Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen

Beiträge: 143
Zugriffe: 52.593 / Heute: 40
Champion Iron Au. 4,32 € +4,85% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +1209,09%
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen bembelboy

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen

05.04.14 09:12

Anscheinend werden am 08.04.2014 die Champion Aktien im Verhältnis 11:15 in Mamba Anteile umgetauscht.

"As part of the agreement Champion shareholders
will receive 11 ordinary shares of Mamba in exchange for 15 common shares of
Champion.Korrektur 1. Handelstag 08.04.2014/Correction First Trading Day APRIL 08,
2014 "

AB 08.04.2014. AU000000MAB6 MMP MAMBA MINERALS  04.04.2014   AU000000CIA2 MMP CHAMPION  IRON  08.04.2014  Tausch 1:1 "

Auch wenn es etwas unklar ist in welchem Verhältnis getauscht wird, sehe ich den Zusammenschluss positiv.

Zeitpunkt: 19.10.15 09:03
Aktion: Forumswechsel
Kommentar: Falsches Forum

Link: Nutzungsbedingungen  


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Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

sie sollen mal den kurs

15.04.14 09:30
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Reise

Sie lernen....

15.04.14 10:54
es einfach nicht, die Rohstoffexplorer.
Sie schmeißen wöchentlich mit anderen Zahlen und Daten um sich. Da ist keine Verlässlichkeit, keine klare Aussage, kein nachvollziehbares Auftreten, eine wirre bis gar keine Aufklärungsarbeit.

Und da wundern die sich, dass niemand am Markt auch nur den Hauch von Interesse zeigt und die Bewertungen (zurecht) bescheiden bleiben.

Vor ein paar Tagen war wieder mal zu lesen, dass man nun eine Poduktion für 2018 oder 2019 anstrebt. Hatte es vor einen paar Monaten nicht geheißen 2016/ 2017?
Dann sollte eine neue FS zur Jahresmitte kommen, etwas später hieß es dann 3. Quartal und vor ein paar Tagen muss man was von "Ende 2014" lesen.
Ich kann daraus nur schließen, dass die FS frühstens Mitte 2015 kommt und die Produktion, sofern sie überhaupt finanzierbar ist, frühstens 2020/ 2021 läuft, also in 7 oder 8 Jahren.

Wenn man überlegt, dass viele Aktionäre dann mitunter 10 Jahre oder länger auf einen Return ihres Investments gewartet haben, obwohl man ihnen seinerzeit einen Ausblick auf max. 5 Jahre gegeben hat, kann man nur zu dem Schluss kommen, dass da Amateure am Werk sind.
Und dieses wirre Gestammel lockt keinen mehr hinter dem Ofen hervor. Vor vier oder fünf Jahren hätte man jede Ankündigung mit 20 oder 30% Kursanstieg gefeiert, egal wie realistisch die Aussagen gewesen wären.
Die Zeiten sind (zum Glück) vorbei, willkommen in der Realität, aber gelernt haben diese möchtegern CEOs daraus gar nichts.

Für mich ist Larsen momentan eher eine Bremse, den hätte man absägen müssen. Er hat, wie die meisten seiner Kollegen versagt.
Sie haben das Unglück kommen sehen, haben aber nichts dagegen unternommen, sondern mit dem Geld tausender Anleger/ Teilhaber gespielt und selbst noch Mitte 2011, als der Absturz schon lange eingeleitet war, alles schön geredet, statt entsprechend zu handeln.

Was dem Ganzen noch die Krone aufsetzt, ist die Tatsache, das die Aktionäre aktuell darüber im Unklaren gelassen werden, wann die Aktien nun getauscht und in Deutschland wieder handelbar werden. Die ganze Nummer ist ein schlechter Treppenwitz, mehr nicht.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

vor drei jahren

28.04.14 10:58
geben sie kein stück aus der hand ..das ist der burner die aktie..ein scheiß ist es
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

champion minerals

06.05.14 08:50
champion iron ...champion iron mines...champion pleites
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Byxl

Der Patient lebt noch, + 7 %

07.05.14 20:38
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

was sagt man da dazu?

06.06.14 12:42

@lamaro der Laden ist fertig :(
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

Minenportal Deutsch

06.06.14 20:07
Champion Iron Ltd.: Provinzregierung von Quebec zahlt bis zu 20 Mio. $ für eine Machbarkeitsstudie für die neue Eisenbahnlinie im Labrador Trough
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


12.06.14 16:18
ab jetzt geht es gen norden..hihihi
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Locohora

Die Bude bricht in sich...

25.07.14 16:13
zusammen. Ohne irgend einen Tunnel jemals gegraben zu haben... ohje
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

werden die nur noch in stuttgart gehandelt?

15.11.14 12:22
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


15.11.14 12:29
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

das müßte doch die kurse mal beflügeln ..oder

18.06.15 12:03
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen bembelboy

weltweit im plus

13.07.15 20:45
Das kann doch kaum von dem Handelsabkommen kommen.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Heiße Spekulation in Kanada

05.08.15 09:16
Recht rasanter Anstieg hier die letzten paar Wochen, wie ich in einem kanadischen Aktienforum ( gelesen habe, gibt es zur Zeit Spekulationen das Champion zusammen mit der Regierung von Quebec  die in Schieflage geratene Bloom Lake Mine von Cliff Naturals erwerben könnte... Bis zum 16.07. konnte man auf das Asset bieten, gehe davon aus das demnächst der Käufer bekannt wird, habe mir heute morgen mal paar ins Depot gelegt :)
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Reise

Die Frage dabei....

10.08.15 11:01
ist nur, wer das bezahlt? Da muss es jemanden (Chinesen) im Hintergrund geben, der das Geld auf den Tisch legt. Denn Champion ist momentan nun mal als Explorer ein reiner Cashburner mit ein paar Mio. $ auf dem Konto, welche sie für Machbarkeitsstudien und zum Überleben in den nächsten Jahren benötigen.
Trotzdem ein interessantes Gerücht, gerade weil O´Keefe ja mit Riversdale und Glencore gezeigt hat, wie man ein aus einer Mio. $ Bude eine Mrd. $ Festung machen kann. Aber selbst das ist in der heutigen Zeit nun auch keine Garantie mehr.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen nutella79


10.08.15 12:54
da kommt Invesment Quebec ins Spiel... die haben das offiziell zugegeben, Quelle:

Die brauchen halt noch jemanden wie Champion, ein Team, vorallem O'Keeffe mit Glencore Hintergrund etc um das wieder in Produktion zu kriegen...

Der Kurs spricht Bände und steht meiner Meinung nach mit der kommenden News vor einem Mega Ausbruch!
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Heute wieder +12,50 % in Kanada

10.08.15 22:24
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Letzte Nacht +2,8 % an der australischen Börse

11.08.15 14:11
Sehr grüne Vorzeichen die letzten Tage, sowohl in Kanada als auch in Australien. Ich könnte mir gut vorstellen, das diese Woche News kommen, mal schauen was Kanada um 15:30 macht, vielleicht schnappe ich mir noch ein paar Stücke.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

vom ath weit entfernt

01.09.15 06:22
steigt vielleicht mal nach dem dritten weltkrieg, wenn man stahl wieder braucht
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Kurs explodiert in Kanada

08.10.15 17:30
über 0,20 CAD aktuell, scheint wohl bald News zu geben :)
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen bembelboy

Noch nix Neues

14.10.15 12:50
Es hängt immer noch an der Eisenbahn für den Abtransport der Bodenschätze.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

wie lang kann

15.10.15 12:54
das noch dauern? Häng hier schon vier jahre rum ohne gewinn
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen bembelboy

das kann dauern

15.10.15 21:07
In der S-Bahn. Eine alte Dame zeigt dem Kontrolluer die Fahrkarte.
"Das ist eine Kinderfahrkarte, meine Dame", stellt der fest.

Sagt die Dame: "Da können Sie mal sehen, wie lange ich auf diese Bahn gewartet habe!"
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen bembelboy

jeden Tag ein Cent hoch ist ok

16.10.15 16:15
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

jeden Tag ein paar Prozent

16.10.15 17:07
Ich glaube wir bekommen bald News, Peer Group ist am Boden aber Champion steigt seit Wochen, gehe davon  aus das man kurz vor der Unterschrift ist was den Erwerb der ehemaligen Milliarden Mine Bloom Lake von Cliff Natural angeht... es bleibt spannend...
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

Hätten Sie überhaupt genügend

19.10.15 08:46
Abnehmer? Wie entwickelt sich der sprach mal davon..das Stahl das Gold des kleinen Mannes sei....
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Reise


19.10.15 11:28
Wenn es so kommen sollte, was ich letztlich bezweifel, dann hat Champion da höchstens den Fuß mit drin, sprich z.B. 25,1 Prozent vom Ganzen. Das wird ein Konsortium sein, welches die Cliff Mine weiterführt. Ich gehe mal davon aus, wenn es so kommen sollte, dass außer Champion, die Provinz Quebec, vielleicht Adriana Res., ein Großer, wie Arcelormittal und nen Chinese das zusammen aufziehen werden.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

man hat schon vor

20.10.15 14:05
Jahren davon gesprochen, das champion einmal von einem großen übernommen werden soll...ich haffe das geschieht in der nächsten zeit mal..damit ich aus den mießen rauskomme und dann tschüss
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Reise

Die Sache....

