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NIKOLA Corporation US6541101050 Nachfolge Thread V

Beiträge: 21.661
Zugriffe: 6.169.386 / Heute: 1.608
Nikola Corp 9,33 $ -0,53% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -99,14%

Und Nikola

18.10.22 10:20
verkauft Produkte, welche sie liefern Können. Mitbewerber im Segment verkaufen 2017 werbewirksam 100 BEV Semis an Coca Cola, Geplante Auslieferung 2019. Wir schreiben jetzt das Jahr Q3 2022 und Coca Cola hat bislang genau wieviele Trucks erhalten?


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Nikola - spätere Zahlenveröffentlichung

18.10.22 12:56

Es gibt folgendes SEC-Filing Form 8-K von gestern:

Inline XBRL Viewer (

Das Wesentliche und Neue darin ist das folgendes (Auszug aus dem Filing):

Nikola beabsichtigt, die Jahresabschlüsse von Romeo als Teil eines Nachtrags zu diesem aktuellen Bericht auf Formblatt 8-K spätestens 71 Kalendertage nach dem Datum, an dem dieser aktuelle Bericht auf Formblatt 8-K eingereicht werden muss, einzureichen.

Nikola beabsichtigt, die Pro-forma-Finanzinformationen von Nikola und Romeo als Teil eines Nachtrags zu diesem aktuellen Bericht auf Formular 8-K spätestens 71 Kalendertage nach dem Datum einzureichen, an dem dieser aktuelle Bericht auf Formular 8-K eingereicht werden muss.

Auf die Veröffentlichung der Zahlen für Q3/2022 muss also noch einige Zeit gewartet werden.

Bei Verschmelzungen von Firmen sind die Buchhaltungen dieser Firmen auf eine zusammenzuführen. Das ist mit viel Arbeit samt Prüfungsaufwand verbunden, was einige Zeit in Anspruch nimmt. Dass die Zahlen deswegen erst später gemeldet werden, ist üblich und kaum zu vermeiden. 

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Russel hat aufgehört zu verkaufen

18.10.22 16:02
am Tag vor der Übernahme. Vielleicht hat er einfach nur Romeo Aktien gekauft

Das stimmt leider nicht. Er hat auch noch

18.10.22 16:06
am 13. und 14.10. Aktien veräußert:

Nikola - Russell - Aktienoptionen/Aktien

18.10.22 16:59

Russell startete mit seinem Nikola-Aktienoptionsausübungs- und -Aktienverkaufsplan am 15.9.2022, nahezu immer ging es um 75.000 Stück pro Börsenhandelstag. Im Zeitraum 15.9. - 14.10. waren es insgesamt 1.816.114 Stück (Aktienoptionen ausgeübt und die Aktien jeweils gleichtägig verkauft).

Nach seinen Transaktionen am 14.10. hielt er noch 7.027.185 Aktienoptionen. In täglichen Tranchen wie bisher würde es noch 94 Börsenhandelstage dauern, also mehr als vier Monate, bis sein Aktienoptionsstand auf Null wäre.

Nach seinen Transaktionen am 14.10. hielt er 2.812.246 Nikola-Aktien. Wenn er diese anschließend in täglichen Tranchen von 75.000 Stück verkaufen würde, würde es zusätzliche 38 Börsenhandelstage dauern, also knapp zwei  Monate, bis auch sein Aktienstand auf Null wäre.

Mal sehen, wie lange sein Nikola-Aktienoptionsausübungs- und -Aktienverkaufsplan noch laufen wird.



Ownership Information: RUSSELL MARK A (


The new FPT ePowertrain

18.10.22 18:34
The new FPT ePowertrain plant in Turin conceived for massive e-axle and battery pack production

The very first totally carbon-neutral plant within Iveco Group covers an area of 15,000 square meters. At full capacity, the plant will employ about 200 people to produce over 20,000 electric axles and over 20,000 battery packs a year. The electric axles will equip heavy-duty vehicles such as the Nikola Tre truck, while the electric transfer boxes and compact battery packs will be installed on light commercial vehicles and minibuses.

