für die Nanotechnologen :

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für die Nanotechnologen :

21.01.04 18:29

Hersteller 3rdTech des NanoManipulator

Vorgerückte DiamantcTechnologien
(ADT)"eine Frühstadiumsfirma, die eine patentierte Technik für das Bilden der Dünnfilme des nanocrystallinediamanten in den Handel bringt. Dieses Romanmaterial, das wir Diamanten Ultrananocrystalline (UNCD) nennen, ist eine Form natürlichen diamond?not a Diamant-wie Mittel. UNCD besitzt die materiellen Eigenschaften des natürlichen Diamanten in der Dünnfilmform.",

Vorgerückte Produkte Nano
(ANP) Stellt nanocrystallinematerialien und ihre chemischen Vorläufer für das Beschichten und die verarbeitenanwendungen des Puders her.

Vorgerückte Technologien Nano
(AMEISE) stellt von einer breiten Strecke extrem fein und von den nanoscalepudern her.

Vorgerückte PudercTechnologie
(PASSEND) stellt eine Strecke der nanopowders und der Funktionsprodukte her, die nanopowders enthalten.

LebencWissenschaften Advectus "..., eine auftauchende Lebenwissenschaftsfirma konzentrierte auf die Kommerzialisierung einer Heilung für Gehirnkrebs. Advectus hält die exklusiven weltweiten Rechte einschließlich der Patente zu diesem nanoparticle-gegründete Technologie für die Anlieferung der anerkannten Krebskämpfendrogen über der blood-brain Sperre für die Behandlung der Gehirntumoren.",

Systeme Agere
(früher die Mikroelektronikabteilung der Lucent-Technologien) der "Weltführer in den Verkäufen der Kommunikationsbestandteile. Wir entwerfen, entwickeln und stellen optoelektronische Bestandteile für Kommunikationsnetze und integrierte Schaltungen für Gebrauch in einer ausgedehnten Strecke der Kommunikationen und der Computerausrüstung."her,


"Technologien Agilent ist auf dem führenden Rand fast jeder Haupttendenz in den Kommunikationen und in den Lebenwissenschaften. Von den optischen und drahtlosen Kommunikationen zur Krankheit- und Entdeckungforschung, liefert Agilent Produkt und Technologieinnovationen, die fördern Millionen Leute um die Welt.",

Aktina Begrenzte
"Nano-führte Filme für das Verursachen der beständigen Oberflächenstrukturen." aus,

Oberflächen AlCove
Medizinische Vorrichtungstechnologie mit den speziellen entworfenen keramischen Oberflächen gebildet vom nanoporous Aluminiumoxyd, von den Anwendungen wie lokaler Drogeanlieferung oder von lokalem brachytherapy. Und nanostructured Oberflächen zwischen 20 nm und 300 nm und änderte das Reflexionsvermögen, Adhäsion, Benetzbarkeit und andere Eigenschaften.

Technologien Allegro
"..., ist eine wissensbasierte Campusfirma. Er hat entwickelt hervorragende eigene microdispensing Technologien für Anwendungen des gegenwärtigen und folgenden Erzeugung auf den Gebieten der Drogeentdeckung, des genomics und der analytical-/diagnosticinstrumentenausrüstung.",

Ausländische Technologie "..., hat exklusive Patentrechte zu, eine Herstellungstechnologie entwickelt und hält, die drastisch die Herstellungskosten einer Vielzahl der elektronischen Vorrichtungen verringert. Die Technologie, genannt Fluidic Selbst-Self-Assembly (FSA?), ermöglicht den leistungsfähigen Zusammenbau der integrierter Schaltungen in eine Vielzahl der Substrate, vom Glas zum flexiblen Plastik.",

Vollständig-besessene Tochtergesellschaft AltairNanomaterials A von Altair Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. besitzt eine eigene Technologie für das Bilden der nanocrystallinematerialien der einzigartigen Qualität, ökonomisch und in den großen Quantitäten. Die Firma produziert nah-sortierte nanoparticles des Titandioxids und der bezogenen keramischen Oxidmaterialien und der -mittel.

"Nanopowders und Nanotechnology für vorgerückte Materialien.",

Angewandtes NanoMaterials "..., bringt nanospheres und nanotubes der anorganischen Mittel in den Handel, die am Institut Weizmann der Wissenschaft in Rehovot, Israel entdeckt werden. Diese Materialien werden benutzt in den Mikroelektronischen, Halbleiter-, Aerospace-, Schmiermittel- und Metallarbeitsmärkten.", Sehen Sie Finanzierungsartikel zu mehr Information.

Angewandtes Nanotech Inc..
(Früher FeldcEmission-BildelementcTechnologie)"..., eine Premierforschungs- und -entwicklungsorganisation weihte sich entwickelnden Anwendungen für nanoparticles wie Carbonnanotubes, metallisierte Dielektrika, Silikonnanocrystals und andere."ein, Tochtergesellschaft des SI-Diamanten.

Angewandtes Nanotechnologies, Inc..
(ANI)"..., hergestellt im Oktober 2000, um Anwendungen von Carbonnanotubes in den verschiedenen Industrien wie Nachrichtentechniken, Elektronik und medizinischen Belichtungssystemen zu entwickeln und in den Handel zu bringen. Die Firma auch fabriziert Carbonnanotubes für Gebrauch in den obenerwähnten die Industrien und die Forschungsgemeinschaft.",

Angewandtes NanoWorks
"..., liefert nanotechnologylösungen des folgenden Erzeugung heute, die arbeiten, um Ihrer Forschung, Produktentwicklung und Technologieinnovationsanforderungen zu entsprechen. Unsere nanocrystal Technologien liefern eine breite Strecke der nanocompounds, die in der Größe, im Formfaktor und in den Eigenschaften sich erstrecken, um tomorrow?slösungen an Ihre Projekte heute zu liefern.",

Angewandte Wissenschaften, Inc..
(ASI)"eine national anerkannte Forschungs- und Verwertungsgesellschaft, die auf vorgerückte Materialien und ihre Anwendungen sich spezialisiert. ASI befindet sich nahe Dayton, Ohio und besteht aus drei zusätzlichen Teilnehmerfirmen, Pyrograf® Products, Inc. (PPI), materialien Nano Graphit(NGM) und Verzeichnis Aqua.",

Angewandte Dünnfilme
(ATFI)"eine vorgerückte Materialfirma, die Dünnfilmtechnologien entwickelt, um Verteidigung, Energie, Aerospace und andere industrielle Notwendigkeiten zu dienen.",

Ein Hilfsmittelhersteller für nanoparticles des hohen Reinheitsgrades, keramische Fasermaterialien des nanoscale und kundenspezifische Legierungen.

Glas Co Asahi.
Globale Materialien und Bestandteillieferant.

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BASF ist einer der Weltführer in der chemischen Industrie und produziert z.Z. einige Nanoprodukte, wie nanoparticlepigmente und nanoscaletitandioxidpartikel.

