American Eagle über 800 m hole 1 expansion!

Beiträge: 4
Zugriffe: 1.907 / Heute: 3
American Eagle G. 0,28835 $ -8,78% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +75,82%

American Eagle über 800 m hole 1 expansion!

23.06.23 10:59
top Mineraliserung für 45 m east/430 m 61 grad drillhole 1 NAK!! Super News, als nächstes soll das berühmte TECK Hole kommen....wäre überrascht wenn diese Aktie ende Sommer noch unter 1 CAD zu haben wäre!!


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AE NAK wird eine hochgradige sehr grosse CU AU...

23.06.23 11:02

American Eagle Gold

23.06.23 14:14
strong buy August 1 dollarland
(Verkleinert auf 66%) vergrößern
American Eagle über 800 m hole 1 expansion! 1378559

post milliarde drillhole

23.06.23 16:56
also das 1 Milliarde dollar Bohrloch kann  sehr gut Nr 8 sein (Teck Resources Empfehlung) ich liebe diese Aktie...


$AMEGF After all what I have read and listened to I think $AE's NAK could potentially be a Cukaru Peki look-a-like:  In the Southern High Grade zone we already have the chalcopyrite-pyrite-(molybdenite-bornite)
mineralization associated with quartz-sulfide-magnetite-hematite stockwork that also composes the lower zone porphyry at CP. The icing on the cake at CP is the high sulphidation upper zone with extraordinary high grade Cu/Au, maybe, just maybe, the Southern Margin zone at NAK turns into a high sulphidation discovery. CP was btw discovered with hole 10. We are at hole 8 and 9 will be at the Southern Margin zone.... Fingers crossed for a company maker and imho it is not without good reason that hole 9 is dubbed as the billion dollar hole...
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