a resource located in New South Wales, Australia

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a resource located in New South Wales, Australia

03.05.06 00:27
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Golden Cross reported a resource estimate for its Copper Hill porphyry copper-gold project located in New South Wales, Australia. The estimate, using historical drill results and drill results from the current drilling program stands at 105Mt at 0.33% copper and 0.33 g/t gold, containing, in-ground, 344,000 t of copper and 1.12 Moz of gold for indicated and inferred resource. The resource estimate will form the basis for a Scoping Study to immediately investigate various technical options for the project.
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  4 Golden Cross Zockeraktie Ohio Italymaster 27.08.11 22:24
    a resource located in New South Wales, Australia iagaru   03.05.06 00:27