22.10.15 18:46
wird sich im Dezember entscheiden und ich glaube, dass Champion, sollte es zu einem Deal kommen, eher eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen dürfte. Cliffs hat die Mine in 2011 für 4,3 Mrd.$ von Thompson Iron gekauft und nochmals 1,7 Mrd. investiert. Was seit 2011 mit dem Erzpreis passiert ist weiß jeder, sprich die Mine ist nicht rentabel, bei 55$/t kein Wunder. Man hätte nochmals 1,2 Mrd.$ investieren müssen, um sie rentabel zu machen und man hätte bis dahin weiterhin ordentliche Verluste gemacht. Das stand für Cliffs in keinem Verhältnis mehr, gerade in diesen miesen Zeiten für Rohstoffe.

An den Zahlen sieht man schon, dass das eine große Nummer ist, zudem mit ordentlichem Risiko. Kann mir irgendwie nicht vorstellen, dass sich genügend Kapital von Chinesen oder anderen Big Playern für so eine Nummer zusammenkratzen lässt. Nicht in diesen Zeiten, es sei denn man bekommt die Mine für nen Appel und nen Ei und man ist bereit bzw. hält es für sinnvoll 1-2 Mrd. $ zu investieren.

Man wird sehen....
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

wo seht ihr den

25.10.15 05:00
kurs in 1 2 jahren?
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen bembelboy

Champion buys mothballed Bloom Lake iron-ore mine

12.12.15 09:03
Gute Nachricht beflügelt den Kurs

Champion’s TSX-listed stock jumped 30%, or C$0.04, after the deal was announced around midday, changing hands at C$0.20 apiece.

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen nutella79


12.12.15 11:27

ja das schaut sehr gut aus, ich verweise auf die Originalnews aus der ersichtlich ist, dass der CEO selbst 7,5 Millionen CAD in die Firma investiert!

Denke sobald alles unter Dach und Fach ist geht der Kurs wieder in alte Höhen - was meint ihr?

No Hype - just the Facts.  Your complete source of news and realtime quotes from the TSX, TSX-V, CSE, Montreal, Nasdaq, NYSE, Amex and OTC Markets.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen bembelboy

Ich finde das auch positiv

12.12.15 11:47
Schau mer mal was sich Montag in Australien tut :-)
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:


12.12.15 17:59
Sensationell das Champion das Projekt tatsächlich bekommen hat für gerade mal ca. 50 Mio CAD (Cliff hat das Projekt in 2011 für 5 Mrd gekauft), ein absoluter genialer Schachzug vom CEO. Die Tatsache das er alleine 7,5 Mio investiert zeigt was für ein enormes Potenzial er in den nächsten Jahren erwartet.

Diese Passagen fand ich besonders interessant:

Even with an extended care and maintenance and planned upgrade period, Bloom Lake could potentially become one of the lowest capital cost iron ore mines in the world.

Das heißt wohl das man so viel Einsparungspotenzial hat, das die Cash Kosten noch niedriger werden könnten als die der Majors - BHP, VALE, RIO Tinto - welche aktuelle Cash Kosten von ca. 15-25 USD/je Tonne vorzuweisen haben...

In parallel with the successful bid, Champion has achieved or is in the process of delivering a number of strategic milestones to improve access to global markets and significantly reduce operating costs at Bloom Lake, including projects related to rail and port access.

Hört sich nach ner Menge guter News in nächster Zeit an...für mich eine absolut geniale Story...

Bin gespannt was die Australier am Montag aus dieser Bomben News machen.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Reise

Sicher ist....

13.12.15 12:40
O`Keefe war der richtige Mann zur richtigen Zeit. Mit Larssen wäre das eher nicht passiert. In genau diesen Baisse Zeiten muss man sich solch ein Asset für ein paar Mio.$ zulegen, zumindest wenn man einen Plan hat, was in 2 Jahren aus dieser Mine werden soll.
Fakt ist aber auch, der Umbau für die Rentabilität kostest viel Geld. Glaube kaum, dass die ursprünglich von Cliffs veranschlagten 1,2 Mrd. $ so abwegig waren.
Im Grunde ist es aber der schnellste und wirtschaftlich sinnvollste Schritt, ein Producer zu werden. Mit dem FLN Projekt, was 3-4 Mrd. $ bis zur Produktion kosten würde und der fehlenden Bahnlösung, hätte man die nächsten Jahre nichts erreichen können, nicht bei diesen Erzpreisen.
Von daher ist es ein genialer Deal, vor allem, weil man weiß, wer O´Keefe ist und was er schon erreicht hat.
Somit wird man diese Baisse überleben und könnte dann in 2-3 Jahren zum Top-Producer am Markt werden und in einer starken Preiserholungsphase überproportinal davon profitieren.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen nutella79


14.12.15 09:10
in Australien +30% !

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Schöner Anstieg!

14.12.15 09:51
Denke heute Nachmittag werden die Kanadier auch mit schönem Plus in die Woche starten!
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Schnäppchen des Jahres

14.12.15 13:56
Champion Iron übernimmt Bloom Lake-Mine für nur 10,5 Mio. CAD!

Geschrieben von Björn Junker • 14. Dezember 2015 • Druckversion

Um 30% schoss die Aktie der kanadischen Champion Iron (WKN A111EF / TSX CIA) vergangenen Freitag nach oben. Auslöser war die Nachricht, dass Champion sich die Eisenerzmine Bloom Lake und die dazugehörige Schieneninfrastruktur für 10,5 Mio. CAD gesichert hat. Vorbesitzer Cliffs Natural Resources (WKN A0RBDY) hatte 2011 – auf dem Höhepunkt des Eisenerzbooms – noch 4,9 Mrd. USD für die Mine gezahlt…

Eisenerz; Foto:Cartier Iron
Eisenerz; Foto:Cartier Iron

Allerdings war es dem US-Konzern schon damals nicht gelungen, Bloom Lake rentabel zu betreiben. Als der Eisenerzpreis dann auf Talfahrt ging, beschloss man die Mine, die laut der Financial Post 2014 Cashkosten (!) von 91,54 USD pro Tonne aufwies, stillzulegen und unter Gläubigerschutz zu stellen. Derzeit kostet eine Tonne Eisenerz übrigens weniger als 40 USD pro Tonne.

Champion muss zusätzlich zum Kaufpreis noch für rund 41 Mio. Dollar geradestehen, die für die Sanierung des Minengeländes vorgesehen sind. Das Unternehmen plant über eine Privatplatzierung 25 Mio. CAD aufzunehmen, wobei CEO Michael O’Keeffe zusammen mit einer weiteren, nicht benannten Partei für 15 Mio. Dollar 46,875 Mio. Champion-Aktien erwerben will. Damit läge sein Anteil am Unternehmen bei 19,95%.

Laut Champion will man die Mine erst einmal für ein bis zwei Jahre zu reduzierten Kosten auf Eis gelegt lassen, sollte sich der Eisenerzpreis so lange nicht erholen. Sollten die Marktbedingungen eine Wiederaufnahme des Betriebs auf Bloom Lake erlauben, so das Unternehmen, habe man Möglichkeiten gefunden, die Kapazität der Mine von 6 auf 7 Mio. Tonnen Eisenerz bei etwa 66% Eisengehalt zu steigern. Zudem, so Champion weiter, habe man bei der Prüfung der Mine im Vorfeld der Akquisition Möglichkeiten zur Kosteneinsparung identifiziert und bereits von Rohstoffhändlern und Hüttenwerken Interessensbekundungen über die Abnahme der Produktion von Bloom Lake erhalten.

