The information in this sheet was updated as of 8th October, 2007
A. General
Place of incorporation : Bermuda
Date of initial listing on GEM : 26th November 1999
Name of Sponsor : N/A
Names of directors : Executive Directors:
Mr. Chiu Hang Tai
Mr. Chiu Samson Hang Chin
Independent Non-executive Directors:
Mr. Li Chi Chung
Mr. So Stephen Hon Cheung
Mr. Xu Jian Hua
Names of substantial shareholders
(as such term is defined in rule 1.01 of
the GEM Listing Rules) and their
respective interests in the ordinary shares
and other securities of the Company
: Alliance Express Group Limited
131,000,000 ordinary shares (app. 19.19%)
(Note 1)
Concept Express Investments Limited
122,760,000 ordinary shares (app. 17.98%)
(Note 2)
Mr. Chiu Samson Hang Chin
103,324,732 ordinary shares (app. 15.13%)
1. These shares are beneficially owned by and registered in the name of Alliance Express
Group Limited. Alliance Express Group Limited is incorporated in the BVI and its entire
issued share capital is beneficially owned by Mr. Chiu Hang Tai.
2. These shares are beneficially owned by and registered in the name of Concept Express
Investments Limited. Concept Express Investments Limited is incorporated in the BVI
and its entire issued share capital is beneficially owned as to 47.82 per cent. by the estate of
Mr. Chiu Kwong Chi and as to 26.09 per cent. by each of Mr. Chiu Hang Tung and Ms.
Chiu Man Wah. Mr. Chiu Kwong Chi is the father of Mr. Chiu Hang Tung, Ms. Chiu Man
Wah, Mr. Chiu Samson Hang Chin and Mr. Chiu Hang Tai.
Name(s) of company(ies) listed on GEM or
the Main Board of the Stock Exchange
within the same group as the Company
Financial year end date : 30 June
Registered address : Clarendon House
2 Church Street
Hamilton HM 11
Head office and principal place of business : Units 5507-10, Hopewell Centre
183 Queen’s Road East
Hong Kong
Web-site address :
Share registrar (Hong Kong) : Tricor Secretaries Limited
Auditors : Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
B. Business activities
The Group is principally engaged in the design, development, manufacture and distribution of
high-quality computer components and computer-related consumer electronic products. The
Group operates its principal activities through two main divisions: (i) the XFX Division which
designs, develops, manufactures and markets video graphics cards and gaming products under
the Group’s “XFX” brand name; and (ii) the Global Distribution Division which distributes
products that include motherboard, networking product, hard-disk drive, memory, CPU,
Optical Drive, LCD monitor, digital camera, GPS for automobiles, and their related
C. Ordinary shares
Number of ordinary shares in issue : 682,786,000
Par value of ordinary shares in issue : HK$0.10 each
Board lot size (in number of ordinary
"Malo mori quam foederari - Lieber sterben als sich entehren"