1000% Chance mit IMNR

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Zugriffe: 2.965 / Heute: 1
IMMUNE RESPON. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

1000% Chance mit IMNR

29.06.06 09:15
HOT STOCK ALERT! = IMNR - Read the News! We’ve had two 1000%+ winners this year! IMNR could be the next!

Immune Response Corp. Website
Ticker Symbol: IMNR.OB
Pick Price: 0.0222
Current Price: 0.029 +31%
Target Price: $0.35
52 week high: $0.85!!!!!!!!!!!!
Industry: Biotechnology
Recommendation: MEGA BONUS BUY!

1000% Chance mit IMNR 45258


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Gibt es mehr info, z.B über die Firma? o. T.

29.06.06 09:30

Moin Graffy ;-)

29.06.06 09:32
Ist Graffy auch so Grün wie der Hulk?

Richtig, die Umsätze waren

29.06.06 09:36
gestern im Amiland schon sehr gut:
Nasdaq OTC BB ($) 0,029       72.276.200  +31,82%
bemerkenswert ist auch das fast auf Tageshoch geschlossen wurde

Best Bid: 0.0293  Best Ask: 0.0295  
Last Sale: 0.0294  Change: +0.0074
Percent Change: +33.64
Daily High: 0.0300 Daily Low: 0.0220
Opening Price: 0.0222 Volume: 72,276,214
Gruß Hausi

Fragen zur Firma

29.06.06 09:40
Gruß Hausi

Durchbruch in der HIV-Forschung !?

29.06.06 09:45

The Immune Response Corporation Announces Initial HIV-1 Viral Antigen Yields Improved at Least Two-Fold Through New Manufacturing Process
Tuesday June 27, 9:00 am ET
Medium Optimization Process Presented This Week at the Vaccine Technology Conference

CARLSBAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 27, 2006--The Immune Response Corporation (OTCBB:IMNR - News) announced today the development of a serum-free, chemically defined cell culture medium for the production of HIV-1 from HUT-78 cells, a human T-cell lymphoma cell line. A poster on the medium optimization process is being presented this week at the Vaccine Technology conference in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. This conference is being held June 25th-30th, and is a biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing event with a special emphasis on HIV vaccine candidates and other global vaccines. The development of this medium is an important step in the development of a vaccine utilizing whole-inactivated HIV to stimulate the human immune system against the virus. The Immune Response Corporation is currently evaluating this approach for a therapeutic vaccine in clinical trials of its second-generation HIV immunotherapy IR103. This technology will also be utilized toward the development of a preventive vaccine candidate.

The purpose of a therapeutic vaccine for HIV is to bolster the immune system to more effectively mount a sustained attack against HIV-infected cells. This may be accomplished by allowing the body to create and maintain a memory of the core proteins making up the virus by exposing it to an inactivated form of HIV that could not infect or destroy the immune cells. In order to create this vaccine candidate, cells chronically infected with the virus require growth and expansion in large quantities. The resulting whole virus contained in the clarified production medium is then inactivated and further purified through a scientifically robust and strictly regulated process.

The Company has collaborated with Irvine Scientific, a leading medical device/biotechnology company located in Santa Ana, CA, to develop a chemically defined, serum-free cell culture medium for the production process that eliminates all animal-derived components, improves viral yield, and is designed to provide consistently high cell growth through to full-scale production, while maintaining the performance of the final vaccine product as an immunological stimulant against HIV.

"The progress reported at this conference represents a significant advance for the Company," said Peter Lowry, Vice President of Manufacturing Operations at The Immune Response Corporation. "This new serum-free medium greatly enhances our ongoing efforts toward an efficient, economically viable, and reproducible manufacturing process that will allow us to produce safe and consistent whole-inactivated viral vaccines in large quantities."

Through a process of screening and optimization, the Company demonstrated that the human T-cell lymphoma cell line HUT-78 (chronically infected with HIV-1) can be grown and reliably passaged in a chemically-defined cell culture medium, with cell densities exceeding two million cells/ml. In addition, initial HIV-1 viral antigen yields were improved at least two-fold over the serum supplemented medium originally used.

The Company believes that, in parallel with the continuation of the IR103 Phase II clinical program, this new medium represents a valuable step in the development of an economically sound and transferable manufacturing process for the vaccine in the future.

About IR103

More than 25 million people have died since human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was first recognized in 1981 (source: UNAIDS, December 2005), and the new infection rate continues to grow at an alarming rate. Despite medical advances, the worldwide pandemic continues to claim more than 3.1 million lives each year (source: UNAIDS, December 2005). Additional safe and effective treatments are desperately needed for the estimated 40 million adults and children living with HIV as of 2005.

IR103 is a second-generation HIV immunotherapy based on the Company\'s patented, whole-inactivated virus technology, which was co-invented by Dr. Jonas Salk and indicated to be safe and immunogenic in extensive clinical studies of REMUNE®, the Company\'s first-generation HIV product candidate. Preclinical research and recent clinical data show that IR103 is a more potent formulation that combines its whole-inactivated antigen with a synthetic Toll-like receptor (TLR-9) agonist to create enhanced HIV-specific immune responses. This product differs from currently available antiretroviral drug therapies since it is designed to stimulate an HIV-infected individual\'s immune system to fight the virus.

