Anschlag auf WTC fast durch Kollision verhindert

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Happy End:

Anschlag auf WTC fast durch Kollision verhindert

16.09.01 00:30
Die Flugüberwachung in den USA teilte mit, dass die Flugzeuge, die in die WTC-Tower flogen, fast nie dort angekommen wären, da sie beide vorher fast kollidiert waren.  

Die Beinahe-Kollision fand ca. 55 Meilen von New York entfernt statt. Wie nahe sich die beiden Flugzeuge kamen ist bislang aber noch nicht klar.  

Flight controllers heard a hijacker's chilling warning to the pilot of one of the planes that crashed into World Trade Center because the pilot quietly triggered a radio, it was reported yesterday.

"Nobody do anything stupid," the heavily accented voice told captain John Ogonowski, an FAA (news - web sites) employee told the Christian Science Monitor.

The new details about the final minutes of the doomed American Airlines jet and another Boston-Los Angeles flight came from the employee of a regional flight control center in Nashua, N.H.

After his plane was seized, the quick-thinking captain apparently triggered a "push-to-talk button" on the aircraft's steering wheel.

This is a device that enables pilots to have their hands on the controls while communicating - but on Tuesday morning, it allowed the Nashua controllers to listen in on the confrontation in the cockpit.

"The button was being pushed intermittently most of the way to New York," another employee told the Monitor.

"He wanted us to know something was wrong. When he pushed the button and the terrorist spoke, we knew.

"There was this voice that was threatening the pilot, and it was clearly threatening."

Through the radio connection, the controller heard someone instruct, "Nobody do anything stupid," and no one would get hurt, the employee said.

The Nashua controllers quickly alerted the military and other government agencies - and shut down all other air traffic to make sure other planes were not near the seized jets.

It was also disclosed yesterday that the World Trade Center tragedy was nearly avoided because the two planes came close to colliding just north of New York.

The American Airlines Flight 11 was seized near Gardner, Mass., after it had traveled about 45 miles from Logan Airport, the employee told The Telegraph of Nashua.

It began to head to New York.

The "American [Airlines plane] was just flying around, doing what it wanted," the employee said.

United Airlines Flight 175, which left Boston for Los Angeles 15 minutes after the American flight, remained in the control of its pilots until it reached Albany - and then it, too, headed to New York, the employee said.

The near-collision occurred in the vicinity of Stewart International Airport in New Windsor, 55 miles north of New York.

"The two aircraft got too close to each other down by Stewart," the employee said.

It was not clear how close the two planes came.

One of the controllers that monitored the jets' path to New York also handled Egypt Air Flight 990 when it crashed off the coast of Massachusetts in 1999.

The controller is "pretty disturbed" at being involved in both crashes, the employee said.

The Nashua controllers also learned from other controllers that an Air Force F-16 fighter was in hot pursuit of a United Airlines jet that veered off its Newark-San Francisco route.

They were told the F-16 made 360-degree turns to remain close to Boeing 757 before it crashed in Shanksville, Pa., the employee said.

"He must've seen the whole thing," the employee said.

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