Der New Yorker Times Square. Die Stadt ist der wichtigste Finanzplatz der USA.
Donnerstag, 08.06.2017 23:20 von

Shipping Tycoons and Financiers Converge, Converse and Transact at Marine Money's 30th Anniversary Marine Money Week in New York.

Der New Yorker Times Square. Die Stadt ist der wichtigste Finanzplatz der USA.

PR Newswire

STAMFORD, Conn., June 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Marine Money International, the leading host of conferences focused on financing the international maritime industry ("Marine Money"), today announced a record attendance for the 30th annual Marine Money Week, the world's largest ship finance forum. The 30th annual Marine Money Week conference on June 19-21 at The Pierre Hotel, the former home of Aristotle Onassis, will attract more than 1,000 dealmakers who will come together to do just that - put transactions together.

Marine Money International. (PRNewsFoto/Marine Money International)

With $300 billion in annual capital requirements, the international shipping industry is an enormous and steady user of capital. As traditional sources of ship finance dry up, the world's shipowners are increasingly turning to New York to fund their projects in the U.S. Capital Markets.  "I don't think it's a stretch to say that in the future, it will be impossible to be a market leader in this capital intensive industry without access to the U.S. Capital Markets and that every Alpha-seeking investor will have a position in global shipping," said Matt McCleery, President of Marine Money and author of the novel The Shipping Man, which was featured on Bloomberg's "Summer Reading for the Tasteful and Preoccupied" list. McCleery added, "While syndicated loan volume has sagged to its lowest level in 10 years, capital markets activity, mergers and deals with hedge funds have sharply increased and hundreds of private equity funds, hedge funds and long-only investors are actively deploying capital in the global shipping industry."

While the U.S. Capital Markets remain the deepest pool of risk tolerant capital, Chinese leasing companies and Chinese banks, Far East export credit agencies and a healthy European Bond market all critically complement the U.S. Capital Markets and will be heavily present at The Pierre.

Presenting public companies include:

Tellurian Inc. (TELL)
GasLog Ltd. (GLOG)
Flex LNG
Höegh LNG
American Shipping (ASCJF)
KNOT Offshore Partners UK LLC (KNOP)
Scorpio Tankers (STNG)
International Seaways
Stolt-Nielsen (SNI)
Ardmore Shipping (ASC)
Tsakos Energy Navigation
Ship Finance International (SFL)
Genco Shipping & Trading Limited (GNK)
Songa Bulk (SBULK)
Star Bulk Carriers Corporation (SBLK)
Eagle Bulk
Nordic American Tankers
Euronav NV (EURN)
Tanker Investments Limited
Team Tankers International Ltd. (TEAM)
Ocean Yield (OYIEF)

Julia Hull


Ardmore Shipping Realtime-Chart
Gaslog Chart
Genco Shipping & Trading Realtime-Chart
Knot Offshore Partners Realtime-Chart
Scorpio Tankers Chart
SFL Realtime-Chart
Star Bulk Carriers Corp. Realtime-Chart
Tellurian Inc. Realtime-Chart

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