Sonnenschein-TechnologiecCo. Ltd. Beijing Nano
Nanocors regionaler Verteiler in China


"..., Halbleiter-gegründete, des nanocrystalline Leuchtstoffmarkierungen für Zelle und intrazelluläre Abfragung und Analyse; therapeutische Mittel und Verfahren für die Diagnose und die Behandlung des Krebses; und das sehr erfinderische ® OptiCell, ein Produkt, das einen bedeutenden Schritt darstellt, der Vorwärts ist in der Geschichte der Zellen- und Gewebekulturtechnologie.",

BioForce Nanosciences
"..., Entwickler der extrem-verkleinerten nanoarray Technologien für festphasiges, biomolekulare Analyse des Hochdurchsatzes.",

Technologien Biophan
"Biophan entwickelt Technologie, um biomedizinisches Vorrichtungssafe, beide eingepflanzten Vorrichtungen und die zu bilden, die in den chirurgischen und Diagnostikverfahren, und Störung zu verringern verwendet werden, die diese Vorrichtungen verursachen zur Bildqualität der Kerspintomographie (MRI).",

BrauercWissenschaft - SpezialgebietscMaterialcAbteilung
"stellt Romanpolymer-Plastiken und Harze für Gebrauch in den MEMS-Vorrichtungsanwendungen, in den Bild-Sensoren und in den Anzeigen der flachen Verkleidung." zur Verfügung,

Spezialgebietshersteller von Carbonnanomaterials.

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C Sechzig
"..., eine private biopharmaceutical Firma, die auf die Entdeckung und die Entwicklung einer neuen Kategorie Therapeutik basiert auf dem fullerenemolekül... "konzentriert

Cabot Corporation
"..., unsere Hauptgeschäftsbereiche: Ruß, fumed Metalloxide und Tantal. Wir haben auch sie in neue Geschäfte gefunden und entwickelt: Tintenstrahlfarbstoffe, Nanogel® und Spezialgebietsflüssigkeiten.",

Kalifornien Molecular Electronics Corporation
"..., festgelegt worden, um rentabel zu erfinden, erwerben Sie, passen Sie an und verwenden Sie geistiges Eigentum auf dem Gebiet der molekularen Elektronik, um die Qualitätsprodukte zu entwickeln und zu verkaufen, die auf molekularer Elektroniktechnologie... "basieren

Hersteller der einzeln-single-walled Carbonnanotubes (SWNT).

Carbon Nanotechnologies, Inc..
"der Führer im Carbon Nanotechnology und Single-wall Produktion CarbonNanotube"

Forschungsinstitut CarbonNanotech
[ CNRI ] Eine Tochtergesellschaft von Mitsui u. von Co. Forschung und Entwicklung von fullerenes und von Carbonnanotubes, die auf zukünftigen Halbleiter, Kraftstoffzellen, Drogehilfsmittel für H.I.V. und industrielle Massenproduktiontechnologie dieser Materialien anwendbar sind. Über CNRI

CarboncLösungen Inc..
(CSI) Carbon Solutions Inc. wird in die Chemie, in die Anwendungen und in die Kommerzialisierung der einzeln-single-walled Carbonnanotubes (SWNT) miteinbezogen.

Katalytisches Material-LLC
"wurde 1995 verbunden. Führer auf der Architektur und dem Design des Carbons nanostructured Materialien einschließlich der Graphitnanofibers und der Carbonnanotubes.",

Mitte für große Raumstrukturen und Systeme (CLS3 Inc..)
in Richtung zu... Technologien für große Raumstrukturen die Mikrovorrichtungen und Systeme der Zukunft.

DREAM Corporation (?cDream?)
"..., ist eine fabless Anzeigenfirma, gegründet, um die folgende Entwicklung der Anzeigen der flachen Verkleidung (?FPDs?) zu entwickeln und zu entwerfen unsere eigenen Carbon-nanoschlauch-Technologie-, Ersetzen und Supercedinganzeigen verwenden basiert auf Kathodenstrahlröhre (?CRTs?), flüssiger Kristall des Dünnfilmtransistors (?TFT-LCDs?), Plasmabildschirmverkleidungen (?PDPs?) und organische lichtemittierende Dioden (?OLEDs?).",

Technologie Chemat
"..., hat sich hergestellt als Weltführer in der Entwicklung der vorgerückten Materialien über Solenoid-Geltechnologien.",

Technologie Chengyin
Konzentriert auf den R&D des nano-strukturierten Titandioxids sunscreen innen, antibiotisch, antistatisch und photocatalysis

Cima NanoTech
"... ist eine vorgerückte Materialfirma, die sich spezialisiert auf die Produktion der leitenden Zerstreuungen des nanoscale für die Elektronikindustrie.",

Eine Tochtergesellschaft von Phelps Dodge Corporation. Ausgeführte Materialien.

CLS3 Inc., MEMS für Aerospace
"..., Informationen und Details bezogen auf Forschung und Entwicklung der MEMS-Technologien für Luftfahrtanwendungen in Kanada... "

Cmp Científica
Europas ersten integrierte den Lösungsversorger für die Gemeinschaft Nanotechnology und sich spezialisierte, auf, Informationen Nanotechnology zu den wissenschaftlichen und finanziellen Gemeinschaften zur Verfügung zu stellen; Verbindung von Wissenschaft u. von Industrie durch Netze der hervorragender Leistung und der Konferenzen; Zur Verfügung stellen der sachverständigen Lösungen für Hochtechnologie und vorgerückte Produktionsgesellschaften; Wagniskapitalfonds für nanotechnologystarts.

"...supplier of Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and components, Micro Optical Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) and Micro optical components."

Colossal Storage Corp.
Developing a rewritable volume holographic optical mass data nanophotonic storage device.

Cool Chips
"... is the future of all cooling, refrigeration, and thermal management. Cool Chips use a revolutionary new thermotunnel technology to deliver up to a projected 70-80% of the maximum (Carnot) theoretical efficiency for heat pumps."

Corning IntelliSense
MEMS design, development, manufacturing and CAD for MEMS software for telecommunications, life sciences and microinstrumentation. A subsidiary of Corning

(Formerly Microcosm Technologies, Inc.,) "... a product development company that continually transforms forward-thinking ideas into innovative communications and biotechnology products made possible by MEMS".

CSIRO NanoScience Network. CSIRO is Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. The NanoScience Network provides a focal point for CSIRO’s nanotechnology activities.

Cymbet Corporation
(Cymbet) "...will be the first to market with a true solid state rechargeable battery (licensed technology) using a proprietary, patent pending manufacturing process. This Cymbet technology will enable new concepts in battery applications for IC's and new applications for handheld computer, communication, medical, sensor, and portable electronic devices. ... Oak Ridge National Labs brought the materials science, Cymbet brings the process science."

Cytoplex BioSciences
"Cytoplex offers nanotechnology solutions that provide high levels of information content about cell-drug interactions. Cytoplex’s technology simplifies “ion channel” screening, which is key to researching central nervous system, cardiovascular, and other diseases."

