine is currently undergoing a further expansion, Wedza Phase IV Upgrade, to take production from 120,000 tons to 150,000 tons milled per month by the end of May 2006.
In September 2005, Aquarius announced a low capital cost expansion to increase annual production capacity at Mimosa to 168,750 PGM ounces. The expansion is scheduled for completion in May 2006, with full production in June 2006.
Mimosa has obtained national project status in Zimbabwe, thereby benefiting from the new fiscal regime for platinum mining in the country. In addition, the Government of Zimbabwe, through the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), has accorded the PGM sector a special status in order to stimulate growth of the Zimbabwe platinum industry and enhance Government’s understanding of the sector, a development which is most welcome.
The mine is currently undergoing a further expansion: "Wedza Phase IV Upgrade", to take production from 120,000 tons to 150,000 tons milled per month by the end of May 2006.
Location and geology
Mimosa is located on the southern portion of the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe. After the Bushveld Complex in South Africa, the Great Dyke is the world’s largest PGM orebody.
Mining and processing
Mining commences at a depth of 60 metres below surface, currently extending to approximately 200 metres. Unlike much of the Great Dyke, Mimosa has a well-defined grade profile with an identifiable reef horizon marker facilitating grade control.
The operation fits well into the Aquarius portfolio as it is similar in many ways to the company’s Kroondal Platinum Mine in South Africa. Like Kroondal, the bord and pillar mining method is employed. Stoping widths average around 1.8 metres and simple, mechanised shallow mining is the norm. The concentration process is also similar to Kroondal, and concentrate is transported by road to Implats’ Mineral Processes in Rustenburg in terms of the operation’s offtake agreement with Impala Refining Services (IRS).
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves as at 30 June 2005
The tables below encompass the Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves contained in the South Hill (including oxidised zones) and North Hill areas. Mineral resources are quoted at 1.8 metres and 1.95 metres (inclusive of pillars). Current practice at Mimosa is to mine at 1.8 metres stoping width, as reflected in the Ore Reserve statement. Trial mining is currently ongoing at wider widths in order to optimise extraction from the Mineral Resource base.
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/mimosa_map2.gif" style="max-width:560px" > South Hill1.8 metre cut*South Hill
1.95 metre cut*North Hill**
North Hill**
Mt4E PGE g/t4E PGE MozMt4E PGE g/t4E PGE MozMt2E PGE g/t2E PGE MozMt4E PGE g/t4E PGE MozMineral
Resources Measured39.404.185.2942.684.035.53 Indicated27.243.933.4429.513.733.54 Inferred13.524.061.7614.653.881.8240.003.164.0643.333.134.36Inferred (Oxides)5.983.910.756.483.730.78 TOTAL86.144.0611.2493.323.8911.67 Ore
ReservesUndergroundProved16.133.761.9517.483.622.04 Probable16.223.541.8517.573.361.90 TOTAL 32.353.653.8035.053.493.94 *g/t = corrected 4E PGE-grade (Pt+Pd+Rh+Au)
**g/t = corrected 2E PGE-grade (Pt+Pd)
Rohstoffe Bezeichnung Letzter % Zeit Gold592,50925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0>+1,02%06.04. Silber12,03925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0>+3,22%06.04. Platin1.084,00925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0>+1,31%06.04. Palladium350,00925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0>+3,55%06.04
Seit einigen Monaten schau ich dem Kurs von 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/logo_orng.gif" style="max-width:560px" vspace=5 border=0> hinterher.
Ich habe immer gedacht das der doch mal wieder runter kommen müsste.
Tja.....ein Satz mit " X ".........
Wer 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/logo_orng.gif" style="max-width:560px" vspace=5 border=0> kaufen möchte sollte:
-----An besten in Australien kaufen-----
In Deutschland ist 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/logo_orng.gif" style="max-width:560px" vspace=5 border=0> extrem eng und sollte nie & auf gar keinen Fall bestens gekauft werden!!!