Iveco Group’s powertrain brand FPT Industrial inaugurated its brand-new ePowertrain plant in Turin. The opening ceremony was held on October 18. The very first totally carbon-neutral plant within Iveco Group covers an area of 15,000 square meters. At full capacity, the plant will employ about 200 people to produce over 20,000 electric axles and over 20,000 battery packs a year. The electric axles will equip heavy-duty vehicles such as the Nikola Tre truck, while the electric transfer boxes and compact battery packs will be installed on light commercial vehicles and minibuses, such as the new IVECO eDAILY. Both these zero-emission vehicles were presented at IAA Transportation, last month.
FPT ePowertrain: a carbon neutral plant

The plant is capable to generate its own energy with solar panels and other innovative photovoltaic and wind power technologies, purchases additional energy from renewable sources and buys carbon credits to fully offset its CO2 emissions. A 6,000 sq meter internal space planted with 100 drought-resilient plants adds a further expected absorption of CO2 of approximately 7 tons a year.

The adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies – including highly automated warehouses, augmented and virtual reality, CEO Gerrit Marx speaking

“Iveco Group has set itself the challenging goal of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2040, ten years
before the deadline of the Paris Agreement”, commented Iveco Group CEO, Gerrit Marx. “This applies equally to our products and to the places where we work to produce them. From this plant we will supply e-powertrain applications that will complement an already extensive engine line-up, confirming our will to offer customers the right products and services to meet their rapidly changing needs and our credible ambition to lead the electromobility race”.intelligent sensors, 3D scanners for metrology-grade measurements, 3D reality simulators,
cooperative robots and thermal imaging cameras – will ensure improved safety, sustainability, quality,
productivity, and logistics management.



18.10.22 19:54
Danke für anhaltende und aufschlussreiche Moderation!  


18.10.22 20:06
Edit: "The new FPT ePowertrain plant"

The eAX 840-R model

Ende des Abwärtstrends in Sicht?

18.10.22 22:02
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Extrapunkt für

19.10.22 19:25
Exhumierung des so was von toten Badgers, Leute, Euch kann man echt jeden Bären aufbinden.
Das geht so echt nicht weiter  


19.10.22 21:09
Bist du auch als Russ unterwegs in anderen Foren?
Oder nur keine eigenen Bash-Statements?

"I only buy stocks that have CEO's that are in handcuffs. How can I be sure that this is true for NKLA ?"

Hier sind die Leute wegen BEVs / FCEVs und HUBs investiert, Badger wöre ne nette Dreingabe, denke etwas gegensätzliches wurde hier auch nicht diskutiert.


Hamburger Hafen

19.10.22 22:46
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Artikel bei Reuters

20.10.22 14:50
Incentives provided by the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will help Nikola Corp by lowering costs of its electric trucks and hydrogen energy business, the electric vehicle maker said on Thursday.  The act, which U.S. President Joe Biden signed in August, provides incentives designed to ...

Ergänzung @Jürgen1964 / Reuters / offizielle PR

20.10.22 18:07
Nikola Highlights Benefits to Integrated Truck and Energy Business Model from The Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is expected to provide a significant boost to Nikola’s low carbon hydrogen energy business strategy, enabling lower cost hydrogen supply and dispensing infrastructure

Nikola’s energy business aims to develop access of up to 300 metric-tons of low carbon hydrogen supply and up to 60 hydrogen dispensing stations by 2026

The IRA energy and other climate incentives are anticipated to lower costs across Nikola’s expected portfolio creating greater value for Nikola’s integrated business model

The IRA’s incentives for energy and zero-emissions truck manufacturing businesses are expected to further enable Nikola’s zero-emission trucks to be competitive on a total cost of ownership basis when compared to traditional diesel vehicles

PHOENIX – October 20, 2022 -- Nikola Corporation (Nasdaq: NKLA), a global leader in zero-emissions transportation and energy supply and infrastructure solutions, today issued the following statement highlighting key elements of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), signed into law by President Biden this past August. The legislation supports every aspect of Nikola’s integrated truck and energy business model from the development of zero-emissions vehicle technology through and including low-cost hydrogen production and dispensing infrastructure deployment.

