Almost All Hijackers Identified; Probe Points to

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Almost All Hijackers Identified; Probe Points to

13.09.01 02:12,2933,34250,00.html
Almost All Hijackers Identified; Probe Points to Bin Laden
BOSTON -- Terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden has strong family ties and a group of supporters in Boston, where the two hijacked airliners that demolished the World Trade Center took off.

One of bin Laden's brothers set up scholarship funds at Harvard, while another relative owns six condominiums in an expensive complex in Charlestown, just outside Boston. Two bin Laden associates once worked as Boston cab drivers, including one who was jailed in Jordan on charges of plotting to blow up a hotel full of Americans and Israelis.

Bin Laden's ties to Boston are now being closely scrutinized as authorities focus their investigation on terrorist cells with possible ties to him, said Robert Fitzpatrick, the former second-in-command at the FBI's Boston office.
The officials confirmed a car believed to belong to the hijackers was confiscated in Boston and contained an Arabic language flight manual.
Law enforcement officials said a hotel room in the Boston area believed to have been used by one of the hijackers was searched by the FBI Wednesday afternoon but no arrests were made. The officials said the room was vacant but included information linking it a name on the manifest of one of the hijacked flights. They declined to identify the man.
The FBI in Miami issued a national bulletin for law enforcement agencies to look out for two cars. Records with the Florida Division of Motor Vehicles show that one of the vehicles the FBI was pursuing - a 1989 red Pontiac - was registered to Atta.
Authorities also were developing intelligence linking the suspected attackers to a band of bin Laden sympathizers in Canada, some of Algerian origin, who are suspected of planning an unsuccessful terrorist attack in the United States during the millennium celebrations.

However, a Venice, Fla., man who was interviewed by the FBI said agents told him two men who stayed in his home while training at a local flight school were the hijackers. Charlie Voss said the agents identified the men as Mohamed Atta and one known as Marwan.
The FBI interviewed Voss, the Venice, Fla., about two men who stayed with him and his wife for a week in July 2000 while taking small-plane flight training at the municipal airport.
FBI agents "informed me that there were two individuals that were students at Huffman Aviation, my employer, and FBI told me they were involved in yesterday's tragedy," Voss said.
The couple accepted the two men as house guests as a favor to the company, Voss said. The men, who stayed just a few days, trained at the airport and came to the house to sleep, he said.
The government believes the hijackers were trained pilots and that three to five were aboard each of four airliners that crashed in the worst terrorist attack ever in the United States, said Justice Department spokeswoman Mindy Tucker. She said the conclusion was based on information gathered from frantic phone calls made by passengers on the doomed jets.
Easy Access to U.S. Flight Schools
By Adam Geller The Associated Press
Published: Sep 12, 2001
NEW YORK (AP) - Where does a terrorist learn to pilot a plane? There's no better place than the United States, a worldwide magnet for students looking for flight training that's cheap, fast and available with limited scrutiny, aviation educators say.
With officials now saying the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon relied on terrorist pilots, possibly from overseas and trained in the United States, investigators are examining the role that may have been played by flight schools.
That comes as little surprise to aviation instructors, who acknowledge that U.S. flight schools draw scores of students from overseas, in some cases actively recruiting them. The main requirement for entry, they say, is the ability to pay.
"It's accessible to everybody as long as you have money in your pocket," said Victor Richard, a flight instructor-in-training at Alpha Tango Flying School in San Antonio.
At Alpha Tango, students from Mexico, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Germany study to become pilots. For about $5,000, they can earn the right to fly single-engine private planes.
There are hundreds of such schools nationwide, although only about two dozen offer training in how to fly the large jets involved in Tuesday's attack.
But for a student who wants to fly smaller craft, and even for those with dreams of piloting the biggest jets, the United States is the place to come. It is far cheaper here to get such training and experience than in most countries, educators say, an advantage that starts with the fact that jet fuel is so much less expensive than elsewhere.

