www.aroundtown.de/investor-relations#true-110 April 2024
Aroundtown (“the Company” or “AT”), announces the successful results of voluntary exchange and tender offers of four series of Aroundtown euro denominated perpetual notes and two series of its subsidiary Grand City Properties S.A. (“GCP”, together with AT the “Group”) euro denominated perpetual notes (together, the “Offers”).
74% or ca. €1.8 billion aggregate nominal amount of existing perpetual notes were submitted into the Offers and accepted by the Group. As a result, the Group will issue ca. €1.6 billion of new perpetual notes across three different series and simultaneously repurchase €136 million of perpetual notes via the tender offer (see detailed breakdown further below).
The result of the Offers supports the Group’s credit metrics under S&P’s credit rating methodology as the new perpetual notes regain or extend the 50% equity content under S&P methodology. Under IFRS and for all bond covenants, all perpetual notes, including the existing perpetual notes which were not submitted in the Offers, will continue to be recognised as 100% equity. As a result of the Offers, the Group will see a long-term reduction in perpetual note coupon payments going forward, which is accretive to the Group’s FFO.
Existing perpetual notes
ISIN§Current coupon / if not reset, expected reset coupon 1) Nominal amount outstanding prior to transaction (in Euro million) % and absolute principal amount accepted in the Offers Principal amount repurchased via the tender offers Resulting nominal amount outstanding post transaction
XS1508392625 7.078% 368.9§71% / €262m €14m €106.9m
XS2055106210§3.375% / 6.6% 600 65% / €391m €25m €209.3m
XS1752984440 4.542% 4002)§71% / €282m €20m €117.9m
XS2027946610§2.875% / 6.1% 500 80% / €399m €43m €100.7m
XS1491364953 6.332% 200§76% / €152m €13m €48.4m
XS1811181566 5.901% 350§85% / €298m €21m €52.5m
Total§74% / €1.8 bn €136m €635.7m
Based on 5-year mid-swap at launch of offers
Of which €5.5 million held in treasury
New perpetual notes
Issuer§Nominal amount to be issued Coupon First call date
€606.9m 7.125%§January 2030
€618.4m 5%§April 2029
€409.5m 6.125%§January 2030
Für die Shortseller wird es jetzt charttechnisch richtig eng - gut so!
Die Aktie hat nach Veröffentlichung der Tender-Ergebnisse - erwartungsgemäß - die in der Nähe liegenden Widerstandsmarken übersprungen.
SMA38 1,799
SMA50 1,823
SMA200 1,848
Sollte die Aktie zum Tagesende über der SMA200 notieren, haben wir ein weiteres Kaufsignal.
Sollten die Kurzfristzocker ihre Positionen von short auf long drehen, hat die Aktie kurzfristig Potenzial für eine Konterattacke auf die seit Erreichen der 52-Wochen-Hochs bei 2,50 € laufende Korrektur. Langfristanleger können hier m.E. genüsslich die Beine hochlegen. Die erfolgreiche Tender Offer ist ein weiterer Beleg für ein sehr gutes Management der Zinswende durch die Geschäftsleitung.
Wertschaffende Anleiherückkäufe unter Nennwert sind aus Aktionärssicht hochwillkommen!