Wie es die Analysten von BB&T Capital Markets formulieren, hat Champion bei Bloom Lake einen herausragenden Deal gemacht und das Asset wahrscheinlich für weniger als den Liquidationswert erworben!
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


17.12.15 12:01

bin ich mal gespannt wann sich hier mal was tut ..hoffe das ich das noch erlebe
Zeitpunkt: 23.12.15 11:03
Aktion: Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: 1 Tag Sperre wegen Anlegens einer Doppel-ID - Doppel-ID: lexusmuc

Link: Nutzungsbedingungen  

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:


30.01.16 14:43
Champion Acquisition of Bloom Lake Receives Court Approval

MONTREAL, QC--(Marketwired - January 28, 2016) - Champion Iron Ltd. (ASX: CIA) (TSX: CIA) ("Champion" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the acquisition of the Bloom Lake Mine and related rail assets (collectively, "Bloom Lake") and the Quinto Mining Corp. mineral claims (the "Quinto Claims") in Québec (the "Acquisition") from Cliffs Québec Iron Mining ULC, Bloom Lake Mine Iron Ore Limited Partnership, Bloom Lake Railway Company Limited and Quinto (collectively, the "Bloom Lake CCAA Vendors") has been approved by the Québec Superior Court under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) ("CCAA").

On December 11, 2015, the Company announced that Québec Iron Ore Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement (the "Asset Purchase Agreement") to acquire Bloom Lake and the Quinto Claims in Québec from the Bloom Lake CCAA Vendors.

On January 27, 2016, the Superior Court of Québec granted an "Approval and Vesting Order" authorizing the Bloom Lake CCAA Vendors to proceed with the sale of Bloom Lake and the Quinto Claims to Québec Iron Ore Inc. as part of the Bloom Lake CCAA Vendors' CCAA proceedings.

The order provides that the Bloom Lake assets and the Quinto Claims will be acquired free and clear of any security interests and any other encumbrances (subject only to certain limited permitted encumbrances).

With the Court approval now granted, the Acquisition is expected to be completed later this quarter, subject to the satisfaction of other conditions to closing.

Potentially one of the lowest capital cost iron ore mines in the world

Champion Chairman and CEO Michael O'Keeffe said "Bloom Lake represents strong upside potential for our shareholders to leverage the significant level of investment in Bloom Lake made by previous owners, and which we are expecting to acquire at very favourable terms pursuant to the Asset Purchase Agreement, especially when considering original cost".

Mr O'Keeffe said that Champion believes that the mine also has an important potential to add to economic growth for the Côte-Nord region, and that Champion is excited about participating in a major way to the implementation of the Québec Government Plan Nord, including employment and positive economic impact across all communities in the region.

"Champion plans to acquire the Bloom Lake Mine because we believe it is an asset of global significance. We think it could potentially become one of the lowest capital cost iron ore mines in the world, even following an extended care and maintenance and the planned upgrade period" Mr O'Keeffe said.

"As part of the ongoing maintenance and upgrade, the Company is initiating a dialogue with the local authorities and partners to share our work plan. And when it is time to start hiring, we will look to the local and First Nations community, as well as the mine's former employees. In addition, we intend to obtain supplies from local entrepreneurs to maximize the economic flow-on for the local business communities in the regions in which we operate", Mr O'Keeffe said.

Mr O'Keeffe said that Champion considers that significant cost reductions are possible at Bloom Lake, with the potential to bring operational FOB costs per ton down substantially from previous levels.

Champion has already identified the potential to improve mine capacity at Bloom Lake. Previous operations historically produced a yearly maximum of 6 million tons of iron fines at 66% Fe. Champion will be looking to increase this to over 7 million tons per year at a similar grade, chiefly through the implementation of a new mine plan as well as improved recoveries.

In support of this strategy, in addition to the anticipated acquisition of Bloom Lake, Champion achieved during 2015 a number of strategic milestones, including projects related to rail and port access. The Company expects to provide updates to shareholders on individual initiatives commencing later this quarter.

With the iron ore producers experiencing pricing pressures globally, as a contingency, Champion is continuing discussions with strategic partners, funds, government agencies and private investors to obtain additional financing in order to secure up to 24 months of care and maintenance should low iron ore prices prevail during this period.

Details of the Acquisition announced December 11, 2015

The Asset Purchase Agreement provides that the Bloom Lake assets and the Quinto Claims are being acquired for a cash consideration of C$10.5 million and the assumption of certain liabilities. Under the Asset Purchase Agreement, Québec Iron Ore Inc. will also become responsible for environmental obligations which include environmental reclamation liabilities presently assessed at approximately C$41.7 million by the Government of Québec, as well as the replacement of certain bonds securing certain obligations of Bloom Lake totalling approximately C$1.1 million.

The Asset Purchase Agreement announced by Champion on December 11, 2015 contained a number of closing conditions, including a requirement to obtain the Approval and Vesting Order, and the obtaining of the approval of shareholders of Champion in connection with a private placement related to the Acquisition, which will be sought as part of a shareholders' meeting expected to be held on March 21, 2016.…
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Eisenerzpreis mit starkem Rebound

17.02.16 22:55
Beim Eisenerzpreis zeichnet sich so langsam aber sicher eine Bodenbildung ab. Vom  7-Jahrestief im Dezember 2015 erholte sich der Eisenerzpreis von 38,54 $  auf aktuell 44,43 $. Die Preise werden gestützt von etlichen Minenschließungen in China, da diese größtenteils Eisenerz mit niedrigem Grad produzieren und teilweise Cashkosten zwischen 80 - 100 $ aufweisen.

Bin gespannt auf die nächsten paar Monate bei Champion, durch die Kosteneinsparungen, Abnahmevereinbarungen, Bahnlinie etc. soll Bloom Lake ja laut Pressemitteilung zu einem Projekt mit den günstigsten Cashkosten weltweit gehören.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


19.02.16 09:42
verhöckern sie nicht ihr eisenerz an seltene erden produzenten?
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Financing from the Quebec Government!

22.02.16 14:41
Champion Iron Announces the Entering Into of Letters of Intent for a Financing From the Quebec Government in Connection With the Acquisition of the Bloom Lake Mine and Related Assets

MONTREAL, QC--(Marketwired - February 19, 2016) -  Champion Iron Limited (ASX: CIA) (TSX: CIA) ("Champion" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company entered into a letter of intent (the "Champion Letter of Intent") with Ressources Québec Inc. ("Ressources Québec"), acting as mandatary of the Québec government, and that the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Québec Iron Ore Inc. ("QIO"), also entered into a letter of intent (together with the Champion Letter of Intent, the "Letters of Intent") with Ressources Québec, acting as mandatary of the Québec government and acting on its own behalf, regarding partial funding of QIO's acquisition (the "Acquisition") of the Bloom Lake Mine and related rail assets (collectively, "Bloom Lake") and the Quinto Mining Corporation mineral claims (the "Quinto Claims") in Québec from Cliffs Québec Iron Mining ULC, Bloom Lake Mine Iron Ore Limited Partnership, Bloom Lake Railway Company Limited and Quinto Mining Corporation (collectively, the "Bloom Lake CCAA Vendors") and related costs.

Pursuant to the Letters of Intent:

•Ressources Québec intends to invest, acting as a mandatary of the Government of Quebec, C$6M in the form of common shares in the share capital of the Company at a price of $0.16 per common share issued pursuant to the private placement financing announced by the Company on December 11, 2015 of up to C$30M (increased from up to C$25M as previously announced). The proceeds of this investment are to be contributed to QIO to finance the Acquisition by QIO, and to secure up to 24 months of care and maintenance and the planned upgrade of the Bloom Lake assets.
•Ressources Québec also intends to invest, acting as a mandatary of the Government of Quebec, C$14M in the form of voting and participating shares in the share capital of QIO, and also intends to provide, on its own behalf, financing in the form of a term loan of a maximum amount of C$6M. The proceeds of this financing will also be used to finance the Acquisition, and to secure up to 24 months of care and maintenance and the planned upgrade of the Bloom Lake assets.

The investments and the making of the loan are subject to, among other things, final approvals from the Government of Québec and Ressources Québec decision making authorities, the negotiation and entering into of definitive transaction documents between the parties which will provide for conditions to closing, including, as applicable, satisfactory due diligence being conducted by Ressources Québec on the Company, QIO and the Bloom Lake assets, the closing of the private placement financing of ordinary shares of the Company announced on December 11, 2015, the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange and of the Australian Securities Exchange, and the approval of the Company's shareholders entitled to vote at a meeting of the shareholders of the Company. The ordinary shares to be issued under the investments will be issued pursuant to exemptions from the prospectus requirements of applicable securities laws and will be subject to a four-month statutory hold period from the date of closing of the offering. The terms and conditions of the private placement financing and the Acquisition will be further described in the Company's management proxy circular (Canada) and Notice of Meeting (Australia), which is expected to be filed on SEDAR and mailed to Champion shareholders in the coming weeks.

Details of the Acquisition

On 11 December 2015, the Company announced that QIO had entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement (the "Asset Purchase Agreement") in respect of the Acquisition.

