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Aflac Inc 95,84 € -0,46% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +300,77%


26.03.13 16:44
AFLAC Incorporated (NYSE:AFL) shares climbed 1.55% to $51.85. The company, on Mar. 6, has been selected to Ethisphere’s 2013 annual list of World’s Most Ethical Companies. Aflac is the only insurance company to appear on the prestigious list for seven consecutive years.

Additionally, the company, last month, has been recognized by FORTUNE magazine as a World’s Most Admired Company for the 12th time. According to FORTUNE, the World’s Most Admired Companies list is the definitive report card on corporate reputations. Aflac was listed at number one in the Insurance: Life and Health category.
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    AFLAC brunneta   26.03.13 16:44
