Alpine Air Express Acquired by Universal Express

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Zugriffe: 6.308 / Heute: 4
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Alpine Air Express Acquired by Universal Express

11.10.04 13:29
Monday October 11, 6:30 am ET

PROVO, Utah--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 11, 2004--Alpine Air Express, Inc. (OTCBB:ALPE - News), (the Company) and its subsidiary, Alpine Aviation Inc., which is the third largest regional cargo airline and transportation logistics company in the U.S., with a fleet of 30 airplanes and projected annual sales of $20M+, announces that Universal Express, Inc. has reached an agreement with the Company to purchase 80% of its outstanding shares. Multiple documents setting forth the terms and conditions of the agreement have been presented to and accepted by Universal Express.
The terms and agreements submitted by Universal Express have been accepted by the partnership, which holds Alpine's 80% majority. All of Alpine's shareholders will have the opportunity to participate in this transaction as well, according to Alpine's senior corporate management.

" Our first cargo airline acquisition now allows us to utilize the management team of Alpine to enhance our existing operations and advance additional airline acquisitions of which discussions have been ongoing," said Richard A. Altomare, Chairman & CEO of Universal Express.

" Alpine's cash acquisition cost is approximately $12,000,000, not including debt refinancing. With over $30,000,000 in assets, along with its U.S. Postal Service contracts, this undervalued cargo airline located in Provo, Utah, will maintain its experienced management team and remain initially as a separate trading entity," continued Mr. Altomare.

" Obviously an announcement of this importance will necessitate subsequent filings and public updates. This is our initial transportation and funding announcement as this strategic addition by Universal Express of Alpine Air Express begins to be assimilated by analysts, shareholders and our investors.

" I would like to thank Alpine's Board members and our multiple funding sources for their confidence and support of Universal Express' commitment to become a significant player in the regional cargo airline and luggage transportation industries," concluded Mr. Altomare.

Founded in 1975, Alpine Air, a wholly owned subsidiary of Alpine Air Express Inc., provides competitively priced scheduled air cargo flights throughout the western and southwestern United States. The Company has an established client base that includes various contract operations and the U.S. Postal Service. Alpine Air provides superior " on time" performance and reliability, together with the flexibility to adapt quickly to the growing frequency and capacity requirements of its clients.

This press release may contain forward-looking statements including the Company's beliefs about its business prospects and future results of operations. These statements involve risks and uncertainties. Among the important additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those forward-looking statements are risks associated with the overall economic environment, realization of U.S.P.S. projected volumes, changes in anticipated earnings of the company and other factors detailed in the company's filings with the SEC. In addition, the factors underlying Company forecasts are dynamic and subject to change and therefore those forecasts speak only as of the date they are given. The Company does not undertake to update them; however, it may choose from time to time to update them and if it should do so, it will disseminate the updates to the investing public.

Alpine Air Express, Inc., Provo
Michael Dancy, 801-746-3570

Source: Alpine Air Express, Inc.
19 Beiträge ausgeblendet.
Seite: Übersicht Alle 1 2


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lag ja völlig falsch,komplett daneben

12.10.04 07:54

mit meiner Prognose von 30-40% Plus

UNIVERSAL EXPRES (OTC BB: USXP.OB) Delayed quote data by ReutersEdit
Last Trade:0.0252
Trade Time:Oct 11
Change:Up 0.0173 (218.99%)
Prev Close:0.0079
Bid:0.025 x 5000
Ask:0.0251 x 5000
1y Target Est:N/A
Day's Range:0.0078 - 0.026
52wk Range:0.0015 - 0.131
Avg Vol (3m):6,740,136
Market Cap:17.19M
P/E (ttm):N/A
EPS (ttm):-0.015
Div & Yield:N/A (N/A)

CIAOAlpine Air Express Acquired by Universal Express 1670186


12.10.04 08:08
Besser etwas niedriger ansetzen und sich mehr freuen:-)

sieht ja gar nicht so schlecht aus 0,021 auf der

12.10.04 09:04
bid seite. die frage ist weiter halten und auf amiland warten oder
jetzt mit gewinn verkaufen. ich weiß nicht ich weiß nicht


und es geht los

12.10.04 09:08
Aktuell 0,021  
Zeit 12.10.04   09:00:25  
Diff. Vortag +75,00%  

Jetzt haben wir pari zum Ami SK hergestellt. o. T.

12.10.04 09:22

Ich verkaufe erst einen Teil bei 0,040 !

12.10.04 09:27

Vorher  sehe ich keinen Wiederstand nachdem die 0,020 gefallen ist

        <img src="">

Der Rest bei 1$Alpine Air Express Acquired by Universal Express 1670299


CIAOAlpine Air Express Acquired by Universal Express 1670299


o.k. ciska ich höre mal auf Dich und werde ähnlich

12.10.04 09:54
vorgehen. Wenn du recht behälst mit 1 Dollar hast Du einen gut bei mir.



12.10.04 11:08
keiner sollte meiner meinung nach schon bei 0.04 verkaufen... :)
viel glück den alten hasen und den neuen hier, schaut mal bei w:o vorbei.