On 27 January 2016, the transaction was approved by the Québec Superior Court under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada).

The Asset Purchase Agreement provides that the Bloom Lake assets and the Quinto Claims are being acquired for a cash consideration of C$10.5 million and the assumption of certain liabilities. Under the Asset Purchase Agreement, QIO will become responsible for environmental obligations which include environmental reclamation liabilities presently assessed at approximately C$41.7 million by the Government of Québec, as well as the replacement of certain bonds securing certain obligations of Bloom Lake totalling approximately C$1.1 million.

The Asset Purchase Agreement contains a number of closing conditions, including the obtaining of the approval of shareholders of Champion in connection with the aforementioned private placement financing, which will be sought as part of a shareholders' meeting expected to be held at the end of March 2016.

About Champion  

Champion has been working on the development of iron ore deposits in the Labrador Trough for more than 10 years through acquisition of tenements, geological evaluation and development of a Feasibility study (Fire Lake North deposit). The management team has a vast experience from geotechnical work to green field development, brown field management including logistics development and financing of all stages in the mining industry.

The main focus of Champion's activities, holding over 3 billion tons of high quality iron ore resources, were concentrated on the effort to achieve an economical long term access from mine to ship. The Government of Québec has granted CAD $20 million for the feasibility study of a new rail linking Fire Lake / Bloom Lake area to the port of Sept-Îles. This study is being managed by Champion, and is expected to be finalised in 2016.

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

wann wird hier endlichmal der Durchbruch kommen

23.03.16 06:27
seit jahren nur scheiss gelaber seitens der firma...haben millionen seiten des staates in den a geschoben bekommen...was haben sie mit dem geld gemacht???? Hat Larsen eine fette abfindung zum schluß noch bekommen?
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen bembelboy


13.04.16 08:58

QUEBEC – Champion Iron of Montreal has completed a $30 million financing and closed the acquisition of the Bloom Lake iron ore mine 400 km north of Sept-Iles. The deal included includes the former producer, related rail assets, and the claims formerly belonging to Quinto Mining.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

die haben

14.04.16 07:43
vor Jahren schon millionen von australien bekommen,,was haben Sie mit der Kohle gemacht,,,Abfindung Larsen ?,,Der jetzt Eloro in den A fährt?  
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

champion müßte in diesem

18.04.16 21:29
quartal in Produktion gehen
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

überall wo larsen

02.05.16 14:17
seine finger drin hat oder hatte geht den bach runter..siehe eloro
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:


06.06.16 15:22
Champion Iron Emerges as a Significant Iron Ore Group in the Labrador Trough, Quebec

MONTREAL, QC--(Marketwired - June 02, 2016) - Champion Iron Limited (ASX: CIA) (TSX: CIA) ("Champion" or the "Company") is positioning to be one of the lowest capital cost iron ore mines in the world. With planning underway at the recently acquired Bloom Lake Mine in Québec, Champion is optimistic that the mine's new owner, Quebec Iron Ore ("QIO"), a subsidiary entity of Champion, can identify and implement potentially significant cost reductions.
The key focus in all planning is to bring operational costs per ton down substantially which would enable Champion to capitalize on its strategic goal to bring the mine back into production.
A new mine plan and improved recoveries
Since the successful acquisition of the Bloom Lake Mine and associated assets (collectively, "Bloom Lake"), with its joint venture partner, the Quebec government, Champion has been preparing a program to introduce potential improvements to mine and processing capacity at Bloom Lake.
The first stage in this preparation was to integrate approximately 40 employees at the Bloom Lake Mine into their new company, QIO, and to commence discussions with engineering and technical contractors.
Central to the success of Bloom Lake will be the implementation of a new mine plan as well as improved recoveries at the mine's expansive processing plant and infrastructure. Where previous operations historically produced a yearly maximum of 6 million tons of iron fines at 66% Fe, QIO will target material increases to take this to over 7 million tons per year at a similar grade.
Champion Chairman and CEO Michael O'Keeffe said the Bloom Lake Mine and associated assets were acquired on very favourable terms.

While the Company intends to leverage the significant level of investment in Bloom Lake made by previous owners, the future potential of the Tier 1 project is dependent upon the current owner's strategic development plan of the overall project including upgrades at the processing plant.
The asset has the potential to be a world class project, and could position Champion, with its other iron ore assets including the Fire Lake North Project, as an iron ore miner of regional if not global significance. With the appropriate upgrades, and with a continued improvement in the longer term outlook for iron ore, Bloom Lake represents strong upside potential for shareholders.
In support of this strategy, and in addition to the acquisition of Bloom Lake and work at the mine, Champion is also advancing projects related to improving rail and port access. Discussions with government and industry are ongoing and progressing well.
Corporate development lays the foundation for future growth
It has been an intense period for Champion Iron, with key corporate developments during the past six months including:
December 11, 2015: the Company announced that it had entered, through its subsidiary entity QIO, into an Asset Purchase Agreement in respect of the Acquisition of the Bloom Lake Mine in Québec. Pursuant to the Asset Purchase Agreement the Bloom Lake assets and the Quinto Claims were acquired for a cash consideration of C$10.5 million and the assumption of certain liabilities. These involved responsibility for environmental obligations which included environmental reclamation liabilities presently assessed at approximately C$41.7 million by the Government of Québec, as well as the replacement of certain bonds securing certain obligations of Bloom Lake totalling approximately C$1.1 million.
On January 27, 2016, Champion reported that the transaction was approved by the Québec Superior Court under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada).
On February 19, 2016, Champion announced that Ressources Québec, acting as a mandatary of the Government of Québec, intended to invest C$14 million into the new entity, QIO, owning the mine and in addition would also participate in the Financing by subscribing for C$6 million in the share capital of Champion.
On April 11, 2016, the Company announced that, including the investment of Ressources Québec, it had closed a private placement financing for proceeds of C$30 million which was utilized to fund the Acquisition purchase price, provide the Company with working capital and to assist in meeting care and upgrade costs in respect of the Bloom Lake Mine. Subscribers to the Offering included:
Wynnchurch Strategic Opportunity LP (a Wynnchurch Capital, Ltd. fund)("Wynnchurch") invested C$10 million. Wynnchurch Capital, Ltd. is a leading middle-market private equity investment firm headquartered in the Chicago suburb of Rosemont, Illinois with offices in Toronto and Michigan, and affiliates in Montreal, New York City and Los Angeles.
Resource Capital Funds ("RCF"), a mining-focused private equity firm headquartered in Denver, Colorado, invested C$6 million.
A company controlled by a non-arm's length party, namely Champion's Chairman and CEO, Michael O'Keeffe, invested C$3.5 million.
Significantly, at a time when most investors were shying away from the market, Champion was successful in securing the support of these leading and specialist resources investor groups.
At 5pm on the 11th April 2016, QIO took possession of the Bloom Lake mine on completion of the acquisition. Looking forward, the emphasis shifts from corporate to operational, as the Champion board and management look to deliver operational improvements and efficiencies at the Bloom Lake Mine.
An important part of Plan Nord
There is a high level of interest in the future of Bloom Lake, given the mine's important potential to add to economic growth for the Côte-Nord region of Québec.
Mr O'Keeffe said that Champion Iron is looking forward to being a key stakeholder and participating significantly to the implementation of the Québec Government's Plan Nord, including generating employment and positive economic impact across communities in the region.
"We have already initiated a dialogue with the local authorities and partners to share the Company's vision and work plan for Bloom Lake and we have explained that when QIO starts hiring, we will involve the local and First Nations community, as well as the mine's former employees," Mr O'Keeffe said.
The current operations at site rely on services and supplies from local entrepreneurs and businesses. As the Company increases its activities at and around the mine, Champion is committed to maximize the economic flow-on for the local business communities in the regions in which the Company operates.
Through the acquisition, QIO already has a strong link with nearby Fermont. This includes 30 homes and two 100-room motels that were purchased in Fermont to secure housing and accommodation for employees and contractors. This means that QIO has access to housing required for a restart of Bloom Lake.
About Champion
Champion has been working on the development of iron ore deposits in the Labrador Trough for more than 10 years through acquisition of tenements, geological evaluation and development of a Feasibility study (Fire Lake North deposit). The management team has a vast experience from geotechnical work to green field development, brown field management including logistics development and financing of all stages in the mining industry.
Prior to the acquisition of Bloom Lake, the main focus of Champion's activities, holding over 3 billion tons of high quality iron ore resources, was concentrated on the effort to achieve an economical long term access from mine to ship.
Following the acquisition of Bloom Lake the Company's main focus is to implement upgrades to the mine and processing infrastructure it now owns whilst advancing projects associated with improving access to global markets. This includes progressing rail and port infrastructure initiatives with government and other key industry and community stakeholders.
The Government of Québec has granted CAD $20 million for the feasibility study of a new rail linking Fire Lake / Bloom Lake area to the port of Sept-Îles. This study is being managed by Champion, and is expected to be finalised in 2016.
For additional information on Champion Iron Limited, please visit our website at
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


07.06.16 14:04
ich will das ATH sehen...alles andere interresiert mich nicht...sie furzen schon zu lang rum
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


16.06.16 10:41
kauft hier noch ein...keiner kennt die aktie..selbst larsen ist hier nicht investiert
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Iron Ore Tax Australia

19.08.16 15:00

In Australien gibt es Pläne die Steuer für Eisenerzproduzenten deutlich anzuheben, sollte das so beschlossen werden, dürften Projekte außerhalb Australiens davon sehr profitieren.

