AOL Time Warner - Gewinnwarnung!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

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AOL Time Warner - Gewinnwarnung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26.06.02 20:36
AOL Time Warner - Gewinnwarnung?
(©BörseGo -

Die Aktien von AOL Time Warner fallen zur Stunde um 13.31 Prozent auf 13.36 Dollar, das Intradaytief lag bei 13.25 Dollar. Das ist ein neuer Tiefstkurs nach der Fusion des Mergers zwischen America Online und Time Warner. Die Anleger verkaufen die Aktie, da über eine drohende Gewinnwarnung des Mediengiganten für das zweite Quartal spekuliert wird. Analysten erwarten im Q2 einen Gewinn je Aktie von 22 cents.


Aol - Micron - Worldcom

26.06.02 20:40
kann mir bitte jemand plausibel erklären, warum es aufwärts gehen sollte? würde gerne ernsthaft über einen call nachdenken...

Ich kann dir das erklären!!!

26.06.02 20:44
Und das ist schnell gemacht:-)
Die Gier des Menschen kennt keine Grenzen , der Verstand , sofern vorhanden ,wird abgeschaltet. Lieber 50% verlieren , als auf 10% Gewinn verzichten.
Gruß Zombi

Bitte nicht ein Gerücht als Tatsache bringen...

26.06.02 20:45
Die Fragezeichen wären in der Threadüberschrift wohl besser angebracht als zig Ausrufezeichen.

AOL drops on warning speculation
                      By Russ Britt,
                      Last Update: 2:13 PM ET June 26, 2002

                      NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- Shares of AOL Time Warner dropped more than 10 percent to
                      a new post-merger low Wednesday on speculation that the media giant might issue a
                      second-quarter earnings warning.

                      AOL (AOL: news, chart, profile)
                      shares were last down $1.55, or
                      10.1 percent, at $13.85 on trading
                      volume of 25.7 million shares.

                      Analysts said vague speculation was
                      circulating throughout Wall Street
                      midday Wednesday. Officials at
                      New York-based AOL were

                      unavailable for comment.

                      "That's the rumor. I don't know if it's
                      true or not, but that's why the stock's
                      getting killed," said Paul Kim, analyst
                      at Kaufman Bros. "In this market, a
                      rumor has more weight."

                      Thomson Financial/First Call analysts
                      are projecting that AOL will report
                      earnings of 22 cents a share for the
                      second quarter. In the second
                      quarter of 2001, AOL reported a
                      32-cent gain.

                      Kim noted that other companies with
                      significant cable holdings were down
                      sharply in Wednesday's trading in the
                      wake of the Adelphia bankruptcy

                      Phil Leigh, analyst at Raymond
                      James & Associates, said in addition
                      to warnings worries, investors may
                      be concerned about any company
                      that's made large acquisitions and
                      their subsequent accounting

                      Leigh pointed out that AOL on
                      Monday told analysts it would
                      release second-quarter earnings on
                      July 26, leading him to believe there
                      would be no warning.

                      "Usually, you're silent about your
                      release date," he said. "You just say
                      your release date is imminent."

                      If there is a warning, however, it
                      should be sometime this week, Leigh

Also wenn eine kommt, dann wohl noch diese Woche.

Nix für ungut.

AOL Time Warner - Gewinnwarnung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" style="max-width:560px" >

Zahlen AOL 2.Q. 2002

26.06.02 20:46
2nd Quarter Ending June 2002

Earnings Whisper
Analysts' Estimate: $0.21  
Members' Estimate: $0.20  
Release Date: 7/24/02  


Analysts' Recommendation: Buy  
Visitors' Sentiment: Buy  


Analysts' Target: $31  
Members' Target $40


hallo zombi17...

26.06.02 20:49
ich glaube, die gier hat mal wieder schneller zugeschlagen als ich - hab nämlich noch nicht gekauft... ;-(

werde mich auf deinen rat hin wohl besser an die frische luft begeben... gruß in den norden, blindfish :-))

Hi blindfish

26.06.02 20:50
Ist wohl eher der Westen

Darf man nicht anfassen.

26.06.02 20:54, Mi, 24.4.2002, 23:00
AOL meldet Rekordverlust

Der weltgrößte Medien- und Internet-Konzern AOL Time Warner hat im ersten Quartal 2002 einen deutlichen Nettoverlust verzeichnet. Es ist der größte Unternehmens-Verlust in der Wirtschaftgeschichte der USA.

Der Nettoverlust betrug 54,2 Mrd. $ oder 12,25 $ je Aktie, teilte AOL am Mittwoch nach US-Börsenschluss mit. Im gleichen Vorjahreszeitraum hatte AOL einen Verlust von 1,37 Mrd. $ bzw. 0,31 $ je Aktie verzeichnet. Der Umsatz stieg den Angaben zufolge im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um vier Prozent auf 9,8 Mrd. $.

Das Unternehmen musste auf Grund eines massiven Wertverfalls seit der Übernahme von Time Warner im vergangenen Jahr eine Rekordsumme abschreiben. AOL hatte bereits zu Jahresbeginn angekündigt, die neuen US-Rechnungslegungsvorschriften auszunutzen und die Goodwill-Abschreibungen in einem einzigen Quartal vorzunehmen.



26.06.02 20:56
alles, was nicht augsburg ist, ist NORDEN ;-))

Na gut , die Bayern haben Ihre eigene Landkarte o.T.

26.06.02 20:58

Aol-Time Warners?: The Two Towers

26.06.02 21:06

Dementi: AOL Time Warner Says No Warning Planned

26.06.02 21:31
Wednesday June 26, 3:25 pm Eastern Time

Reuters Business Report

AOL Time Warner Says No Warning Planned

NEW YORK (Reuters)

- AOL Time Warner Inc. (NYSE:AOL - News) has no plans to issue an earnings warning, a company spokeswoman said Wednesday, dismissing rumors that were running through trading floors in afternoon activity.

The company's shares were down 12 percent, or $1.85, to $13.59 after dropping earlier to a low of $13 during the course of the session. It was the most actively traded stock on the New York Stock Exchange.

A range of rumors weighed on the stock amid market jitters brought about by WorldCom Group's (NasdaqNM:WCOM - News) disclosure of nearly $4 billion in accounting irregularities. Concerns about complicated balance sheets in the wake of the scandal also weighed on the shares of AOL Time Warner and its cable peers, analysts said.

Traders said the stock was selling off on word that the world's largest Internet and media company might issue a warning. Options were also active on the speculation

The company's shares have been battered amid concerns about weakness in its America Online unit and its future growth prospects after disappointment in the $106.2 billion merger it struck in January 2000. The company's shares are off about 70 percent from the time the deal was announced.


CBS meint

26.06.02 21:33
By Russ Britt,

Last Update: 2:56 PM ET Jun 26, 2002

NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- AOL Time Warner said Wednesday afternoon that it has no plans to issue a second quarter earnings warning, scrapping speculation that had pushed its shares down as much as 15 percent to a new post-merger low.

"It's not true. We have no plans to do a warning," said AOL spokeswoman Tricia Primrose.
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