Antidepressiva Foods?

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Antidepressiva Foods? geldschneider

Antidepressiva Foods?

10.02.05 12:56

A new study from Harvard's famous McLean Hospital indicates that certain foods could have an antidepressant effect similar to that of prescription drugs such as Prozac and Celexa--at least if you're a rodent.

The results are very early--they have not even been validated in humans. Nobody should stop taking their Zoloft over this study. But they do hint that foods could have a potentially powerful effect on treating and preventing depression--basically a recapitulation of the old-school thought: "eat right, feel good."

"The things that we eat provide the raw fuel for our body," says Bill Carlezon, director of McLean's Behavioral Genetics lab, who led the study. "We know that neurotransmitters in the brain and the neurons and how they talk to each other is really important for how people act and feel so if you're getting low quality fuel, it shouldn't be surprising that people don't feel well. On the flipside, it shouldn't be surprising that these things can make you feel better."

Carlezon's methods were the same as those used to discover many treatments for depression. But keep in mind that these results have not been validated by the kind of rigorous testing that antidepressant pills have undergone. Often, what seems to work in animals eventually fails in humans. For instance, Merck (nyse: MRK - news - people ) and Pfizer (nyse: PFE - news - people ) spent years trying to develop drugs that worked on a mysterious brain chemical called substance P. Merck developed a drug that worked against nausea caused by chemotherapy, but it flopped as an antidepressant in humans.

What the researchers did was give rats two substances found in foods: Omega-3 fatty acids, a kind of fat that the body can't make enough of on its own, and uridine, one of the building blocks of DNA, which promotes a cell's energy-making process. The researchers gave a second group of rats a cocktail of antidepressants. The Omega-3 diet showed results after one month, and uridine was effective as long as the rats were fed enough of it. But when given both together, within ten days the rats who were eating the good foods behaved as well as those on medications.

The reasons lay in cell membranes. Dietary fats and cholesterols build up there, making the membrane rigid and impeding the fluid movement of chemicals within it. Omega-3s clear the buildup, allowing those chemicals to get where they're going easier. This is especially important in mitochondria, organs within cells that produce energy. Uridine fuels mitochondria, and paired with the lubricating effect of the Omega-3s, helps them make more energy more efficiently.

"Mitochondria are something we're going to hear about a lot more about in the future in terms of psychiatric diseases," Carlezon predicts.

The study has led Carlezon and his research team to ask new questions. Can uridine and Omega-3s together make people feel as well as giving them a standard antidepressant treatment? Is uridine safe for humans in large quantities? Should we be taking uridine supplements? It remains to be seen. For now, he says, "If people can get these things into their bodies more we will at least have them pointed in the right direction."

So what to eat? Foods high in both Omega-3s and uridine might be a good place to start. At the worst, you'll be eating a healthier diet. Omega-3s are clearly good for the heart.

Click here for the list of anti-depressant foods.

Additional reporting by Vanessa Gisquet


Antidepressiva Foods? geldschneider

Zuckermelasse, Zuckerrüben, Lachs, Walnüsse ,Tofu

10.02.05 13:00

<!-- article photo --><!-- end article photo -->Antidepressiva Foods? 1809175


, 02.09.05, 4:02 PM ET

Antidepressiva Foods? 1809175 Molasses is mainly sucrose that didn't crystallize, as well as other sugars and nutrients that are unable to crystallize, including iron, vitamin B, phosphorous and calcium. Like sugar beets, it is high in uridine, one of the building blocks of DNA that may fight depression by promoting a cell's energy-making process. Researcher Bill Carlezon does not recommend running out and guzzling molasses for its antidepressant effects, however. Like most sweet things, use it in moderation.

Antidepressiva Foods? 1809175 Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat that has many health benefits but that the body cannot make enough of. Omega-3s are widely known for their ability to help fight heart disease by lowering triglyceride levels and making blood less likely to clot, as well as having a protective effect against some forms of cancer. Now omega-3s show promise in fighting depression and stress.

Antidepressiva Foods? 1809175 Sugar beets, which are processed for sugar, are high in a substance that's rarely found in food, called uridine. Uridine can increase cytidine levels in the brain, which are believed to have an affect on a brain chemical that regulates mood, dopamine. The sugar that comes from beets also contains uridine, but fresh beets supply a nutritional bonus--their green tops are an excellent source of beta-carotene, calcium, and iron.

Antidepressiva Foods? 1809175 Soy products used to only be enjoyed by vegetarians and health food aficionados, but they are now widely consumed. As a plant-based protein, many soy products are packed with amino acids, low in saturated fat, and contain no cholesterol. Like salmon and walnuts, soy products are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Some studies have shown that tofu delivers more health benefits than soy milk, but both are useful for fighting a myriad of diseases and conditions, like prostate cancer, atherosclerosis, depression and maybe osteoporosis.

Antidepressiva Foods? 1809175 Walnuts are more than just something to mix in brownie batter: they are a great source of alpha linolenic acid, one of the omega-3 fatty acids. Munch away--and help depression at the same time. Some studies show that as little as two grams of alpha linolenic acid per day--the amount in about an ounce of walnuts--is helpful in protecting the heart against disease too.