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

das wäre der tot

22.08.16 15:22
für champion
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:


25.08.16 13:51
Nein eben nicht da Champion in Kanada tätig ist und davon nicht betroffen ist, im Gegenteil man könnte davon profitieren.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Insider Kauf

28.08.16 21:15
Insider bei cia am kaufen:

Aug 24, 2016

(filed on Aug 25, 2016) Insider Name:Love, Andrew John Ownership Type:Indirect Ownership Securities:Common Shares Ordinary Shares (as per Australian securities law) Nature of Transaction:10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market # or value acquired/disposed of:44,468

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Insider Kauf vom CEO

09.09.16 16:18
260.000 Aktie hat er am Markt gekauft, er besitzt ja schon so einige Millionen Aktien, nicht schlecht, sind nun 3 Monate mehr oder weniger seitwärts gelaufen, vielleicht gibts in 2-3 Monaten was positives zu vermelden. Zumindest letztes Jahr um diese Zeit hatte O `Keefe auch ein großes Paket am Markt gekauft, 3 Monate später der Kauf von Bloom Lake, Zufall ?
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


20.09.16 12:25
auch nichts
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Insider Buying:

25.11.16 11:34
Insider Buying:

Nov 23/16 Nov 21/16 Cataford, David Direct Ownership Common Shares Ordinary Shares (as per Australian securities law) 10 - Acquisition in the public market 144,000 $0.360

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Base


11.01.17 20:24
sieht der Kursverlauf aus.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


31.01.17 17:35
wird die tonne für 200 dollar verkauft
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

preisschraube nach oben

31.01.17 17:39
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

hier gehts ab

13.02.17 15:56
meine damen und herren...endlich ...gott sei dank
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen marroni

Eine Gelegenheit indirekt Champion Iron

14.02.17 20:42
zu kaufen, bietet ein kleiner Eisen-Explorer namens Fancamp, gelistet in Toronto. Fancamp hat 10,2 Millionen Aktien von champion iron im Wert von 14 Millionen CAD im Umlaufvermögen!

Fancamp allerdings hat eine MK von nur 11,6 Mill. Cad. Die champion iron gibt es somit zum Discount incl. den Rest von allen Beteiligungen und nicht unwesentlichrn Liegenschaften!

Ein Schnäppchen....
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen fishermann friend
fishermann fri.:

Super NEws

16.02.17 13:39

Champion Iron Announces Completion of Bloom Lake Mine Feasibility Study

T.CIA | 36 minutes ago

MONTREAL, QC--(Marketwired - February 16, 2017) -


Champion Iron Limited (ASX: CIA) (TSX: CIA) ("Champion" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the results of the Feasibility Study for the Bloom Lake Iron Ore Mine ("Bloom Lake"), located near the town of Fermont, in north-eastern Quebec.

The Feasibility Study demonstrates that recommencing iron ore mining operations at Bloom Lake is financially viable and would be competitive in global iron ore markets with the potential to be one of the region's leading long-life iron ore mines. A production restart at Bloom Lake would be a major contributor to the provincial and national economy.

Champion Iron Chairman and CEO Mr Michael O'Keeffe said, "This is a major result for the Company. Based on conservative assumptions, the Feasibility Study demonstrates that the Bloom Lake Iron Ore Mine is clearly viable. In fact, very few iron ore projects offer the potential of 20+ years of production at industry-low operating costs, whilst being strategically located in close proximity to all necessary infrastructure and situated in what we consider to be a superior mining jurisdiction. I am confident that the Feasibility Study, and these attributes, will allow Champion Iron to secure investor support and funding as we bring the Bloom Lake mine back into full-scale production."


(All quoted figures in CA$ unless stated otherwise)
•Net after-tax cash flow of $2.3 billion (including all forecasted CAPEX);

•After-tax net present value at 8% discount rate of $984 million and an internal rate of return of 33.3% after tax;
•Total revenue over life-of-mine of $15.1 billion;
•Total capital costs of $326.8 million including mine upgrade capital cost of $157.2 million;
•Mineral Reserves for the Bloom Lake Project are estimated at 411.7 million tonnes at an average grade of 30.0% Fe;
•Concentrate production averages 7.4 million tonnes per annum at an assumed steady state over the 21-year life-of-mine. The concentrate, at 66.2% Fe is obtained with an expected metallurgical recovery that averages 83.3% Fe relative to plant feed at the 30% Fe average feed grade;
•Plant and processing upgrades are expected to deliver improvements in Fe recovery. The upgraded recovery circuit flowsheet replaces the existing 3-stage spiral circuit with a new gravity circuit that limits the recirculating process streams and reduces the chance of losses of iron to the rougher stage tailings. The recovery of additional iron minerals will also be achieved by a magnetic scavenging circuit;
•Life-of-mine average operating cost of production of $44.62 per dry metric tonne, FOB Sept-Iles;
•Life-of-mine average iron ore price at 66.2% Fe CFR China (62% Fe index plus premium for extra Fe content) of US$78.40 provided by a market study by Metalytics, a specialist economics consultancy in the metals and mineral resources sector.

Summary of Economic Parameters and Feasibility Results

Mining Parameters   Reserve (Mt)   411.7
Processed tonnage (Mtpa)   20.0
Average Fe processing recovery (%)   83.3%
Average mining dilution (%)   4.3%
Average Recovered concentrate (Mtpa)   7.4
Mine Life (years)   21 years
Cost Parameters   Initial CAPEX including Working Capital (CA$M)   326.8
LOM CAPEX (CA$M)   329.5
LOM OPEX (CA$/t of ore)   16.85
LOM OPEX (CA$/t dry concentrate)   44.62
Revenue Parameters   Gross Revenue (CA$M)   15,116
Shipping Costs (CA$M)   3,748
Cash Operating Margin (CA$M)   4,432
Operating Margin %   29.3%
After Tax Net Cash-Flow (CA$M)   2,335
Iron Ore PriceParameters   LOM Av Iron Price at 66.2%Fe CFR China (US$/ton)   78.40
Inflation   Nil
Average Exchange Rate   0.79 US$:1.0 CA$
Valuation Parameters   NPV - 8% Pre-Tax (CA$M)   1,675
IRR (pre-tax)   43.9%
NPV - 8% After-Tax (CA$M)   984
IRR (after-tax)   33.3%
Pay-back (pre-tax) (years)   2.5
Pay-back (after-tax) (years)   3.1

Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimates

The following table presents the mineral resource for the Bloom Lake Project estimated at a cut-off grade of 15% Fe, inside an optimized Whittle open pit shell based on a long-term iron price of USD $60/dmt concentrate for 66% Fe content. The Measured and Indicated mineral resource for the Bloom Lake Project is estimated at 911.6 Mt with an average grade of 29.7% Fe, and Inferred mineral resource at 80.4 Mt with an average grade of 25.6% Fe.

Mineral Resource Estimate for the Bloom Lake Project (notes 1-9)

Classification   Tonnage (dry)   Fe   CaO   Sat   MgO   Al2O3
 kt   %   %   %   %   %
Measured   439,700   31.0   0.6   3.0   0.7   0.3
Indicated   471,900   28.5   2.5   6.8   2.3   0.4
Total M&I   911,600   29.7   1.6   5.0   1.5   0.4
Inferred   80,400   25.6   1.9   7.9   1.7   0.3

Notes on Mineral Resources:
1.The mineral resources were estimated using the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Standards for Mineral Resources and Reserves, Definitions and Guidelines prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council May 10th, 2014.
2.The independent and qualified person for the 2016 Bloom Lake resource estimate, as defined by NI 43-101, is Réjean Sirois, P. Eng., from G Mining. The effective date of the estimate is November 15, 2016.
3.The mineral resources are estimated at a cut-off grade of 15% Fe.
4.The mineral resources are estimated using a long-term iron price of USD $60/dmt concentrate and an exchange rate of 1.30 CAD/USD.
5.The mineral resources are reported within an optimized Whittle open pit shell.
6.The average strip ratio is 0.97:1 (w: o).
7."Sat" stands for Satmagan or Saturation Magnetization Analyser, an instrument which measures magnetite in mineralised material.
8.Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that all or any part of the Mineral Resource will be converted into Mineral Reserves.
9.The number of metric tonnes was rounded to the nearest hundred. Any discrepancies in the totals are due to rounding effects; rounding followed the recommendations in NI 43-101.

