Titan Petroleum

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Titan Petroleum

14.07.07 00:13

Eine Empfehlung von unserem AsienWerte Kenner @Skunkworks.


Der Chart ist allerdings nicht berauschend, der Wert ist aber rentabel und werde ich mal imAuge behalten.


Ein interessanter Wert, noch nicht in Deutschland gelsitet ist der Hongkong Pharmaceutical, allerdings auch sehr volatil der Chart!

__________________________________________________ "Malo mori quam foederari - Lieber sterben als sich entehren"


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Der 3 Monatschart von 1192

15.07.07 19:32


Historical Price Graph<!-- img src="../images/prichart_e.gif" -->
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<!-- tr>     
Today's Top 20
Titan Petroleum 3425801  Titan Petroleum 3425801  Titan Petroleum 3425801  Titan Petroleum 3425801
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 Titan Petroleum 3425801  Closing Price Titan Petroleum 3425801  5-Day Average Titan Petroleum 3425801  10-Day Average Titan Petroleum 3425801  S&P/HKEx LargeCap Index Titan Petroleum 3425801  Suspended  
              Titan Petroleum 3425801       Titan Petroleum 3425801 <!-- tr>     
 Click the buttons for detail stock price or turnover volume.
      <!-- %= PriceChart.GetHtmlTag(520,300,"Auto","PriceChart") % --> Titan Petroleum 3425801__




"Malo mori quam foederari - Lieber sterben als sich entehren"


der chart aus dem jahre 1192 ???

15.07.07 20:32

Es ist nun gut @Ohio

16.07.07 00:56
Jeder hier weiss doch, dass mit 1192 der StockCode von Titan Petrochem gemeint ist!

Und du weisst es sicherlich auch! Also gut jetzt !

0,83 HK $ heute

18.07.07 12:45

__________________________________________________ "Malo mori quam foederari - Lieber sterben als sich entehren"


Klare Seitwärtsbewegung

18.07.07 12:59


Today's Top 20
Titan Petroleum 3433026  Titan Petroleum 3433026  Titan Petroleum 3433026  Titan Petroleum 3433026
 Related Stocks: -->-->
Related Stocks
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 Last Updated:
The Stock Prices are disseminated with 60 minutes delay on this site.
 Titan Petroleum 3433026  Closing Price Titan Petroleum 3433026  5-Day Average Titan Petroleum 3433026  10-Day Average Titan Petroleum 3433026  S&P/HKEx LargeCap Index Titan Petroleum 3433026  Suspended  
 Titan Petroleum 3433026       Titan Petroleum 3433026
 Click the buttons for detail stock price or turnover volume.
 <!-- %= PriceChart.GetHtmlTag(520,300,"Auto","PriceChart") % --> Titan Petroleum 3433026

__________________________________________________ "Malo mori quam foederari - Lieber sterben als sich entehren"


Titan +--

30.09.07 21:10

Titan in US$91m tanker sale


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Titan Petrochemicals Group (1192), which operates supertankers and fuel storage facilities, has agreed to sell a 14-year-old double-hulled very large crude carrier to Dubai-based Medoil for US$91 million (HK$709.8 million).

Titan said on Friday that the sale of the 299,993 deadweight-tonne tanker, Titan Virgo, will allow it to reduce its exposure to the volatile vessel market, where freight rates remain depressed.

"This disposal gives us a good opportunity to realize the value of the vessel and strengthen Titan's cashflow, helping us to execute our growth strategy to diversify and improve the quality of earnings going forward," Titan chief executive Barry Cheung Chun-yuen said in a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange. Proceeds from the sale are earmarked for general working capital. The sale will represent an unaudited gain of about US$9.4 million for the integrated oil logistics provider, which operates in Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Malaysia.

This latest disposal was the second this year involving a large crude carrier. Earlier the group sold Titan Taurus, a single-hulled 254,991 dwt vessel, to Korea Line Corp for US$41 million. The group's transportation division now operates seven VLCCs and its fleet capacity, excluding the four vessels being used as floating storage facilities, will become about 2.13 million dwt.

Titan shares closed unchanged on Friday at 60 HK cents.  

Petrochemicals 2008 Financial report

10.05.09 02:54

Aktueller Jahresbericht vom 4.5.09:





die Konzernseite vergessen

10.05.09 02:55

Finacial report 1st half of 2009

10.09.09 04:24



ab jetzt gehts langesam wieder aufwärts... 20 Mio. Geldspritze vom JV Partner und Chemie Anlage in Betrieb. Nur 20% Auslastung und somit viel luft nach oben sobald die allg. wirtschaftliche Lage sich verbessert.

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3 9 Titan Petroleum Mme.Eugenie Megas_Polemarch. 10.09.09 04:24