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Degussa Advanced Nanomaterials
An internal start-up of Degussa - making nanoscaled powders.

"... licensed by The Dow Chemical Company to manufacture and sell ethylenediamine-core poly (amidoamine) [PAMAM] dendrimers and other specialty dendrimers."

Dendritic Nanotechnologies Limited
A joint venture of chemist Donald Tomalia and Melbourne, Australia-based Starpharma Pooled Development Ltd.

Diamond Materials
"Functionally Graded Nanophase Beryllium/Carbon Composites."

Using technology developed by Dr. Clark T.-C. Nguyen, the University of Michigan and the University of California at Berkeley, Discera replaces the passive (and some active) components on a wireless circuit board with a single micromechanical system that offers exceptional reception quality. A member of the Ardesta family of companies.

DuPont Air Products Nanomaterials
A joint venture between DuPont and Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. "Developing, manufacturing, marketing and selling polishing slurries for electronic precision polishing and chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) processes used in the semiconductor industry.

DuPont Titanium Technologies
" ... dedicated to creating greater, more rewarding value for the coatings, paper, plastics, specialties and minerals markets through service, brand, and product."

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ec systems
"... assists companies in identifying products where carbon nanotechnology offers a clear path to improved performance. We perform complete feasability assessments, work with your team to formulate a development proposal and aid in the execution of the plan from pilot production through scale-up to commercial production." Also supplies nanotubes and related graphitic nanostructures.

"develops unique Carbon Nanotube Formulations for Coatings. We also develop coating methods that allow the conversion of those formulations into highly differentiated products for the commercial displays market and for a wide range of military applications."

Elan Drug Delivery
"Our mission will continue to be the provision of drug delivery platforms for new molecules—insoluble compounds, genes, proteins and peptides—that need to be delivery-engineered right from the discovery stage." Drug Delivery Technology NanoCrystal® Technology.

"...will carry out technology and product development to design and build programmable Biomolecular Devices consisting of hybrid natural/non-natural materials addressing a broad range of commercial applications."

eSpin Technologies
"... polymeric nanofiber manufacturing technology applicable across the universe of emergent and traditional manufacturing sectors."

Evident Technologies "... is a nanotechnology manufacturing and application company that draws upon semiconductor nanocrystal expertise to develop sophisticated, cost effective, innovative devices and products."

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Filtration Technology
Filtration, Cleanrooms, and Contamination Control

Flamel Technologies
"... a recognized world leader in the innovation of delivery systems for small molecule and protein drugs, providing tailored solutions to the biotech and pharmaceutical industries for optimized controlled-release delivery of drugs."

"... provides a unique solution through fluidics at the nano-scale, using palm-sized devices with integrated channels and valves."

Focal Point Microsystems
FP Micro is currently developing a state-of-the-art, free-form fabrication system for 3D objects that utilizes proprietary patterning materials. This integrated bench-top unit will be convenient, user-friendly, environmentally friendly, and capable of prototyping and producing 3D micro and nanoscale structures, components, and devices.

Foster Corporation
Specialty thermoplastic compounding materials and polymers.

Fractal Robot Digital Matter Control

Frontier Carbon Corporation (Japanese site)
Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation said they will make fullerenes available in quantity beginning in early 2002 under a new joint venture to be known as Frontier Carbon Corporation [announcement]. Mass production, anticipated to reach 1,500 tons a year by 2004, will permit fullerenes to be bought at prices 10 to 100 times lower than those currently prevailing.
Full article at First mass production of fullerenes is planned. 09-2001

Fullerene International Corporation (FIC)
combines the capabilities of partners Mitsubishi Corporation (MC), Materials and Electrochemical Research Corporation (MER), and Research Corporation Technologies (RCT) in a joint venture to commercialize fullerene materials.

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"...a bionanotechnology company founded in November 2000 by leading scientists and researchers from UCLA. The Company has developed a technology platform capable of making highly manufacturable, cutting-edge electrochemical molecular analysis devices using integrated nanotechnology, plastic micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) and microfluidics."

General Nanotechnology
(GN) "... hardware and software that provides advanced capabilities in imaging, nano-manipulation, nano-fabrication, nano-spectro-photometry, near field optical probes below the aperture (50nm) limit, and diamond and other nano-tools and parts."

"... a Canadian high technology company that designs, manufactures and markets silicon integrated circuits (ICs), modules and thin-film hybrid microcircuit components for a variety of applications in three target markets."

GP Nano
(GP NanoTechnology Group Limited) "... dedicated to becoming the leading manufacturer of nanomaterials in the Asia Pacific region."

Groupe Minutia
Specializing in nanometric powder technology.

Guangzhou York Point New Energy. CNTs (MWNTs & SWNTs), Li-ion batteries, nano material, super capacitors.

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HP Labs - Quantum Science Research

Hitachi High-Technologies
"... established on October 1, 2001. The new company combines the global sales force of the high-tech trading company Nissei Sangyo Co., Ltd., with the world-class technological capabilities of the Instruments Group and the Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Group of Hitachi, Ltd."

"... state-of-the-art recording, replication, testing, and thin-film coating laboratories."

Hybrid Plastics
"... manufactures nanostructured chemicals for the preparation of nanocomposite materials. Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) is a silicon based material that is intermediate in composition between silica and silicone."

Hyperion Catalysis International
Carbon nanotube development and commercialization.

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IBM Research
Nanoscale science department.

IBM Almaden Visualization Lab

IBM Zurich
The Industry Solutions Lab (ISL) is a joint effort between IBM Research and IBM's Global Industries marketing organization.

ILJIN Nanotech
CNT producer

Industrial Science and Technology Network
ISTN is a materials research company specializing in the development and commercialization of nanotechnology products for industrial applications. ISTN business plan focuses on three broad areas where it believes its core scientific competencies will be able to have a significant commercial impact - traditional industrial products, optical electronics and biotechnology.

"An emerging technology company with a mission to develop a variety of materials to improve performance and extend the life of components used throughout the global infrastructure."

"InMat uses proprietary nanocomposite technology to produce industrial coatings that provide unique performance advantages."

Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse. "We supply, in collaboration with an industrial group, samples of MWNT (10-100g)."

Insert Therapeutics
"... expanding the frontiers of drug delivery technology. In contrast to existing, FDA-approved methods, the proprietary technologies of Insert Therapeutics provide for the intracellular delivery of a broad range of therapeutics."

Institute for Microstructural Sciences
"... to provide leadership, in collaboration with Canadian industry and universities, in the development of the strategic base for information technology."

Integrated Nano-Technologies
"... developing ground-breaking products around a revolutionary approach for physically coupling molecular biology and microelectronics."

"Intel supplies the computing and communications industries with chips, boards, systems, and software building blocks that are the "ingredients" of computers, servers and networking and communications products." "Intel is behind everything from the fastest processor in the world to the cables that power high-speed Internet."