The Proven and Probable mineral reserve is estimated at 411.7 Mt at an average grade of 30.0% Fe based on a cut-off grade of 15% Fe. The mineral reserve was estimated using a long-term concentrate price of US$54/dmt for 66% Fe content and an exchange rate of 1.30 CA$/US$. The mineral reserve includes a 4.3% mining dilution at an average grade of 10.3% Fe. The average strip ratio of the open pit is 0.48.

Mineral Reserve Estimate (notes 1-8)

Classification   Diluted   Ore
Tonnage (dry)   Fe   CaO   Sat   MgO   Al2O3
 kt   %   %   %   %   %
Proven   264,160   30.73   0.48   2.98   0.56   0.32
Probable   147,554   28.71   2.84   6.68   2.72   0.40
Total P&P   411,713   30.01   1.33   4.30   1.33   0.35

Notes on Mineral Reserves:
1.CIM definitions were followed for mineral reserves.
2.Mineral reserves based on September 28, 2016 LIDAR survey
3.Mineral reserves are estimated at a cut-off grade of 15% Fe.
4.Mineral reserves are estimated using a long-term iron price reference price (Platt's 62%) of $50/dmt and an exchange rate of 1.30 CAD/USD. An Fe concentrate price adjustment of $4.00/dmt was added.
5.Bulk density of ore is variable but averages 3.63 t/m3.
6.The average strip ratio is 0.48:1.
7.The mining dilution factor is 4.3%.
8.Numbers may not add due to rounding.

Updated Mine Plan

The restart of operations at Bloom Lake is based on different operating assumptions which include an upgrade to the concentrator plant and a mineral reserve and mining scenario updated for the current iron ore market.

The operation consists of a conventional surface mining method using an owner mining approach with electric hydraulic shovels and mine trucks. All major mine equipment required for the restart of Bloom Lake is present on-site as this equipment was among the assets purchased by the Company's subsidiary, Quebec Iron Ore Inc.

Updated Concentrator Plant

Quebec Iron Ore Inc. intends to use Bloom Lake's existing crushing and storage facilities, along with the mill and the rail load-out facilities to produce 7.4 Mtpa of concentrate, with an expected recovery of 83.3% from the ore mined from the main pit.

The proposed concentrator plant upgrade was developed to improve the overall iron recovery previously achieved by the existing concentrator when Bloom Lake was in production from 2010 until 2014. The specific goal was to improve the recovery of both the coarser (+425 microns) and fine (-106 microns) iron minerals, while having no adverse effect on the recovery of other size fractions.

The concentrator upgrade development was based on proven technology for Labrador Trough iron ore deposits.


The mine already has operational processing facilities and rail loop infrastructure, with access to end markets via port and rail. The rail access consists of three separate segments. The first is the 31.9 km rail spur on-site that is operational and connects to the Quebec North Shore & Labrador (QNS&L) railway at the Wabush Mines facilities in Wabush, Labrador. The second segment uses the QNS&L railway between Wabush to the Arnaud junction in Sept-Iles. The third segment is from Arnaud to Pointe-Noire port facilities (Sept-Iles) where the concentrate will be unloaded, stockpiled and then loaded onto vessels for export.

Bloom Lake benefits from excellent access to power, water, roads, rail, ports and a highly professional mining labour market, as well as a government that continues to be supportive of new investment and mining.

Technical Report and Qualified Persons

A National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report ("Report") will be filed under the Company's profile on SEDAR within 45 days of the date of this news release. The Report will consist of a summary of the Feasibility Study. The Feasibility Study will also contain contributions from the following independent Qualified Persons:
•Louis-Pierre Gignac, P.Eng. - G Mining
•Rejean Sirois, P.Eng. - G Mining
•Etienne Bernier, P.Eng. - G Mining
•Stéphane Rivard, P.Eng. - Ausenco
•Robin Jones, P.Eng. - Ausenco
•Michel L. Bilodeau, P.Eng. - Ausenco
•Edward Hart, MAusIMM - Mineral Technologies
•Philippe Rio Roberge, P.Eng. - WSP Canada Inc.

Each of these Qualified Persons has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this news release that is relevant to their area of responsibility and verified the data underlying such technical information.

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

ich hoffe das das sich

16.02.17 19:00
im kurs wiederspiegelt
Gelöschter Beitrag. Einblenden »

Gelöschter Beitrag. Einblenden »

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Say10

was ich gelernt habe...

18.03.17 08:25
je doller der name, desto weniger steckt dahinter.
power metals, supreme metals, champion iron...
... in meinem Depot (bei 30 Positionen) alle drei auf den letzten Rängen.
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen marroni

in Champion steckt aber jede Menge

18.03.17 13:47
Eisen drin! Was du meinst ist sicher dein schlechtes timing! Oder?
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Say10

ja, da hast du sicher recht.

18.03.17 19:48
Es gab keinen ungünstigeren Zeitpunkt für den Einstieg als den meinigen.  
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen marroni


18.03.17 19:58
champion wird sicher noch durch die Decke knallen, ist halt alles eine Frage der Zeit, wenn man die aber mitbringt, kein Problem! Vor einigen Jahren wurde die Mine für Milliarden gehandelt.....muß man sich mal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen, dass die vor noch nicht so langer Zeit für ein Appel und ein Ei von O'Keefe aufgekauft wurde!
Das mega Ding wird dir noch ne Menge Spaß bereiten, nmM!
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Reise


26.03.17 16:48
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Say10

geht doch!

06.04.17 20:08
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

Champion als Produzent?! :O

22.05.17 12:15

Kanadische Eisenerzmine Bloom Lake nach Abnahmevereinbarung vor Neubeginn

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Alyxx

und was macht der kurs?

24.05.17 23:28
fällt und fällt :(
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

vielleicht bekommt champion vom kuchen was ab

25.06.17 10:37
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

15 milliarden ist doch nicht schlecht oder?

25.06.17 10:57
Bloom Lake hat eine Kapazität von 20 Mio. Tonnen pro Jahr und verfügt über alle Genehmigungen der kanadischen Regierung sowie der Regierung der Provinz. Champion hatte im Februar eine Machbarkeitsstudie zu Bloom Lake vorgelegt, die ein auch im aktuellen Marktumfeld finanziell tragfähiges und wettbewerbsfähiges Projekt darstellte. Die Reserven von Bloom Lake werden auf 411,7 Mio. Tonne bei 30% Eisengehalt geschätzt und man nimmt an, dass die Mine über die nächsten 20 Jahre mehr als 15 Mrd. Dollar an Umsatz generieren kann. Kanadische Eisenerzmine Bloom Lake nach Abnahmevereinbarung vor Neubeginn | - Vollständiger Artikel unter:
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

Champion Iron erhält 180Mio

13.07.17 16:59
Champion obtient des emprunts pour 180 millions $

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

in dem engischen bericht

13.07.17 19:59
steht was von erik sprott...der hat bereits adriana gekauft....wenn der hier auch interresse zeigt...dann wird hier ganz schön die post abgehen
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


16.07.17 12:37
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


30.08.17 14:54
mischt jetzt bei champion mit
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


14.09.17 12:24
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

Champion Iron Ltd: Champion Iron releases terms o

18.09.17 10:23
Champion Iron Ltd: Champion Iron releases terms of $20M receipt offering

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Reise

Interview mit CEO O'Keeffe

16.10.17 15:05
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Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


23.10.17 16:45
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport


16.11.17 14:05
Quebec Iron Ore Confirms the Bloom Lake Mine Restart in Fermont and the Creation of 450 Quality Jobs

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

Eröffnung für März 2018 geplant

20.11.17 14:26

Northern Quebec iron ore mine to re-open by March

In 2016 Champion Iron Ore, an iron ore explorer with offices in Canada and Australia, bought the Bloom Lake operation along with its rail assets.

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

wir werden sehen...

30.11.17 17:31

Goldman Sachs erwartet sinkende Eisenerzpreise

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport


07.12.17 12:26

Iron ore enters bull market as China's curbs supercharge steel

Vale sees 2018 iron ore prices not much lower than this year

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09.12.17 07:33


Neben der vollständigen Überprüfung des Abbauplans führen unsere Experten eine erfolgreiche Modernisierung der Mühle durch.