About The Immune Response Corporation

The Immune Response Corporation (OTCBB:IMNR - News) is an immuno-pharmaceutical Company focused on developing products to treat autoimmune and infectious diseases. The Company\'s lead immune-based therapeutic product candidates are NeuroVax(TM) for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) and IR103 for the treatment of HIV infection. Both of these therapies are in Phase II clinical development and are designed to stimulate pathogen-specific immune responses aimed at slowing or halting the rate of disease progression.

NeuroVax(TM), which is based on the Company\'s patented T-cell receptor (TCR) peptide technology, has shown potential clinical value in the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). NeuroVax(TM) has been shown to stimulate strong, disease-specific cell-mediated immunity in nearly all patients treated and appears to work by enhancing levels of FOXP3+ Treg cells that are able to down regulate the activity of pathogenic T-cells that cause MS. Increasing scientific findings have associated diminished levels of FOXP3+ Treg cell responses with the pathogenesis and progression of MS and other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriasis and Crohn\'s disease. In addition to MS, the Company has open Investigational New Drug Applications (IND) with the FDA for clinical evaluation of TCR peptide-based immune-based therapies for RA and psoriasis.

IR103 is based on the Company\'s patented, whole-inactivated virus technology, co-invented by Dr. Jonas Salk and indicated to be safe and immunogenic in extensive clinical studies of REMUNE®, the Company\'s first-generation HIV product candidate. IR103 is a more potent formulation that combines its whole-inactivated antigen with a synthetic Toll-like receptor (TLR-9) agonist to create enhanced HIV-specific immune responses. The Company is currently testing IR103 in two Phase II clinical studies as a first-line treatment for drug-naive HIV-infected individuals not yet eligible for antiretroviral therapy according to current medical guidelines.

NeuroVax(TM) and IR103 are in clinical development by The Immune Response Corporation and are not approved by any regulatory agencies in any country at this time. Please visit The Immune Response Corporation at www.imnr.com.

This news release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often signaled by forms of words such as should, could, will, might, plan, projection, forecast, expect, guidance, potential and developing. Actual results could vary materially from those expected due to a variety of risk factors, including whether the Company will continue as a going concern and successfully raise proceeds from financing activities sufficient to fund operations and additional clinical trials of NeuroVax(TM) or IR103, the uncertainty of successful completion of any such clinical trials, the fact that the Company has not succeeded in commercializing any drug, the risk that NeuroVax(TM) or IR103 might not prove to be effective as either a therapeutic or preventive vaccine, whether future trials will be conducted and whether the results of such trials will coincide with the results of NeuroVax(TM) or IR103 in preclinical trials and/or earlier clinical trials. A more extensive set of risks is set forth in The Immune Response Corporation\'s SEC filings including, but not limited to, its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005, and its subsequent Quarterly Reports filed on Form 10-Q. The Company undertakes no obligation to update the results of these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after today or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

REMUNE® is a registered trademark of The Immune Response Corporation. NeuroVax(TM) is a trademark of The Immune Response Corporation.

The Immune Response Corporation
Michael K. Green, 760-431-7080
Media Contact:
Chamberlain Communications Group Inc.
David Kyne, 212-884-0661
Investor Contact:
ROI Associates
Robert Giordano, 212-495-0201

Source: The Immune Response Corporation

Frankfurt 0,028 231.090 +47,37% 0,019

29.06.06 10:22
jetzt geht´s los;-)

Frankfurt 0,029 bB 274.222 +52,63% ;-) o. T.

29.06.06 10:36

RT F. 0,032€ o. T.

29.06.06 10:37


29.06.06 10:40
Welche WKN

tja da hatte ich anscheinend

29.06.06 10:41
mal ein gutes Händchen, hatte ja im alten Thread gepostet dass ich nach dem Kurssturz extrem verbilligt habe, dass es nun so schnell geht habe ich nicht zu hoffen gewagt;-)
Frankfurt  0,032       284.222  +68,42%   0,019  0,024 - 0,032  10:23
Gruß Hausi

765803 o. T.

29.06.06 10:42
765803 o. T.">


29.06.06 10:42

ein aktuellerer Artikel:

29.06.06 10:58
Encouraging mid-phase data for Immune Response drug
28th June 2006
By Tom Neilson

Preliminary phase II study results of The Immune Response Corporation\'s second-generation HIV immunotherapy, IR103, have shown the drug to have enhanced immunomodulatory effects over Remune, the company\'s first-generation immunotherapy.

IR103 is a co-formulation of Remune and a novel synthetic toll-like receptor (TLR-9) agonist adjuvant, Amplivax. The company presented the results at the International Symposium on HIV & Emerging Infectious Diseases (ISHEID) in Toulon, France.

IR103 differs from currently available antiretroviral drug therapies in that it is an immune-based therapy designed to replenish and enhance key immune cells that have been destroyed by the virus, thus allowing stimulation of an HIV-infected individual\'s immune system to fight the virus.