Invest Technologies
"Our enterprise takes part in the activity of Russian Committee “Ultrafine (nano) materials” for production, research of properties and application of UFP. We also cooperate with leading scientific institutes, conducting studies of nanocrystal materials."

"... advanced coatings, polymers and materials for high-performance industrial, military and civil transportation applications."

ItN Nanovation
"... main focus on the development, production and commercialisation of products based on nanotechnology."

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"... develops, manufactures and markets a wide range of precision measurement, process control and laser manufacturing systems to enable its customers to produce smaller, faster, more powerful and less expensive precision microelectronic products. JMAR also provides custom semiconductor products and is a leading developer of advanced lithography sources for the production of higher performance circuits for future electronic systems."

JR Nanotech
"... a healthcare company which promotes the application of nano-silver. We use nano-silver particles as an antibacterial substance to provide effective and complication free treatment for age old healthcare."

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Kainos Energy Corporation
"... has adapted revolutionary nanomaterials processing technologies to fuel cell manufacturing to achieve: lowest cost, lower operating temperature, highest performance and reliability in solid oxide fuel cells, interconnects and stacks."

Kelvin Nanotechnology
" ... created in 1997 to facilitate the commercialisation of the world-class technology and expertise in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the University of Glasgow."

Thin films technologies and optical components coatings.

Keweenaw Nanoscience Center
(KNC) "Specializes in research & development of nanotechnology, bionanotechnology and quantum optics for applications in life sciences, electronics and optics industry."

"... based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is an intellectual property development and holding company that is currently developing a patent portfolio centered around nanotechnology-based neural networks, including neural network semiconductor chips and related devices and fabrication processes."

Konarka Technologies "... is dedicated to the development and commercialization of solutions for portable and distributed power needs based on photovoltaic products... ... The core of the dye-sensitized technology consists of nanometer-scale crystals of TiO2 semiconductor coated with a monolayer of light-absorbing dye and embedded in an electrolyte between the front and back electrical contacts."

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Lightyear Technologies
"... is a world leading developer of nanotechnology materials and applications. Lightyear’s proprietary Two Dimensional Materials (TDM)™ are a new group of semi-conducting, corrosion resistant, "smart materials" that naturally form themselves into films one molecule thick. These nanomaterials have a wide range of applications, including catalysts, energy storage devices, batteries for zero-emission vehicles, water treatment, and composite materials."

Liquid Minerals Group
"LMGI's smaller nano particles allow lower dosage rates and, therefore provide customers a lower treatment cost while increasing the passivation of contaminant metals found in heavy fuel oils. LMGI's combines established chemistry knowledge into the expanding art of nanotechnology that has allowed us to reach higher levels of concentration and performance."

Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations

Luna Innovations
"... a research and development company specializing in developing and commercializing basic research into cost-effective products that are beneficial to society."

Luna nanoMaterials
"Our mission is to develop groundbreaking new applications of nano Trimetaspheres (hollow molecules of carbon atoms that enclose various metal and rare earth elements) that will provide enabling technology and materials for the future."

"... developing breakthrough photonics products. The company's technology is rooted in Caltech developments in the field of nanophotonics: optical structures an order of magnitude smaller than those traditionally used in integrated optical devices."

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Materials and Electrochemical Research Corporation
"Devoted to high-technology materials and electrochemical research with emphasis on advanced composites, powders, coatings and fullerenes ..."

Materials Modification Inc. (MMI)
"... aim of developing new materials and processes in the field of Materials Engineering."

Matrix Semiconductor
"Matrix has developed and patented the technology to build 3-dimensional memory by stacking memory arrays vertically."

Mechanomade® Ball Milled Nanophased Materials (MBN)
"... produces nanophased powder materials using a high-energy milling process."

Medical Murray
"Medical Murray has extensive experience in the injection molding and development of nanoscaled plastic parts."

"... is a provider of innovative MEMS-based solutions for the design, development and manufacture of telecommunications products."

MEMS Optical
Supplier and manufacturer of both refractive (microlens arrays) and diffractive (beam shapers, beam splitters, etc.) micro optics, and of MEMS devices such as scanning tilt micro mirrors and deformable mirrors.

"The MEMX technical team spent ten years at Sandia National Laboratories developing and perfecting the revolutionary SUMMiT V MEMS technology. We are now bringing the technology out of the labs and into the Commercial Sector." They work extensively with self-assembled monolayers and other nano-films and coatings to improve performance and reliability of their products.

MicroCoating Technologies, Inc.
(MCT) "... an intellectual property company and a manufacturer of products with advanced thin film coatings and nanomaterials designed to enhance the performance of next generation products."

MicroTechNano Inc.
Distributes high quality nanotube materials.

Mimotec SA
Manufactures customized micromolds and micro-components.

Micro Materials
Nanoindentation, Scratch Testing and Impact Testing

Minatec Innovation Center
Centre for Innovation in Micro and Nanotechnology. MINATEC, CEA Leti, INPG, Grenoble, France

Miniature Tool & Die
Designs and builds precision micro molds and micro EDM components that make the smallest plastic components in the world.

MITRE Corporation Nanoelectronics & Nanocomputing Home Page
Reviews current nanotechnology research and people behind it, downloadable copies of several widely-used articles. Nanoelectronics and Nanocomputing focus.

Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Nanotechnology Department XNRI Group
"At XNRI, we are focused on developing unique technologies that have been enabled by the fusion of a diverse range of disciplines centering around nanotechnology, technologies that will allow us to direct our efforts into research areas related to the environment, energy and medicine."

"Molecubotics intends to develop a general method for assembling complex nanostructures, using components and methods from biotechnology."

Molecular Electronics Corp.
"MEC is presently forming strategic alliances with industry partners for commercialization of the intellectual property, and for manufacturing and marketing of specific products based upon MEC's intellectual property."

Molecular Nanosystems
"... is engaged in research, development and production of nanotube-oriented products and systems using leading-edge nanotechnologies."

Moore Nanotechnology Systems
"... is dedicated to the development of ultra-precision machine systems, typically utilizing Single Point Diamond Turning and Deterministic Micro-Grinding technologies, for the production of plano, spherical, aspheric, conformal, and freeform optics."

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"... has developed the leading technology for the manufacture of commercial scale, high-purity fullerenes and other nanoscale fullerenic materials."

"We are deeply involved in research and medical nanotechnology involving infection by a newly discovered pleomorphic human pathogen known as Nanobacterium sanguineum. We are working with academic researchers throughout the world to develop medical therapies that eradicate the diseases associated with these nanobacteria."

"... engaged in the development and commercialization of magnetically responsive nanoparticle technologies for a range of human health applications for an emerging area of nanobiomedicine referred to as Organ-Assisting-Devices (OAD's)"

(NCL) "A nanotechnology division of MedChemLabs Inc. (MCL). Main purpose is supplying carbon nanotubes of highest grades of purity and developing methods of bulk production."

Design of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) silicon memory.

"Cloisite® additives consist of organically modified nanometer scale, layered magnesium aluminum silicate platelets. The silicate platelets that Cloisite® additives are derived from are 1 nanometer thick and 70 – 150 nanometers across."