Das alte Verwertungssystem erlaubte der Mine nicht, profitabel zu sein: Bis zu 30% des Eisenerzes gingen in Abraum verloren. Die neue Schaltung reduziert diesen Verlust auf nur 10%.

Zusätzlich wurde ein neues 3,5 Kilometer langes Förderband installiert, um die Bewegung von Eisenerz und die Beladung von LKW zu reduzieren.

Unser Ziel ist es, von 6 Millionen auf mehr als 7 Millionen Tonnen Eisen pro Jahr zuerhöhen und die Produktionskosten erheblich zu senken.

Kurz gesagt, all die Anstrengungen und das Know-how, die für den Erfolg des Projekts erforderlich sind, wurden eingesetzt: Die Zukunft ist für Eisenerz aus Quebec gut!

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sehr schöne Kursentwicklung

09.12.17 10:22

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen 23674287

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

Bericht vom Dezember 2017 Kosten..

12.01.18 21:23

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strahlende Zukunft für CIA mit der Bloom Lake Mine

19.01.18 16:43

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

wißt ihr überhaupt,

01.02.18 14:23
wer sich hier beteiligt hat?

was das für ein Unternehmen dann sag ich es euch
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

Goldman Sachs ist positiv gestimmt zu FE

03.02.18 12:14

Biggest surprise from the new Goldman report is the price of iron ore which is expected to climb to $85 a tonne over the next three months, up 17% from the current level. The previous forecast from the bank was for the steelmaking ingredient to average just $55 over the period.

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Finnisches Unternehmen Metso

07.02.18 08:13
Quebec Iron Ore ja Metso solmivat rautamalmikaivoksen käytettävyyttä tehostavan monivuotisen palvelusopimuksen

What You Must Know About Champion Iron Limited’s (ASX:CIA) Financial Strength

Metso Corporation: Champion Iron Subsidiary, Quebec Iron Ore, signs a long-term strategic services partnership agreement with Metso

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Gap wurde gestern geschlossen...1,19CAD

07.02.18 08:37

die Aktie kann wieder steigen ;) schaun me mal

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


09.02.18 09:30
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


12.02.18 17:07
Startseite > Nachrichten > Pressemitteilungen > Nachricht Ihr gemeinsames Ziel heißt Gold und Silber - Zwei erfolgreiche Manager wieder vereint Nachrichtenquelle: Pressetext (PM) | 29.08.2017, 13:15 | 894 | 0 | 0 Neuhofen (pts038/29.08.2017/13:15) - Tom Larsen und Michael O'Keeffe , zwei international erfahrene Minenexperten, haben sich zusammengetan, um ein neues und vielversprechendes Großprojekt zu einem großen Erfolg zu führen. Im Mittelpunkt ihrer wirtschaftlichen Interessen steht die Ausbeute eines gewaltigen Potenzials von Gold und Silber. Konkret geht es um das epithermische Erzvorkommen La Victoria im zentralen Minengürtel von Peru. Mit an Bord bei diesem Vorhaben ist der weltberühmte Geowissenschaftler und Epithermal-Spezialist Dr. Bill Pearson , der derzeit alle technischen Maßnahmen vor Ort in den Anden beaufsichtigt. Mit welchem Unternehmergeist die beiden Männer ausgestattet sind, zeigt ein Blick in ihre Biografien. Tom Larsen, der Gründer von Champion Mines im Jahre 2006, rekrutierte ein technisch hochversiertes Team um sich und beschaffte dem Unternehmen über CAD 100 Millionen in den folgenden fünf Jahren. Es hatte im südlichen Labrador den Nachweis erbracht über das Volumen einer Lagerstätte von mehr als fünf Milliarden Tonnen hochwertigen Eisenerzes. Der Aktienkurs von Champion Mines erreichte einen Höchststand von CAD 3,10 im Januar 2011. Michael O'Keeffe, der in der Branche als Weltklasse-Finanzier gilt, war von 1995 bis 2004 Geschäftsführer von Glencore Australia, einer Tochtergesellschaft des Bergbauriesen Glencore Plc. Im September 2004 gründete er die Kokskohle-Firma Riversdale Mining, die er sechs Jahre später für vier Millarden US-Dollar an Rio Tinto Ltd. verkaufte. Mitte 2013 kam er zu Mamba Minerals, die wenige Monate später mit der kanadischen Champion Mines fusionierte, die wiederum im März 2014 an der ASX als Champion Iron Ltd. (ASX:CIA) gelistet wurde. Heute ist die Gesellschaft ein weltweit anerkanntes und hochprofitables Eisenerz-Unternehmen mit einer aktuellen Aktienkapitalisierung von etwa 400 Millionen CA-Dollar. O'Keeffe, CEO von Champion Iron, wartete, bis der Eisenerzpreis abstürzte, bevor er seinen nächsten Schritt unternahm. Im Dezember 2015, als die Preise einen Tiefstkurs von USD 38 pro Tonne erreichten, kaufte er die kanadische Bloom Lake für CAD 10,5 Millionen von Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. Vier Jahre zuvor hatte Cliffs 4,9 Milliarden CAD für die Mine bezahlt. Während O'Keeffe mit seinem Team an Champion Iron arbeitete, orientierte sich Larsen neu und nutzte eine weitere große Chance und fokussierte sich mit seiner neuen Firma Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX:ELO) seit 2014 auf das neue und vielversprechende peruanische Gold- und Silber-Projekt. Eloros Marktkapitalisierung an der TSX Venture betrug anfänglich CAD 2,5 Millionen; heute sind es bereits rund 27 Millionen. Und hier schließt sich der Kreis wieder: Tom Larsen konnte seinen alten Weggefährten O'Keeffe mit der Firma Cott Oil & Gas Ltd. wieder für ein gemeinsames Projekt gewinnen. O'Keeffe und Cott Oil & Gas Ltd. haben am 29. März dieses Jahres eine Option für den Erwerb von 25 Prozent des La Viktoria-Projekts unterzeichnet. Mit diesem Abkommen wurde Cott Oil & Gas Ltd. wieder an der ASX gelistet und in EHR Resources Ltd. (ASX:EHX) umbenannt. EHR Resources hat sich vertraglich verpflichtet, in den kommenden zwölf bis vierzehn Monaten fünf Millionen CDA in das Eloro-Projekt zu investieren. Hierfür erhält EHR Resources eine Beteiligung von fünfundzwanzig Prozent. Eloro Resources Ltd. ist und bleibt aber zu 100 Prozent Inhaber und Betreiber des La-Viktoria-Gold- und Silberprojekts.

Champion Iron Aktie Symbol: CIA | - Vollständige Diskussion unter:
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro

steigt ein

12.02.18 17:08
die fahrt beginnt...das ath war mal bei 3,10 CAD
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen lamaro


17.02.18 19:41
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

Produktion ist angelaufen...

22.02.18 12:28

Quebec Iron Ore Restarts the Bloom Lake Mine With First Rail Shipment From Fermont

MONTREAL, Feb. 22, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Quebec Iron Ore Inc. (“QIO”), a Champion Iron Ltd. (ASX:CIA) (TSX:CIA) (“Champion” or the “Company”) subsidiary, is pleased to announce that the first train being loaded with16,500 metric tonnes of high-grade 66% Fe iron concentrate from QIO’s Bloom Lake Iron Ore Mine (“Bloom Lake”) will leave the mine site today, which is located near Fermont, Quebec.

Bloom Lake Iron Ore Mine

The first train (see picture below) represents a tangible step towards realizing Bloom Lake’s potential to become a major supplier of high quality iron ore to global markets.

The decision to restart production at Bloom Lake was announced on November 15, 2017, and operations recommenced at the plant on February 16, ahead of schedule and within budget. For the restart, a major operational focus involved optimizing the separation circuit to materially improve the ore recovery rate, and the concentrate transported today demonstrates that QIO has been successful in achieving this important objective.

With a CAPEX of CAD326.8 million, including CAD157.2 million spent on upgrades ahead of the mine restart, Bloom Lake is a large-scale project which is set to bring about a new era of prosperity to Quebec’s North Shore region. As detailed in the March 17, 2017 Bloom Lake Mine Feasibility Study (“Feasibility Study”), a copy of which is available under the Company’s profile on SEDAR (, the Mineral Reserves for the mine are estimated at 411.7 million tonnes and the mine is forecast to generate more than CAD15.1 billion in revenue over the next 20 years, underlining Bloom Lake’s potential to be one of the region’s leading long-life iron ore mines and a major contributor to both the Quebec and Canadian economies.