Die erste Tendenz kann man heute um 14:00

12.10.04 11:19
sehen,wenn die Amis vorbörslich loslegen.

Sollten die weiter mitspielen,dann...

Wenn nicht gibt es zunächst eien Rücksetzer, der dann aber auch als gesundes Luft holen für den nächsten Aufstieg gewertet werden kann (wenn der newsflow stimmt)

geetz joker  


12.10.04 14:16
ich bin auch schon laenger dabei und weiss wovon du sprichst. diesen wert muss man genau im auge behalten. allerdings ist die uebernommene airline nicht irgendeine hobbyfliegerlinie sondern die 3.-groesste cargoline der staaten.

Cargo volumes so far for the year are approximately 10,212 tons, up 76% over the same period last year. In addition, cargo volumes for the second quarter of this year were approximately 5,928 tons, up 482% over the same quarter last year. Alpine expects to continue to experience these increases in mail volume and as the company enters the Christmas season. The company further enjoyed adding revenue through its leasing and charter contracts as a result of leases obtained along with the purchase of aircraft during the past year.

und sie wachsen wie hulle. ich denke, so sich in den naechsten tagen alles bestaetigen sollte, dass durchaus luft bis 0,10, im hype gar bis 0,15 drin sein koennte. daran kann jeder so stark glauben, wie er moechte. so sind wohl die regeln dieses spiels hier.

es gruesst

gibt wieder ab ! RT 0,201 -20% o. T.

12.10.04 15:41

Wieder News!

12.10.04 16:16

RT 0,019 -24,3% o. T.

12.10.04 16:42

Offer $225,000,000 In Equipment Trust Certificates

12.10.04 16:54
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 12, 2004--Universal Express Inc. (OTCBB: USXP - News), announced today that it will offer a series of fully collateralized, senior, fixed income Equipment Trust Certificates. These non-pooled instruments, collateralized by both a federally recorded lien and dedicated revenue on individual cargo aircraft, are seven to ten years in term and return between six (6) and seven (7) percent annually, paid either monthly or quarterly. This investment is collateralized by the aircraft, which is fully insured in the name of the certificate holder.
"Cargo aircraft valuation has historically increased or been stable over the past decade and, since revenues are paid directly to the investor through the Trust, and is senior to any other debt, investors are fully collateralized for our present and future purchased cargo aircraft," said Richard A. Altomare, Chairman and CEO of Universal Express.

"In order to acquire at least four additional regional cargo carriers this proven form of transportation fund raising accomplishes three objectives: stand-by funding, non-dilution of our common stock and an introduction of Universal Express to institutional investors receiving 7% fixed return on their investment," concluded Richard A. Altomare.


..rennt weiter :-)

12.10.04 19:52

Real-time ECN Quote*

LastChange (%)After Hours Chg (%)**Trade TimeBidAsk

Exchange Quote

LastChange (%)Trade TimeBid (size)Ask (size)
0.029Alpine Air Express Acquired by Universal Express 1671329 0.0038 (15.08)13:390.0285 (50)0.0293 (50)
Latest TicksPrev CloseOpenLowHigh
Day VolumeAvg Day VolVWAP52 Wk Low52 Wk High
# of TradesLast SizeAvg Trade SizeP/E RatioMarket Cap (mil)

Greetz  f-h

Alpine Air Express Acquired by Universal Express 1671329


Vor allem der Umsatz ist enorm

12.10.04 20:56
Der zweite Tag schon mit 115 Mio.und es ist noch eine Stunde Zeit.


arglll und sie dümpelt vor sich hin....

12.10.04 21:23
arglll und sie dümpelt vor sich hin - zwischen 0.027 $ und 0.028 $....
Oct. 12, 2004 15:05 ET Market Open

Last Sale           $ 0.0271
Change Net / %      0.0019 7.54%
Best Bid / Ask      $ 0.0271 / $ 0.0274
Today's High / Low  $ 0.031 /  $ 0.0181
Share Volume        116,354,104
Previous Close      $ 0.0252
52 Wk High / Low    $ 0.131 / $ 0.002

ob das heute noch was wird :-)

so long...


und wieder news

15.10.04 10:43
Universal Express Announces Paymentech Agreement
Thursday October 14, 9:58 am ET

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 14, 2004--Universal Express Inc. (OTCBB: USXP - News), Universal Express' UniversalPost Division signed an agreement for electronic payment processing services that will be offered to member postal stores throughout the United States.
"Paymentech, in our opinion, is "best in class" amongst the processing companies we considered. Its customer service and its highly efficient uptime make it the premier payment processor in North America," said Linda Jacobucci, President of UniversalPost.

"Paymentech's ability to give to our member postal stores the same speed and efficiency as any Fortune 500 company really adds to our long-term growth strategy," concluded Linda Jacobucci.

"We're obviously thrilled to be working with such a well-respected association and its member stores," said Scott Cruickshank, Paymentech's Chief Marketing Officer. "By offering a broad portfolio of payment options, Paymentech can offer the technology and expertise that will grow with each member store as their businesses grow."