NanoComputer Dream Team
Multidisciplinary project to make first nanometer supercomputer via the Internet.

High-performance nanoparticles.

"Nanocor is a new operating subsidiary of AMCOL International Corporation. We are the largest global supplier of nanoclays specifically designed for plastic nanocomposites."

Nanocrystal Imaging Corporation
(NIC) " ... was founded in October 1997 to exploit some of NCT's discoveries in the creation of high quality digital x-ray images. ... Our practice of nanotechnology is based upon phenomena which produce non-linear attributes and properties of single atoms when confined within nanocrystals of sizes between 2 - 5 nanometers."

a research and development company focusing on hydrocarbon polymers, nanophase carbon materials (carbon nanotubes, nanodiamond, nanocomposite) process and related fabrication systems.

"...is exploiting and valorising new discoveries and a strong portfolio of intellectual property developed by Prof. Janos B. Nagy’s team at the University of Namur in the field of Carbon Nanotubes."

"... leverages MEMS fabrication to enhance precision nanoscale metrology and to build a foundation in nanotechnology."

"... founded in 2002 to develop and manufacture high performance nanomaterials for a wide array of customers and for integration into proprietary components and systems. The Company is pursuing commercial manufacture of nanocrystalline metals, ceramics, and carbon materials for a wide range of applications in energy, portable power, biomedical, transportation, electronics, defense, and many other industries."

NanoFeel is producing and commercializing manipulators for Atomic Force Microscopes, enabling manipulation at the nanometric scale.

"... founded to develop and commercialize ultra-thin films, called nanofilms, to enhance the durability, clarity, ease of use and performance of transparent materials."

"... provides measuring solutions that meet the demand for highly accurate measurement of micro-and nanostructures."

Nanogate Technologies GmbH
"... is concentrating at present on the commercial areas of Surface technology and Ceramic nanotechnology."

Integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology.

Applications of nanoscale silver particles. English version coming soon.

Nanographite Materials
(NGM) "... a joint venture between Applied Sciences, Inc., (ASI) and GSI Creos Corporation, (GSI). ... production and marketing of Pyrograf®-I vapor grown carbon fiber, and composite materials based on this fiber."

"... is a developer and licensor of core process technology enabling the manufacture of unique nanoscale compositions for optical, electronic, and energy storage applications and products. The company has developed extensive intellectual property that is expanding the boundaries of nanomaterials technologies by enabling the development and manufacturing of new generations of materials, devices, components and applications."

NanoGram Devices
"... founded in 2002 as a spin-out from NeoPhotonics Corporation, develops novel medical device applications based on its proven and patented laser-based nanomaterials synthesis process. The company's products include patented nanomaterial-based medical power sources that enable dramatically smaller, longer lifetime medical devices with superior performance."

A Nanoscale materials and devices company providing solutions for: Drug discovery, Flexible Microelectronics, and Medical Diagnostics & Monitoring.

"... in business to commercialize the process known as dip pen nanolithography™, or DPN™. We have developed a platform process for nanotechnology that enables our customers and partners to create revolutionary new products and services using a molecular “bottom-up” approach to nanofabrication."

"... convert research ideas into marketable nano-technologies."

"Nanolayers is the commercial name chosen for Dr. Shlomo Yitzchaik's Molecular Layer Epitaxy (MLE) technology -- a breakthrough, patented nanotechnology from his laboratory at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Nanolayers is a basic enabling technology for semiconductor, microelectronic, materials, bioelectronics, telecommunications and multiple other industries that constitute central growth markets in the upcoming decade."

"... a new Start-Up specialized in Carbon Nanotubes large-scale production and commercialisation and derivated products."

"... defining the next generation of computers and computing: hybrid logic systems based on nanoscale devices in application-specific computing architectures."

Nanolume "... founded in 1998 for the purpose of creating devices from synthetically produced nanocrystalline semiconductors. It is an outgrowth of research done by the principals while at Duke University."

NanoMagnetics Ltd
"... is developing advanced magnetic materials for the information storage industry using its patented protein-based technology. These materials have the potential to replace the magnetic thin film technology used today by the hard disk industry, which is seeking to overcome the approaching physical “superparamagnetic” storage density limit."

"... developed efficient and cost-effective processes to manufacture nanomaterials to meet a wide range of custom needs and specifications."

Nanomaterials Company
Producer of complex nanopowders and nanostructured materials.

Nanomaterials Discovery Corporation
"... combines the power of combinatorial chemistry with the versatility of electrochemistry to discover and refine nanomaterials with high economic impact. NDC focuses on discovering and refining the nanostructured materials that can fundamentally change the world in which we live."

Nanomaterials Research LLC
"... is involved in the research, development, and manufacture of gas sensors, electronic components, and unique microfabricated devices (e.g., ceramic MEMS)."

NanoMaterials Technology
"... develops and provides technologies for the commercial production of nanosized materials which are applied in industrial markets including the chemical, pharmaceutical, and electronics markets."

"... mission is to become a global leader in the development of dual-action therapeutics for the treatment of cancer."

"... has developed a unique, innovative, patented and effective process (the MG-1 Process) to structure, organize and assemble molecules and atomic-size particules."

(formerly Covalent Materials Inc.) New materials are designed, synthesized and characterized at the nanometer scale for a myriad of applications in industries ranging from electronics to biotechnology.

"... designs and manufactures advanced motion technologies for use in a wide range of consumer devices. Our breakthrough products displace conventional electromagnetic motors and solenoids, and for the first time provide miniature, affordable motion."

NanoOpto "... is applying proprietary nano-optics and nano-manufacturing technology to design and make components for optical networking. Based on years of research, the company’s technology allows orders of magnitude more rapid prototyping, higher performance and lower overall system cost. Both on its own and with corporate partners, NanoOpto will use subwavelength techniques to produce better conventional optical components and also to create new classes of integrated components."

"... develops novel carrier systems for the treatment of brain tumors and nervous system disorders using biodegradable nanoparticles. Nanosphere drug targeting systems allow any drug to cross the blood-brain barrier."

A privately-held spinoff from Massachusetts General Hospital, founded to develop advanced drug delivery systems, and to provide fully biodegradable nanoscopic drug delivery vehicles based on proprietary molecular constructs and "biological stealth" materials.

Nanophase Technologies Corporation
"... a leader in solving product problems through its patented and proprietary nanocrystalline technology."


"... focuses on developing and commercializing products based on novel metal nanoparticles and nanoparticle-based surfaces."

Scientific CD-ROM encyclopaedias that explore the world of micro and nanotechnologies.

" ... founded in 1993 with the purpose of commercializing high porosity/high surface area materials for a wide range of applications including adsorbtion, gas separation, advanced thermal insulation, low-K dielectrics, and optics."

Nanopowder Enterprises
(NEI) "Incorporated in 1997, NEI invents and develops proprietary, patented technologies for producing nanopowders and nanostructured intermediates."