“The energy and climate investments included in the IRA are anticipated to help accelerate our strategic initiatives and drive new growth opportunities,” said Michael Lohscheller, President, Nikola Corporation. “Given the expected scale of our hydrogen business model, and our early mover advantage, we believe Nikola is ideally positioned to benefit from nearly every aspect of the legislation at a scale ahead of current industry participants. The Act is expected to provide significant benefits to Nikola through production and investment tax credits, direct pay provisions, and other incentives that are expected to lower the cost of hydrogen, dispensing infrastructure and trucks for Nikola and our customers. The legislation is projected to enable Nikola and our strategic partners to create more jobs, play a key role in the transition to a low carbon economy, and build on our leadership position in zero-emission transportation.”

Significantly Enhances Nikola’s Integrated Business Through Lower Costs

Nikola’s energy business model supports the needs of truck customers who require low carbon hydrogen supply and dispensing stations to support the adoption of fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) fleets. The IRA, when combined with other state-based incentives, such as the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), will reduce the overall cost of hydrogen production and dispensing. The required scale of hydrogen supply and dispensing infrastructure for the heavy-duty sector does not yet exist, and Nikola believes the IRA will help support its development activities as the Company and its partners take a leading role in building this critical infrastructure – enabling more sales of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and creating additional value to Nikola’s future energy business.

Scaled Clean Hydrogen Production

Nikola and its strategic partners are working to build a large-scale hydrogen supply and dispensing infrastructure business to support Nikola’s truck customers, as well as third-party demand. Specifically, this business aims to develop access of up to 300 metric-tons per day of hydrogen supply and up to 60 hydrogen dispensing stations by 2026, with significant growth plans over the decade. Several of these infrastructure projects are actively underway, including a hydrogen production hub in Arizona, which will be engineered to produce 30 metric-tons per day in its first phase, and will scale up to 150 metric-tons per day upon completion, which will help to support adoption of Nikola’s trucks and hydrogen demand in regional markets including California. Nikola has made progress in advancing the development of this hub and have recently acquired a land parcel in Buckeye County, Arizona on which the hub will be located. With the land now secured, the permitting and rezoning process, as well as the procurement of long-lead equipment, has begun. This hub, when completed, will allow Nikola to supply its dispensing infrastructure in regional markets, including California

Wabash Valley Resources (WVR) in Indiana is designed to produce over 250 metric-tons of low-carbon hydrogen per day, once built, of which Nikola has a 20% ownership interest. Hydrogen produced at the WVR facility is expected to ensure that Nikola will be able to supply the Midwest region with approximately 50 metric-tons of hydrogen per day.

These and several other hydrogen production and infrastructure projects planned across the country are expected to benefit from the incentives provided by the IRA, including the following IRA Clean Energy Production, Investment and Carbon Management Tax Credits:

The Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit (45V) provides up to $3.00 per kilogram of hydrogen produced. The tax credit is a direct pay source of revenue for the first five years of a facility’s production.

The Carbon Sequestration Credit (45Q) has been extended and expanded and provides up to $85 per metric-ton of carbon, which equals up to $1.00 per kilogram, that is captured and sequestered. This benefit adds a financial incentive to Nikola’s planned hydrogen supply projects that will use advanced technologies, such as those being implemented by WVR, to capture carbon.

The extension of existing energy Investment Tax Credits (48) promotes the development of renewable electricity projects that provide zero-carbon electricity used in the production of hydrogen via electrolysis.

The addition of a technology neutral energy Investment Tax Credit (48D) will benefit various critical parts of the hydrogen manufacturing process, including hydrogen storage, by up to 30% of the eligible investment.

Accelerates Deployment of a Commercial Hydrogen Fueling Network and Commercial Hydrogen Vehicles

Nikola has begun to implement its hydrogen dispensing station development program in California and announced three station locations in August 2022. Additional stations across the U.S. are in progress and are expected to be announced in the near future. These projects are anticipated to benefit Nikola through the application of the IRA’s incentives for hydrogen supply and dispensing station infrastructure development.

IRA Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credits

The Alternative Fuel Refueling Property Credit (30C) supports Nikola’s plans to build with its partners up to 60 dispensing stations by 2026. This provision promotes station development by offsetting the cost of construction for up to $100,000 per dispensing equipment item. When considered against the cost of a station, this could provide a significant reduction in cost.