"Universal Express' core businesses simply march forward with fundamental partnerships and accomplishments. Obviously, I congratulate UniversalPost for adding such a prestigious partner to the already long list of products and services provided to the private postal industry, which can be viewed at," said Richard A. Altomare, Chairman of Universal Express.


Wer schlau war hat sich

15.10.04 11:09
100% gesichert und is dann erstma rausgegangen. USXP hat einfach zu viele Shares am Markt, als dass der Kurs so rapide steigen könnte. Die Aquisition von Alpine Air is sicher ein guter Schritt, jedoch rechtfertigen 20 Mio$ Umsatz hier keine Kurse von 0,1$, da muß schon mehr kommen. Um weitere Aquisitionen tätigen zu können, werden zukünftig aber wohl nochmehr Shares den Kurs verwässern.



15.10.04 11:30
ra sagte KEINE neuen shares.
investoren aus saudi arabien...

Zahlen sind da

20.10.04 11:04
PERIOD ENDING 30-Jun-04 31-Dec-03 30-Sep-03 30-Jun-03
Total Revenue 249   14,880   183   392  
Cost of Revenue 241   14,640   162   378  

Gross Profit 8   240   21   14  

Operating Expenses
Research Development -   -   -   -  
Selling General and Administrative 2,023   2,220   2,022   (1,932)
Non Recurring -   -   -   -  
Others 8   8   7   3,550  
Total Operating Expenses -   -   -   -  

Operating Income or Loss (2,023) (1,989) (2,009) (1,604)

Income from Continuing Operations
Total Other Income/Expenses Net (761) 12   12   12  
Earnings Before Interest And Taxes (3,043) (1,977) (1,997) (1,592)
Interest Expense 16   8   9   17  
Income Before Tax (3,059) (1,985) (2,005) (1,609)
Income Tax Expense (72) 70   -   -  
Minority Interest -   -   -   -  
Net Income From Continuing Ops (2,728) (2,054) (2,005) (1,609)

Non-recurring Events
Discontinued Operations (258) -   -   -  
Extraordinary Items -   -   -   -  
Effect Of Accounting Changes -   -   -   -  
Other Items -   -   -   -  

Net Income (2,986) (2,054) (2,005) (1,609)
Preferred Stock And Other Adjustments -   -   -   -  

Net Income Applicable To Common Shares ($2,986) ($2,054) ($2,005) ($1,609)

Ich muss ja sagen, in den letzten Tagen war das Volumen kontinuierlich auf hohem Niveau.
Nur wirkt sich das nicht so auf den Kurs aus.

Aktuell $ 0.0205

20.10.04 20:05
$ 0.0205 aber immer noch hoher umsatz.

abwarten und tee trinken...

so long...

Alpine Air Express Acquired by Universal Express 2030


25.10.04 18:29
Jup der Wal:


28.10.04 15:01
Universal Express Sells Capital Subsidiary
Thursday October 28, 8:00 am ET

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 28, 2004--Universal Express Inc. (OTCBB: USXP - News), today sold 75% of Universal Express Capital Corp. its former subsidiary, to Capitalliance, a $350,000,000 insurance and funding operation. USXP will retain 10% of the shares of the new Company and 15% of the shares of the Company will be distributed to USXP shareholders.
After the new Universal Express Capital is approved as a public entity, shareholders of USXP will be notified of the distributions of shares to them.

In addition, the new Universal Express Capital run by Capitalliance will now serve as a lead funding source for future USXP acquisitions and investments.

" Most importantly, USXP will receive a preferred lending rate and Capitalliance is initially capitalizing Universal Express Capital with $22,500,000 of assets. Capitalliance receives and develops an active trading company, USXP receives a funding partner and 10% of a $22,500,000 capitalized company with bonding relationships worldwide. Our shareholders will receive stock distributions of Universal Express Capital and, in addition we have received from Capitalliance a funding lead commitment of $22,000,000 for Alpine Airlines financing and $225,000,000 for our Equipment Trust Certificates Program," said Richard A. Altomare, Chairman & CEO of Universal Express.

About Universal Express

Universal Express, Inc. owns and operates several subsidiaries including Universal Express Capital Corp., (including its USXP Cash Express division) Universal Express Logistics, Inc. (including Virtual Bellhop, LLC and Luggage Express), and the UniversalPost Network. These subsidiaries and divisions provide the private postal industry and consumers with value-added services and products, logistical services, equipment leasing, and cost-effective delivery of goods worldwide.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein, which are not historical, are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the Company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies, products and services, delays in testing and evaluation of products and services, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

TransMedia Group
Glen Calder, 561-750-9800

Source: Universal Express, Inc.

Universal Express NASDAQ Umsatz

28.10.04 17:31
Universal Express NASDAQ Umsatz

Volumen: 419.128,88
Kurse:   328  

Origin: Musik muss so sein wie das Leben - synthetisch und primitiv

Alpine Air Express Acquired by Universal Express 2171
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