NanoPowders Industries
"... metal powders on a production scale to meet the needs of present and future markets."

"...was founded to develop the most sensitive reagents and technology for detecting biological molecules."

NanoProducts Corporation
(formerly NanoEnergy Corp.) "...supplier of nanoscale powders and products derived from these powders. ... employ patented technologies to produce nanoscale particles (nanotechnology building blocks), which are currently being manufactured in commercial volumes."

Nanoscale Combinatorial Synthesis Inc.
(Nanosyn) "...is focused on developing integrated technologies for miniaturized ("nanoscale") to milligram scale combinatorial synthesis. ... We produce combinatorial libraries with unique design features and provide access to an existing compound collection approaching 100,000 individually purified and analytically characterized small molecules for drug discovery."

Nanoscale Materials Inc.
(formerly Nantek, Inc.) An advanced materials company founded in 1995 to develop and commercialize reactive nanoparticles (RNPs) and other related technologies.

"...is a new enterprise in the field of materials discovery concerned with the design and development of novel, functionalised materials with the potential to open up new processes within the chemical industry."

"... providing the most advanced products, systems, & services for nanodevice, MEMS, BioMEMS and MST applications."

Nanoscience Instruments
"... provides high quality nanoscience instrumentation, accessories and supplies to educators, researchers and engineers. We provide sales, service, and application support to our customers across North America."

Nanosolar "... focused on bringing to market a new generation of very-low-cost solar electricity cells, which are light-weight, flexible, and easily adjustable in shape. Based on flexible plastics, solution coating, and self-assembling nanostructures, Nanosolar's technology combines advanced nanostructural control with simple production processes to enable efficient very-low-cost solar cells."

"...have developed new molecular self-assembly processes that allow control of synthesized material structure at the nanometer level, as well as the manufacturing of new materials with designed constitutive behavior."

Nanospectra LLC and Nanospectra Biosciences "... founded in January 2001 to commercialize technology developed at Rice University by Dr. Naomi Halas and Dr. Jennifer West. The company's IP portfolio includes a broad range of industrial, photonic and biomedical applications that are enabled by the ability to manufacture and tune nanoshells across a wide range of optical properties. Nanospectra Biosciences, Inc. was formed in August 2001 to develop the life sciences applications of this technology."

Nanosphere "... a privately-held life-sciences company located just outside of Chicago, Illinois. Our proprietary technology uses the unique properties of nanoparticles. We have developed a comprehensive system for detecting bio-molecules such as nucleic acids and proteins. Nanosphere, Inc. will become the global standard for molecular diagnostics."

"We create microfluidics chips to serve our customers’ needs in small-scale fluid manipulation. Using a unique modular approach, Nanostream’s technology helps automate and miniaturize fluid-handling. This approach also allows for extremely fast prototyping, seamless scale-up and mass customization with turnaround time in days."

Nanostructured & Amorphous Materials, Inc.
"...a provider of various nanostructured and amophous materials with a high quality, a large quantity, and a low cost."

"...main focus is on the research and development of scanning probe microscopes (SPM) and positioning devices with nanometre resolution."

Nanosys A development stage company focused on building nanotechnology-enabled systems. Larry Bock - president and CEO. They have an exclusive licensing arrangement with Harvard University for a portfolio of fundamental intellectual property, including nanowires, which were developed by Harvard Professor Charles Lieber.

Nano Tech Coatings
Material coatings using the sol-gel process for manufacturing inorganic-organic hybrid polymers.

Nanotechnology Development Corporation
(NTDC) Formed to rapidly exploit the advances being made in the field of Digital Matter Control.

Nanotechnologies Inc.
"... provide unique materials for a wide variety of industries and performance-driven applications."

A materials science company that has developed a platform technology based on nanoscale, porous lattices. The company’s first application is energy storage for batteries and supercapacitors.

Nanotechnology Consulting Services, founded by Dr. David Tomanek [of Nanotube fame]

"... a research company founded on the principles of nanotechnology creating new or improved textile properties through molecular engineering. ... The principles of nanotechnology are utilized to create exceptional performance in everyday items: apparel, home furnishings, commercial interiors, industrial fabrics"

"...has made new discoveries in the area of nanotechnology and is applying them to the development of novel drug therapies." As of July 5, 2002 Nanosphere and Nanocoat have merged to form Nanotherapeutics, Inc.

"...will enable next generation evolution in drug development and diagnostics through application of our proprietary C-FIT™ (Congruent Force Intermolecular Test) technology. C-FIT™ unites nanotechnology and biology..."

Nanotechnology Victoria
....is a vehicle for optimising benefits to Victoria from advances in nanotechnology and related sciences.

"... mechanochemical synthesis and perovskite formulations for low temperature diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC) and other types of autocatalysts."

"... develops and produces new materials from chemical nanotechnology with multi-functional properties."

"...is developing NRAM, a high-density nonvolatile random access memory chip, using nanotechnology. The company's objective is to deliver a product that will replace all existing forms of memory, such as DRAM, SRAM and flash memory, with NRAM serving as universal memory."

(nano world technologies) "Numerous international patents on nanolithography with electron beam induced reactions (formation of nano-structures on surfaces) and especially modified high resolution electron beam systems are the basis for successful applications in electronics, nano-analytics, bio-nano physics and micro-optics."

NEI Corporation
"... synthesis and processing of nanomaterials ..."

"... designs, manufactures and markets planar optical components through the deposition of nanoscale light enhancing materials."

NexTech Materials
"... is developing a range of advanced ceramic products for the energy, automotive, medical, defense, and aerospace industries. Its core competencies are inorganic materials development, ceramic product development, synthesis and dispersion of nanoscale oxides, and scale-up of advanced powder synthesis technologies. Some of the products under development are described below."

Ntera A broad-based nanotechnology company with current applications in flat panel displays, medical diagnostic sensors and targeted drug delivery.

Noble metal nanocrystalline pharmaceutical and medical device technologies.

" We specialize in colloidal dispersions of inorganic oxides and powders prepared from these dispersions. We use nano particle technology to create these inorganic metal oxides and organic based silica sols that are largely used as flame retardants, abrasion resistance additives and as binders for catalysts, refractories and ceramic fibers."

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Obducat Developer and supplier of technologies and processes for the production and analysis of very fine structures (micro and nano structures).

"developed the technology of optical MEMS....also incorporated two other core competencies: optoelectronics packaging and automated manufacturing of photonic switching subsystems."

"Benefiting from over two decades of successful large-scale research in supramolecular engineering, Optiva is the first to develop a commercial mass-production process optical self-assembling materials ("nanomaterials"). Optiva's first family of thin crystal films (TCF™) products will target the flat panel display industry, offering significant cost and performance advantages over traditional polarizer film alternatives."

"... research and development of novel optical, imaging, chemical, as well as biological sensors and microsystems. Optotrack is dedicated to commercializing its proprietary intellectual properties based on microfabrication and nanotechnology to seize rapidly growing market opportunities in the healthcare, communication, and homeland security industry."