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Antidepressiva Foods? geldschneider

Antidepressiva zum Essen

12.05.05 09:54
Zuckermelasse, na ja, für die Zähne ist das nicht so gut, hat man im Krieg gerne genommen, anstatt Marmelade. ist aber eben so gesund.

Zuckerrüben auch,
Sugar beets, which are processed for sugar, are high in a substance that's rarely found in food, called uridine. Uridine can increase cytidine levels in the brain, which are believed to have an affect on a brain chemical that regulates mood, dopamine. The sugar that comes from beets also contains uridine, but fresh beets supply a nutritional bonus--their green tops are an excellent source of beta-carotene, calcium, and iron.

Reguliert das Dopamin, also auch  bei ADS und ADHS, (Hyperaktivität), shizophrenie, und
die Zitteritis, irgendwas mit P, parkinson, meine ich.

Alles Krankkheiten, bei denen der Dopamin-Haushalt gestört ist.

Die grünen Spitzen der Zuckerrrüben, meinen die wohl das kraut, seien noch reicher  an:
beta-carotene, calcium, and iron.

Aber wie verarbeite ich Zuckerrrüben in der Küche? Und die kriegen wir nur beim Bauern, bzw. auf dem Feld.  
Antidepressiva Foods? geldschneider

Ein Rezept dazu: Brain Food

12.05.05 13:43
Vollkorn Leckerlis


225g Zuckerrübensirup 200g Weizenvollkornmehl 150g Vollkornhaferflocken

Alle Zutaten vermischen und gut durchkneten, bis der Teig sich gut formen lässt. Wird der Teig zu fest, etwas Wasser hinzufügen, bleibt er zu weich, etwas Mehl. Dann zu einer gut fingerdicken Rolle formen und ca. 2cm lange Stücken abschneiden. Die Stücke auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegtes Blech legen. Da die Leckerlis nicht aufgehen, können sie nah aneinander gelegt werden. Im vorgeheizten Ofen bei 180°C etwa 10 min backen, bis die Leckerlis braun sind und langsam hart werden.

Bitte erst am zweiten Tag nach dem Backen verfüttern!!

Leider habe ich mit Zuckerrüben direkt, wie ich mir schon dachte kein Rezept gefunden. ich vermute aber, man kann sie genauso zubereiten wie andere Rüben, muß dabei aber den Zuckergehalt berücksichtgen.

Nur erstmal an die Rüben kommen!
Antidepressiva Foods? geldschneider

Zuckerrüben Rezept - Antidepressiva Food

<!--StartFragment --> Gepanzerte Rübe, ein Rezept aus dem mittelalter

1 Rübe (s.u.)

400g Butterkäse (s.u.)


3 EL Zucker
1 gehäufter TL Zimt
1 gehäufter TL weißer Pfeffer
1 gestrichener TL gemahlene Nelken
1 gestrichener TL gemahlener Ingwer
1 gestrichener TL Muskatblüte

Antidepressiva Foods? 1936415
Antidepressiva Foods? 1936415

Die Rübe entweder im ganzen kochen oder in dünne Scheiben schneiden und in leicht gesalzenem Wasser garen, dann abtropfen lassen. Falls der Käse am Stück ist, muß er so dünn wie möglich aufgeschnitten werden.

Dann schichtet man abwechselnd Käse- und Rübenscheiben in eine Auflaufform. Weil Käse so klebt, habe ich die Form mit Backpapier ausgelegt. Jede Schicht wird mit Gewürz bestreut. (Eventuell übriges Gewürz paßt wunderbar auf den nächsten Eierpfannkuchen.) Die letzte Schicht soll Käse sein. Auf die Butter aus dem Originalrezept allerdings habe ich im Interesse der 'Linie' verzichtet.

Der Auflauf kommt bei ca. 200° C ungefähr 20 min solange in den Ofen bis der Käse ganz zerschmolzen ist und leicht braun wird.

<!--  .. Platina book 8. -->

Als Käse habe ich einen geschmacklich nicht aufdringlichen und rezeptgemäß recht fetten Vertreter gewählt: gewöhnlichen Butterkäse. Cascio wird in einigen Umsetzungen dieses Rezeptes zwar mit einer Art Frischkäse assoziiert, aus Platinas Werk "Opera" läßt sich jedoch entnehmen, daß er jenen mit cascio fresco bezeichnet. Der ebenfalls hier und da verwendete Parmesankäse scheint mir auch nicht recht in dieses Rezept zu passen, da er geschmacklich etwas zu aufdringlich und außerdem zu fest ist.

Und welche Rübe? Die nahe Verwandtschaft von Mangold ("Blatt"-Rübe), Roter Rübe / Beete, Runkel- / Futterrübe und Zuckerrübe macht es nahezu unmöglich zu entscheiden, welche der Rüben-Pflanzen in den alten Schriften jeweils gemeint war. Der Link Mangold beschreibt dieses Problem und die Geschichte dieser Pflanzenfamilie in Europa.

Antidepressiva Foods? 1936415


da es sich um ein süßes Rezept handelt passt die Zuckerrübe sicherlich.


Wohl bekomms



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