und hier ein

ca 50 Leute beteiligt an Anschlag

13.09.01 08:32
Perhaps 50 people were involved in terrorist attacks, government officials say
WASHINGTON (September 13, 2001 1:44 a.m. EDT) - Federal officials have identified over a dozen hijackers of Middle Eastern descent in Tuesday's terrorist attacks and gathered evidence linking them to Saudi exile Osama bin Laden and other terrorist networks, law enforcement officials said. In all, perhaps 50 people were involved in the plot, government officials say.
The massive investigation stretched from the Canadian border, where officials suspect some of the hijackers entered the country, to Florida, where some of the participants are believed to have learned how to fly commercial jetliners before the attacks. Locations in Massachusetts and Florida were searched for evidence.
The names of two men being sought by authorities emerged in Florida. There, the FBI interviewed a family that gave them temporary shelter a year ago.
The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press that multiple cells of terrorist groups participated and that hijackers had possible ties to countries that included Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
The identities of more than a dozen of the men who hijacked four planes with knives and threats of bombs has been determined, the officials said. Several hijackers had pilot's licenses.
Attorney General John Ashcroft said 12 to 24 hijackers commandeered the four planes, and a government official said another two dozen are believed to have assisted them. About 40 of the men have been accounted for, including those killed in the suicide attacks, but 10 remain at large, The Los Angeles Times reported on its Web site, citing an unidentified source with knowledge of the investigation.
Some of those involved in the plot left suicide notes, but they are not believed to have been the hijackers, a government source told The Associated Press. It's unclear whether those who left the notes actually killed themselves.
At least one hijacker on each of the four planes was trained at a U.S. flight school, said Justice Department spokeswoman Mindy Tucker. The Los Angeles Times said authorities believe 27 suspected terrorists received pilot training. The flight schools were in Florida and at least one other state. The hijackers used both cash and credit cards to purchase their plane tickets and hotel rooms.                                                           FBI Director Robert Mueller said
For some of the suspected accomplices, "we have information as to involvement with individual terrorist groups," Mueller added. He declined to say which groups or whether they were connected to bin Laden.
Officials said authorities were gathering evidence that the terrorist cells may have had prior involvement in earlier plots against the United States and may have been involved with bin Laden. That includes the USS Cole bombing in Yemen and the foiled attack on U.S. soil during the millennium celebrations.
"This could have been the result of several terrorist kingpins working together. We're investigating that possibility," one law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity told The Associated Press.

schneller translator:

Interessant Kicky! Gruss Mio.

13.09.01 08:37
Aber jetzt kommt dann bestimmt wieder DK und schiebt es den Amis selbst in die schuhe oder sagt uns atombomben auf die 3.welt vorraus.


Guten Morgen 1Mio

13.09.01 08:41
ach weisst Du,wenn es einem nicht so gut geht,hat man einen hohen Angstpegel.Ich denke auch die USA wissen inzwischen,dass man nicht so leichtfertig einen Krieg vom Zaun bricht.
Ich werd mich mal nach einem Put auf den S&P umgucken,der gehandelt wird.Könnte interessant werden am Freitag oder Montag.Weisst Du einen?

Auch von mir einen guten morgen Kicky :-)

13.09.01 08:52
Stimme Dir zu manche verteufeln hier die USA ohne sinn und verstand.

Put !? Tja ist wohl die richtige option für die nächste zeit.Ausser die FED senkt bald die zinsen was ja auch passieren könnte.
Weiss Dir leider keinen da ich mich mit OS nicht so auskenne und deshalb die finger weg lasse.
Handeln ist für mich gerade sowiso tabu.

Wünsche Dir ein gutes händchen.

Gruss Mio.

PS Fliege heute mittag wieder nach Deutschland.

Tja .... und nun?

13.09.01 08:59
Sieht ja wohl so aus, als ob die Terroristen über ein dichtes Netzwerk in den USA verfügen, und daß es sich um eine über mehrere Länder verteilte Organisation handelt.

Da bringt es wohl nichts, wenn jetzt irgendwo ein Gebiet oder ein Staat angegriffen wird. Wäre nur zur Beruhigung der ohnehin kochenden Volksseele in den USA. Und wer sagt uns denn, daß die Anschläge vom Dienstag nicht nur erst der Anfang gewesen sind? Vielleicht warten die nur darauf, daß ein Vergeltungsschlag kommt, um dann weiter zuzuschlagen - auch in Amiland selbst. Kann mir nicht vorstellen, daß solch eine Organisation nicht taktisch und strategisch denkt.

Scheisse scenario, Karlchen_I

13.09.01 09:18
Auserdem bekomme ich riesen Angst, wenn mann bedenkt, dass die"schrecklichen" Bomben irgendwo schon verlegt wären!

Ich meine das hier...

13.09.01 09:22
Aus dem Text, den Kicky gepostet hat. Was gibt das füreinen Sinn?

About 40 of the men have been accounted for, including those killed in the suicide attacks, but 10 remain at large, The Los Angeles Times reported on its Web site, citing an unidentified source with knowledge of the investigation.
Some of those involved in the plot left suicide notes, but they are not believed to have been the hijackers, a government source told The Associated Press. It's unclear whether those who left the notes actually killed themselves.
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