Orla Protein Technologies
"... a bio-nanotechnology company integrating biological systems and physical devices through engineered protein interfaces."

Commercialized special kinds of conductive polymers ["organic metals"] highly engineered nanostructured materials made from organic building blocks.

Oxford Nanotechnology
A research and development company based in Oxford, U.K. Our research specialty is into the use of ion beams to create nanostructures, but we also have interests in nano-scale electronic architecture, quantum computing and other nanotechnology research. We are currently looking to expand our operations, and to employ a number of staff research scientists.

Oxonica "... engaged in building a portfolio of in-house developed new product opportunities and commercialising IPR that has been researched within the Engineering Science and Biochemistry Departments of The University of Oxford."

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Nano-materials and -powders, detonation-, vacuum-, plasma- and ultra-thin film technologies and their biomedical and technical applications.

Platypus Technologies
"... develops, produces and markets nanotechnologies for the life sciences. We produce a variety of nano-structured surfaces for use in research and are also developing a range of products that derive from a proprietary platform technology for the rapid detection of molecular interactions."

Powdermet Inc.
Specializes in modifying powder and particulate surfaces through applying metal and ceramic coatings onto particulate matrices. We design, develop, and manufacture metal and ceramic nanoengineered fine powders and particulates using fluidized bed surface modification technology.

Primet Precision Materials
An advanced materials company with expertise in controlling materials at the micro and nano scales to create new and useful macro effects.

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"... a nanotechnology company developing process solutions aimed at next generation lithography (NGL) for the microelectronics industry."

Quantum Dot Corporation
Develops and sells novel solutions to accelerate the discovery and development of functionally validated novel drug targets at the cellular level.

Quantum Logic Devices
"... focus is on single-electron transistor platforms, based on quantum dots, that use very low power."

Quantum Polymer Technologies
Self-assembling polymer nanowires.

Quantum Precision Instruments
"... patented technology forms the foundation for a family of nanoTrek(TM) nanotechnology MEMS and NEMS sensors having applicability in a wide range of industries: from medicine and bio-technology, through to aviation, aerospace, defence, automotive, seismic, mining and others."

QinetiQ Nanomaterials Ltd "QNL is a fully owned subsidiary of the QinetiQ Group, Europe's largest science and technology organisation. Across QinetiQ there are over 150 scientists and engineers working in nanomaterials and nanotechnology. By linking them with a proven manufacturing technology we have been able to make significant progress in addressing the key issue of bulk supply of nanometric material - the essential lifeblood of the technology."

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RAND (a contraction of the term "research and development") is the first organization to be called a "think tank." ...job is to help improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis.

Raytheon's Nanoelectronics Branch
Develops future-generation analog and digital technologies for commercial and defense applications in radar, communications, and sensor processing.

Reactive NanoTechnologies
(RNT) "In 1994 Dr. Tim Weihs (now a professor in Johns Hopkins University Materials Science and Engineering Department) and Dr. Troy Barbee of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory made a groundbreaking discovery that held the promise of changing the way many materials are held together....Weihs and Barbee patented their invention in 1996, and set to the lengthy task of making these foils ready to manufacture. In this effort they are joined by Professor Omar Knio, who is spearheading the computational modeling effort that will eventually lead to optimizing the foil’s design."

Reade Advanced Materials
"... a manufacturer, value add custom processor, & global distributor of metal, alloy, ceramic, composite, usp, & fcc grade nano materials (nano particles, nano crystals, nano tubes, fullerenes, nano wires, nano fibers, quantum dots, doped nano particles, and encapsulated nano particles)."

Rockwell Scientific
"Rockwell Scientific is an independent, privately owned high technology enterprise with unique technical strengths in electronics, imaging, optics, materials, and information science. Its range of activities includes contract research and development services for the U.S. government and private sector companies, as well as commercialization of select technologies through licensing and the development, manufacturing, and sales of high value products closely related to its R&D efforts."

"Rolltronics Corporation, a Silicon Valley technology company, is developing roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing processes that will enable the production of electronic devices with dramatically lower costs and improved product features: thin, light, flexible, durable, affordable, faster to prototype and faster to market."

Rosseter Holdings Limited
"... a company that specialises in large-scale production of Carbon Nanotubes and related materials."

Research Triangle Institute (RTI), "In 2001, RTI initiated a new focus on nanotechnology to consolidate and coordinate years of successful work in thermoelectrics, materials science and engineering, and filtration and aerosol technology."

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Among others items, makers of nanpowders, and prototype nanotube-based FED (field emission displays).

Schoeller NanoSphere
"NanoSphere® finishing technology is revolutionizing the textile industry. Nature's phenomenal “self-cleaning principle” is now also available in textiles." English and German

Shenzhen JINGANGYUAN New Material
Specializes in R&D, manufacture, and marketing of nanodiamond powder and suspension, and their applications. With an annual output of up to10 million carats.

Southwest Nanotechnologies Produces Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNT's) by Catalytic Disproportionation. See Controlled production of SWNTs at the University of Oklahoma

"The Starpharma Group (Starpharma) was established to commercialise novel polyvalent compound technology discovered at the Biomolecular Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia .... comprises a class of high molecular weight, branch-like chemicals (dendrimers) and other polyvalent compounds with demonstrated activity against a broad range of viruses and other human diseases for which current therapies are inadequate." Teaming with Queensland-based PANBIO and Dr Donald A. Tomalia [the pioneer of dendrimer technology] they have established a new venture to develop products using dendrimer nanotechnology, called Dendritic Nanotechnologies Limited. Research facilities are at The Center for Applied Research and Technology at Central Michigan University, located in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

Standard MEMS
"... the largest independent high-volume manufacturer of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) for high technology markets."

Makers of Nanofil® - nanocomposite filler product line for polymer applications.

SurroMed "... focused on applying its phenotyping technologies to accelerate the pharmaceutical discovery and development process and enable the precise diagnosis and personalized treatment of disease."

"Functional surfaces with optimised wetting and optical properties are the core technology of SuNyx Surface Nanotechnologies, a recent spin-off of the Bayer Corporation."

SUSS MicroTec
manufacturer and supplier of precision microelectronics equipment for the manufacturing and R&D environments.

Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology
(CSEM - Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique SA) CSEM is mainly active in the areas of microtechnology, microelectronics and information systems.

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TAL Materials
"...is a nanotechnology company providing mixed-metal oxide nanopowder-based research and development solutions to corporate customers for photonics, energy conversion, catalysis, and structural ceramics."

"... a drug development and drug delivery company utilizing its proprietary nanoparticle technology to produce novel, efficacious drugs with improved properties. New or existing drugs, either antibodies or small molecules, can be attached to the nanoparticle to develop a new class of therapeutic agents."

"... to be the leading nano-aluminum powder company in the world."

"... a wide range of technologies for the production and processing of powders in general and for nanopowder production specifically. In addition there are a number of processes involving carbon products, including graphite, carbon black and diamond production."