The IRA benefits for dispensing infrastructure, when combined with state hydrogen dispensing incentive programs such as California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), will allow low carbon hydrogen to earn an additional $1.00 - $2.00 per kilogram of hydrogen dispensed into a Nikola Tre FCEV, depending on the market-based demand for an LCFS credit. With LCFS, the price of hydrogen becomes significantly more cost competitive compared to costly diesel prices in the state. Oregon and British Columbia have enacted similar programs, and Canada (federally) and Washington will begin programs in 2023 and 2024, respectively, making these areas key targets as first movers to adopt the technology.

Advances Nikola’s Manufacturing Capabilities and Broadens Customer Base

Nikola’s vehicle and components production is expected to benefit from provisions of the IRA that will reduce the cost of vehicle manufacturing and accelerate customer acquisition.

The expansion of Nikola’s Coolidge manufacturing facility may benefit from an up to 30% Advanced Energy Project Credit (48C) through a $10 billion grant for advanced energy projects that expand manufacturing facilities for the production of heavy-duty battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and FCEVs.

Nikola may benefit $10 per kilowatt hour from the Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit (45X) for producing battery modules for BEVs and FCEVs, in the event Nikola produces battery modules in-house.

Additionally, the new $40,000 Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit (45W) may reduce the upfront purchase cost of a Nikola Tre BEV or FCEV vehicle for fleets looking to transition from carbon-emitting Class 8 diesel engines.

Together, these incentives are expected to provide value across Nikola’s integrated truck and energy business model by driving down the production costs of low carbon hydrogen, reducing infrastructure costs for the construction of hydrogen dispensing stations, and reducing the cost of ownership of a Nikola FCEV to be competitive on a total cost of ownership basis with traditional diesel vehicles.

About Nikola Corporation
Nikola Corporation is globally transforming the transportation industry. As a designer and manufacturer of zero-emission battery-electric and hydrogen-electric vehicles, electric vehicle drivetrains, vehicle components, energy storage systems, and hydrogen station infrastructure, Nikola is driven to revolutionize the economic and environmental impact of commerce as we know it today. Founded in 2015, Nikola Corporation is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. For more information, visit or Twitter @nikolamotor.

Das sind absolut

21.10.22 00:27
tolle Neuigkeiten (der Kauf in Buckeye ist ja nun auch offiziell bestätigt)! Da steckt ein unglaubliches Potential drinnen.  

Interview mit Michael Lohscheller

21.10.22 01:08
in der Automobilwoche:

Naked Shorts 20/10

21.10.22 16:51
Naked Shorts 20/10 - 76.21%

Eon / Westnetz testet Endkundenversorgung

21.10.22 17:23
Eon-Ableger Westnetz testet Endkundenversorgung mit 100 Prozent Wasserstoff


HOLZWICKEDE Der Verteilnetzbetreiber Westnetz, eine Tochter des Eon-Unternehmens Westenergie AG, testet in einem Pilotprojekt in der Gemeinde Holzwickede bei Dortmund die Belieferung von Endkunden mit 100 Prozent grünem Wasserstoff. Die nordrhein-westfälische Wirtschaftsministerin Mona Neubaur (Grüne) sagte am Donnerstag anlässlich der offiziellen Einweihung: "Wir gehen heute 500 wichtige Meter in Richtung Klimaneutralität." Das Projekt könne zur Blaupause für den Hochlauf der Wasserstoffwirtschaft werden.

Westnetz hat für das Projekt eine vorhandene Erdgasleitung vom Verteilnetz getrennt und an einen Wasserstoffspeicher angeschlossen. Dieser wird mit klimaneutralem Wasserstoff gefüllt, der bei einem Druck von maximal 42 bar gespeichert wird. Von dort aus werden drei Unternehmen in Holzwickede beliefert, die mit dem Wasserstoff einen Teil der benötigen Raumwärme für ihre Gebäude produzieren. Das Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt "H2HoWi" wird vom Deutschen Brennstoffinstitut Freiberg begleitet und läuft bis Ende 2023.

News of today

21.10.22 19:16

EU Parlament stimmt für Ausbau von H2 Tanknetz

21.10.22 19:18

Aktuelles Bear Coolidge Video von gestern

25.10.22 16:24
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