KurshistorieFrankfurt DatumErster Hoch Tief Letzter Umsatz 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 06.04.200612,30 13,15 12,30 12,59 2.6k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 05.04.200611,67 12,10 11,67 12,10 1.8k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a4.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 04.04.200611,74 11,74 11,74 11,74 5.0k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 03.04.200611,74 11,87 11,74 11,87 430 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a4.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 31.03.200611,74 11,90 11,74 11,75 545 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 30.03.200611,50 12,00 11,50 12,00 2.1k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 29.03.200611,17 11,50 11,00 11,50 2.1k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 28.03.200610,72 11,17 10,72 11,17 572 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a5.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 27.03.200610,40 10,40 10,40 10,40 500 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 24.03.200610,08 10,89 10,08 10,76 2.0k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a4.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 23.03.200610,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 0 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a4.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 22.03.200610,02 10,03 10,02 10,03 200 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 21.03.200610,05 10,46 10,05 10,15 799 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 20.03.20069,99 9,99 9,99 9,99 99 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a1.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 17.03.20069,57 9,97 9,57 9,97 106 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a4.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 16.03.20069,75 9,75 9,35 9,35 3.5k 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 15.03.20069,25 9,50 9,25 9,50 900 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 14.03.20069,40 9,45 9,40 9,45 280 925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://gfx.finanztreff.de/media-content/portal/arrow/a2.gif" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 13.03.20069,22 9,22 9,22 9,22 0
Key featuresLocation: Comprises:Underground mine accessed by decline shaft
Concentrator.Management:Managed by Mimosa Investments Limited, overseen by 50:50 owners– Aquarius Platinum and
Impala Platinum Holdings Limited (Implats). Production:Total production of 130,167 PGM ounces during FY2005, of which 65,084 ounces are attributable to Aquarius.Refining:Concentrate offtake agreement with Impala Refining Services (IRS).Number of employees:1,570 employees
About Mimosa
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/mimosa_map1.gif" style="max-width:560px" align=right>Aquarius Platinum’s 50% interest in Mimosa provides the company with a prime, long-life asset and a foothold on the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, one of the world’s largest known primary PGM reserves.
Aquarius acquired at 50% stake in Mimosa Investments on 1 July 2002. Mimosa Investments is jointly controlled by Aquarius (50%) and Implats (50%). In 2005, the mine produced a total of 130,167 PGM ounces, an increase of 9% over the previous year. During FY2005, successful commissioning of both the expanded mining operations and surface infrastructure translated into 1 72% increase in production over the previous year. The mine is currently undergoing a further expansion, Wedza Phase IV Upgrade, to take production from 120,000 tons to 150,000 tons milled per month by the end of May 2006.
In September 2005, Aquarius announced a low capital cost expansion to increase annual production capacity at Mimosa to 168,750 PGM ounces. The expansion is scheduled for completion in May 2006, with full production in June 2006.
Mimosa has obtained national project status in Zimbabwe, thereby benefiting from the new fiscal regime for platinum mining in the country. In addition, the Government of Zimbabwe, through the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), has accorded the PGM sector a special status in order to stimulate growth of the Zimbabwe platinum industry and enhance Government’s understanding of the sector, a development which is most welcome.
The mine is currently undergoing a further expansion: "Wedza Phase IV Upgrade", to take production from 120,000 tons to 150,000 tons milled per month by the end of May 2006.
Location and geology
Mimosa is located on the southern portion of the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe. After the Bushveld Complex in South Africa, the Great Dyke is the world’s largest PGM orebody.
Mining and processing
Mining commences at a depth of 60 metres below surface, currently extending to approximately 200 metres. Unlike much of the Great Dyke, Mimosa has a well-defined grade profile with an identifiable reef horizon marker facilitating grade control.
The operation fits well into the Aquarius portfolio as it is similar in many ways to the company’s Kroondal Platinum Mine in South Africa. Like Kroondal, the bord and pillar mining method is employed. Stoping widths average around 1.8 metres and simple, mechanised shallow mining is the norm. The concentration process is also similar to Kroondal, and concentrate is transported by road to Implats’ Mineral Processes in Rustenburg in terms of the operation’s offtake agreement with Impala Refining Services (IRS).
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves as at 30 June 2005
The tables below encompass the Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves contained in the South Hill (including oxidised zones) and North Hill areas. Mineral resources are quoted at 1.8 metres and 1.95 metres (inclusive of pillars). Current practice at Mimosa is to mine at 1.8 metres stoping width, as reflected in the Ore Reserve statement. Trial mining is currently ongoing at wider widths in order to optimise extraction from the Mineral Resource base.
925908 - AU:AQP 2490057" title="" rel="nofollow" src="http://www.aquariusplatinum.com/aquarius_db/images/mimosa_map2.gif" style="max-width:560px" > South Hill1.8 metre cut*South Hill
1.95 metre cut*North Hill**
North Hill**
Mt4E PGE g/t4E PGE MozMt4E PGE g/t4E PGE MozMt2E PGE g/t2E PGE MozMt4E PGE g/t4E PGE MozMineral
Resources Measured39.404.185.2942.684.035.53 Indicated27.243.933.4429.513.733.54 Inferred13.524.061.7614.653.881.8240.003.164.0643.333.134.36Inferred (Oxides)5.983.910.756.483.730.78 TOTAL86.144.0611.2493.323.8911.67 Ore
ReservesUndergroundProved16.133.761.9517.483.622.04 Probable16.223.541.8517.573.361.90 TOTAL 32.353.653.8035.053.493.94