Thales Nanotechnology
A subsidiary of ComGenex, Inc. involved in exploring the use of continuous flow chemistry with nanotechnology in the field of drug discovery.

Triton BioSystems
"... a development-stage company focused on the discovery and development of non-invasive targeted therapeutics that use heat to treat cancer and other life threatening and debilitating diseases." Currently working on pre-clinical product development of their Targeted Nano-Therapeutics system for advanced breast cancer.

Triton Systems
"... a fast growing materials company located just north of Boston. We provide our customers with unique materials solutions." Including polymers (e.g., polyolefins, polyesters, polyetherimides) that are enhanced by adding specialty nanometer sized particles (1x10-9 m) into the polymer matrix.

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UHV Technologies, Inc
"... an advanced materials R&D, thin film coatings/equipment manufacturing company, with emphasis on development of thin film cathodes (nanocrystalline diamond/carbon, nanotubes, aluminum gallium nitride and ferroelectric cathodes) and their applications.

US Global Nanospace A Nano Science company developing innovative solutions for Homeland Security and Force Protections.

US NanoCorp
(USN) "... was incorporated April 1, 1996, as a vehicle to identify, develop, and commercialize value-added products in the field of energy storage and energy conversion devices which exploit the extraordinary properties of nanostructured materials."

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Versilant Nanotechnologies
"... pioneers the invention, development and production of nanotechnology-based materials."

A division of Eastman Chemical Company. "The world's largest manufacturer of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) for packaging and a global leader in the manufacturing of acetate tow."

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a development stage enterprise, is inventing, researching and developing new precious metals analytic and extraction technologies based upon the science of nanotechnology.

Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
(PARC) Founded in 1970, PARC transformed computing with inventions such as the graphic user interface, client/server architecture, laser printing and Ethernet. Current activities are focused on Networks and Documents, Smart Matter and Knowledge Ecologies.

"...developing ultra-dense, low-power, lower-cost memory chips that have the potential to revolutionize the microelectronics industry."


in deiner Aufzählung fehlt Harris & Harris

21.01.04 18:37
So viel Zeit muss sein!

ich suche die WKN dieser Firma

21.01.04 18:40
- falls sie überhaupt in den USA gelistet ist:

Company Profile

BioForce Nanosciences, Inc. is the leading developer of ultra-miniaturized nanoarray technologies for solid-phase, high-throughput biomolecular analysis. BioForce's innovative proprietary approach to commercial uses of nanotechnology creates products that are easy to use, readily automated, and capable of providing nanometer scale (one billionth of a meter), single molecule resolution. The company is applying its proprietary nanoarray technologies to the areas of protein-protein interaction profiling (proteomics), disease identification (diagnostics), as well as drug and gene therapy development (therapeutics).

Weitere Informationen:

Mikrochip sucht nach Viren
Erregertests liefern verlässliche Ergebnisse in Minutenschnelle

Ames/Iowa (pte, 21. Januar 2004 17:30) - Mithilfe eines neuen Silikon-Chips können Patienten innerhalb weniger Minuten auf das Vorhandensein verschiedener Viren im Blut untersucht werden, berichtet das Wissenschaftsmagazin New Scientist www.newscientist.com .Der Mikrochip ist vom US-Unternehmen BioForce Nanosciences www.bioforcenano.com in Ames/Iowa entwickelt worden und arbeitet mit einer mikroskopischen Anordnung von Antikörpern, die die Mikroben erkennen.

Der erste Prototyp des Chips erkennt sechs verschiedene Stämme des Coxsackie-Virus B, einem Erreger, der zu Abstoßungen von transplantierten Organen führt und Herzerkrankungen verursachen kann, berichtet das Unternehmen. Die Antikörper werden auf dem Silikonchip aufgetragen. Auf einer Fläche von einem Mikrometer können einige Tausend dieser Antikörper aufgebracht werden. Um Blut auf das Vorhandensein von Viren zu testen, wird der Chip in eine Blutprobe getaucht. Mit Hilfe der Rasterkraftmikroskopie können eventuelle Viren sofort erkannt werden.

Bisher konnten solche Tests auf Erreger nur durch Fragmentsuche von viralen DNA durchgeführt werden. Das Unternehmen gibt an, dass es derzeit an der Entwicklung von Chips arbeitet, die bis zu 50 verschiedene Antikörper tragen. In weiterer Folge sollen dann sogar Krankheitserreger von Hepatitis oder Aids in wenigen Minuten erkannt werden.

es fehlt auch noch Nanosignal-WKN A0BLVV (-0-V-V-)

21.01.04 19:28


WKN: A0BLVV( A-null-B-L-V-V !!!)

Einsatzgebiet: CT - Kernspintomopraphie

verkürzte Scan-Zeit( Entlastung für Patienten),bessere Bildqualität( 10x besser als herkömmlich),Kostenersparnis,da 20 Bilder auf einen Laserfilm gehen, ca. 23.000 $ Ersparnis pro Belichtungsquelle/Jahr...

Fazit: müssten eigentlich mit Biophan zusammenarbeiten...

Superior Image Quality (top)
Because of the innovative calculations used to generate MR images, SLICES™ is able to generate a much higher quality image (up to 10 times the conventional resolution) than conventional processing. This also allows radiologists to select faster scan times to generate the same quality images. Comparison images are shown below:

für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540With Conventional Processing, images lack quality due to the processing calculation. The calculation may often generate "artifacts", which may contribute to inaccurate readings.
für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540With SLICES™, high quality images can be generated with low resolution raw data matrices, which allows for reduced patient scan times and more accurate diagnoses based upon the results.

Additional Images (top)
SLICES™ technology produces images many times better than other image processing algorithms. Below are a few samples of the amazing images produced recently by SLICES™.
für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540
See More Images

Reduced Patient Scan Time (top)
As SLICES™ allows for radiologists and other users of the system to generate high resolution images from smaller raw data matrices, faster scan sequences are possible, which reduces the amount of time that patients are required to be in the magnet. Shorter patient times in the magnet mean greater throughput for the MRI facility and free up more time for analysis of the generated images.

SLICES Screen Shots (top)
Below are some sample screen shots of various programs that are a part of the SLICES version 6.0 package.
Click on the each of the images for a larger view in a new window.

für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540NanoSignal SLICES main program viewing images of an axial ankle from a Siemens SP4000 MRI.
für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540Filmtool, an automated batch-filming, zooming and annotation program as viewed from its main screen.
für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540Filmtool in preview mode with a number of sheets set up for filming. These images are of a GE Signa V5 c-spine study.
für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540MRATool is a program to generate cines from Magnetic Resonance Angiography. The screen shot is during the review of a cine of a Siemens SP4000 MRA.
für die Nanotechnologen : 1348540MPRTool is used to perform multi-planar reformatting of a series of images. The images can be viewed from every angle possible

Bei Nanosignal

21.01.04 19:30
muss man sich die Frage stellen ob es überhaupt ein Nanotech-Unternehmen ist.
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