"The early results for IR103 in this clinical study are encouraging," said lead investigator, Dr Andrea Gori, of the Department of Internal Medicine and Surgery at San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan. "We can now proceed to further investigate the potential advance that IR103 may provide through its unique ability to actively stimulate an HIV patient\'s immune system to fight the virus."


Kursziel 1,00$

29.06.06 11:11
By: makingmoney1961 28 Jun 2006, 06:18 PM EDT Msg. 2056 of 2063
(This msg. is a reply to 2051 by easymoneyva.)

I am with you easymoney I jusy got lucky and pulled the trigger a little sooner, I believe we can make some money here. I can see it going back to 1.00 in the not so far off.

(Voluntary Disclosure: Position- Long)
Jan Langenba.:

Was glaubt ihr?

29.06.06 11:55
Legen die Amis heute wieder so eine Rallye hin?

also gestern

29.06.06 11:59
war es ja schon gewaltig und kann mir nicht vorstellen dass die sich zum "Geldtauschen" eingedeckt haben, da sollte noch was kommen;-)
Gruß Hausi

Wo seht ihr das Kurziel realistisch?

29.06.06 12:12
Bin auch mal bei 3 Cent rein... Von mir aus kann es jetzt richtig hoch gehen...

gute Frage Schnatzi,

29.06.06 12:41
aber kann man bei Aktien und bei diesen Papieren überhaupt jemals von "realistischen" Kursen sprechen? Meiner Meinung nach werden 60% am Markt durch manipulationen pusher/basher-Leerverkäufer-puter/caller, 25% durch News, Story´s und Phantasieinterpretationen und lediglich 15% durch mathematische Kalkulationen etc. festgelegt. Nun sieh Dir an wo dieses ausgebombte Teil herkommt:
       1000% Chance mit IMNR 2644930
, Luft nach oben also massig, wann nun eine grundlegende, steigende Tendenz zu erwarten ist vermag ich nicht zu sagen. Allerdings haben die wirklich genug in der Pipeline sowie in der Testphase um hier Supergeschäfte zu generieren. Weiterhin sehe ich den jüngsten einbruch als ungerechtfertigt und haltlos, scheint mir wieder eine manipulierte Sache zu sein, von daher sehe ich kurzfristige Kurse um die 0,05 - 0,07 als möglich. Nur meine Meinung;-)
Gruß Hausi

hält sich wacker

29.06.06 13:21
Frankfurt  0,031       892.169  +63,16%  12.51Uhr

So Berlin zieht nach

29.06.06 14:06
Berlin/Bremen  0,03    3.000  +66,67% 13:30Uhr


29.06.06 15:17
aber gegen 100 % gewinn durch trading bin ich nicht immun .. oder ??

Wäre schade für Dich;-) o. T.

29.06.06 15:23
Jan Langenba.:

was machen denn die Amis

29.06.06 18:00
das ist was zählt,schließlich machen sie den Kurs

schwächeln etwas

29.06.06 19:03
opening 0,03 momentan 0,025 volume 35,420,423 und nu mittach;-)
Jan Langenba.:


29.06.06 19:07
war das gestern ein Stohfeuerwerk. Wo ist denn Hulk keine Bewertung oder Kommentare?

langsam an

29.06.06 19:17
wie so oft werden diese dinger erst gepuscht .. dann werden sie etwass runter gehen und dann wird immune ganz sicher hoch gehen ..
diese daytrader und diese marktpuscher setzen doch nur auf solche dinger um schnell was abzukassieren .. was ja nicht verboten ist .. wenn man es kann und wenn man da an der quelle sitzt ..
nur mußt du an der quelle sitzen um mal schnell einzusteigen und abends aussteigen und mal kurz 2o oder 3o oder mehr % zu machen


ja hätte man auch machen können,

29.06.06 20:02
allerdings muß man dann entsprechend fett auflegen, ist mir aber zu Risikoreich, habe wie gesagt verbilligt und bin bereits minimal im plus, einfach liegen lassen, tut nicht weh und kommt mit der nächsten guten Meldung wieder in Schwung;-)
Gruß Hausi

Wann kommt hier der Durchbruch?

03.07.06 18:24
Wann kommen wieder News? Wo seht ihr das Kursziel?

Wenn die Ami´s wieder interesse bekunden

03.07.06 18:34
geht es hoch, wann News kommen weiß keiner wahrscheinlich erst wenn die Testphasen abgeschlossen sind und diese hoffentlich positiv ausfallen;-)
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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Wertung Antworten Thema Verfasser letzter Verfasser letzter Beitrag
  5 wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil, Thumanin lassmichrein 23.05.07 11:26
4 152 immune respo. hot ! sesam78 Sorccerer 24.04.07 22:52
  23 Nächste Biorakete Immune soros sesam78 24.07.06 17:27
  81 Tja, aber am Kurs???????? o. T. HausmeisterKrause sesam78 10.07.06 22:29
  3 Immune response Ohio Ohio 05.07.06 19:01