“Significantly, the first train confirms we have been able to produce a high-grade iron concentrate of exceptional quality, as outlined in the mine’s Feasibility Study. Furthermore, not only are we on schedule and within budget, but with current iron ore prices of US$78 pmt for 62% Fe being substantially higher than the estimates of US$56 pmt used in our planning, we are already ahead of forecast. This is an outstanding result,” Executive Chairman and CEO of QIO and Champion, Michael O’Keeffe said.

As an indication of the potential economic impact of the project, QIO has already hired 400 mining professionals and support services employees and contractors, with the ultimate target of employing more than 450 men and women at Bloom Lake.

“The first train represents a major achievement for QIO, and was only possible with the commitment of all stakeholders including the local community and the support of government. I would also like to recognize the hard work of all staff and contractors now employed at Bloom Lake in helping to deliver this,” Mr O’Keeffe added.

Bloom Lake has rail loop infrastructure on-site consisting of a 31.9km rail spur, and has access to end markets via rail and port. In addition to owning 735 specialized railcars for the transportation of iron ore, the QIO logistics strategy ensures long-term access to some of the world’s largest consumers of iron ore for Bloom Lake’s high-quality product, with transportation agreements already in place with the Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway Company, Inc. (“QNS&L”) and the Société ferroviaire et portuaire de Pointe-Noire (“SFPPN”).

Since acquiring Bloom Lake in April 2016, and successfully delivering a Feasibility Study in March 2017, QIO secured the necessary funding by October 2017, with the participation of its Government of Quebec partners. This enabled QIO to upgrade and optimize the facilities at both the mine and surrounding infrastructure, as well as acquire a stake in SFPPN, the owner and manager of port and logistics assets at Sept-Îles.

Ahead of the Bloom Lake restart, QIO was also successful in securing offtake partners and forming mutually beneficial alliances with the host community, including entering into an Impact and Benefits Agreement with the Innu People of Uashat mak Mani-utenam.

The technical information in this news release was reviewed and approved by Mr. Hugues Longuépée, P. Geo., Ph.D., a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101. target=

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klingt gut

23.02.18 19:20

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03.03.18 11:55

La relance de la mine du lac Bloom fait des heureux à Sept-Îles

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CIA prepares for first shipment of Bloom Iron

28.03.18 11:56


The successful delivery of iron ore concentrate to the port this month, and the subsequent first shipment of the product to Asia, highlights QIO's efficient logistics strategy and confirms Bloom Lake's potential to become a major supplier of high-quality iron ore to global markets.

"The first vessel is being loaded almost one month ahead of our original schedule with a high-quality iron ore product fully in line with specifications and with our pilot plant testwork. This is evidence of the professionalism of all employees involved and the hard work of our stakeholders, as well as of the world-class potential of the project," stated executive chairman and chief executive officer of QIO and Champion, Michael O'Keeffe.

Mr. O'Keeffe further commented that the 200,000 wmt shipment to Asia of the Bloom Lake high-grade iron concentrate is being completed at a time where current iron ore prices of $71 (U.S.) per metric tonne for 62 per cent Fe are 25 per cent higher than the estimates of $56 (U.S.) per metric tonne used by the company in its original planning.

The first shipment is a positive start for a mine that is forecast to generate more than $15.1-billion in revenue over the next 20 years, underlining Bloom Lake's potential to be one of the region's leading long-life iron ore mines and a major contributor to both the Quebec and Canadian economies. The QIO logistics strategy ensures long-term access to some of the world's largest consumers of iron ore for Bloom Lake's high-quality product.

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Volumen 21033045 Aktien wurden gestern gehandelt

21.04.18 09:51

Wochen und Tages-Chart

MACD negativ

Schlußkurs 1,09CAD

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Champion Iron unit ships millionth tonne of Bloom

24.05.18 20:02


Quebec Iron Ore Inc., a Champion Iron Ltd. subsidiary, has, with the completion of the loading of the MV Hubertus Oldendorff at the port of Sept-Iles, produced and shipped its first one million tonnes of high-grade 66 per cent iron concentrate from its Bloom Lake iron ore mine, located near Fermont, Que.

The achievement of this significant milestone occurred ahead of schedule and highlights the successful ramp-up of Bloom Lake since the Company announced the mine's restart in November 2017 and commenced operations at the plant on February 16, 2018. QIO anticipates that the mine will reach its annual full capacity of 7.4 mtpa by the end of June.

The delivery and sale of the Bloom Lake iron ore concentrate to end-users in Asia, Europe and the Middle East via QIO's off-take partners is being completed at a time where significant premiums are being paid for high quality 66% Fe concentrate versus the 62% Fe benchmark. This is a positive start for a mine that is forecast to generate more than CAD15.1 billion in revenue over the next 20 years, underlining Bloom Lake's potential to be one of the region's leading long-life iron ore mines and a major contributor to both the Quebec and Canadian economies.

"We are delighted to have reached this milestone. The Company's ability to deliver a high-quality iron ore product fully in line with specifications is a testament to the hard work of QIO's employees and all of our stakeholders. We look forward to continuing to supply global iron ore markets for many years to come", stated Executive Chairman and CEO of QIO and Champion, Michael O'Keeffe.

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Tim Treadgold: Why Champion Iron Ore is starting

22.06.18 21:50

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Minerai de Fer Québec / Quebec Iron Ore

06.07.18 10:29
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China braucht Fe ...

25.07.18 17:52
Chinese iron ore production decline fast over the past year

Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen" style="max-width:560px" >That’s good news for seaborne iron ore producers, especially should Chinese steel production and demand remain strong in the period ahead.

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CIA meldet Zahlen..

13.08.18 13:43

Champion Iron Corporate Update: Strong FY2019 First Quarter Results as Bloom Lake Iron Ore Mine Produces 2,166,000 Tonnes During Ramp-Up

MONTRÉAL, Aug. 13, 2018 -- Champion Iron Ltd. (TSX:CIA) (ASX:CIA) (“Champion Iron” or “The Company”) is pleased to announce that, with the successful production ramp-up of its Bloom Lake Iron Ore Mine (“Bloom Lake”), it reported strong operational and financial results for the 2019 financial year first quarter ended June 30, 2018 (see Champion Iron’s filings on SEDAR dated August 7, 2018).

Q1 FY2019 Highlights (All dollar figures are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated)

  • Production of 1,542,859 tonnes of iron ore concentrate in Q1 FY 2019 and 2,166,192 tonnes since the Bloom Lake restart
  • Quarterly consolidated iron ore concentrate revenue of $150.7 million at an average realized price of $86.61 per tonne
  • Quarterly net income of $20.7 million
  • Bloom Lake achieved commercial production on June 30, 2018, ahead of schedule
  • Bloom Lake cash operating costs (See “Non-IFRS Financial Performance Measures” in “Forward Looking information” section below) of $56.15 per tonne, which were lower than the ramp-up forecasted cash operating costs
  • Cash flow from operating activities (after non-cash working capital changes) of $44.3 million
  • Strong cash position of $89.0 million at quarter-end
  • Undrawn balance of US$34.7 million from its subsidiary’s USD$180.0 million financing debt facility

“The Company delivered strong earnings this quarter, during the production ramp-up at Bloom Lake. Even though it is our first period with revenue, it resulted in a profit which is a major achievement for the Company. Champion Iron demonstrated its ability to significantly improve operational performance at Bloom Lake while generating solid operating cash flows. Management and its team at the mine have achieved their targets set out in the Bloom Lake mine restart Feasibility Study announced on February 16, 2017 and published on March 17, 2017, which is an outstanding result”, said Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael O’Keeffe.

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Zink Kupfer Silber Bohrprogramm..

15.08.18 14:14

Champion Iron Ltd: Champion Iron drills 5.12 m of 1.98% Zn at Powderhorn


Champion Iron Ltd.'s wholly owned subsidiary Champion Iron Mines Ltd. has provided results of recent exploration drilling at its Powderhorn property, located in north-central Newfoundland, 40 kilometres southwest of the town of Springdale. This program intersected several zinc ("Zn") rich intervals, including drill hole PH18-01 which intersected 3.31% Zn, 0.53% copper ("Cu") and 48 g/t silver ("Ag") over 4.45 meters, 5.2% Zn, 0.48% Cu and 22 g/t Ag over 4.46 meters and 1.18% Cu over 0.69 meter. Drill hole PH18-06, located 100 meters away, intersected 6.94% Zn and 48 g/t Ag over 3.35m, including a 1-meter width which returned 16.4% Zn.

Location of the 2017-2018 drill holes. The red area represents the target area based on 2017-2018 drilling and two historical holes (not shown). Although PH18-03 is not listed in table 1, there is a 1 meter long 4.45% Zn interval that suggest that the zinc-rich layer may extend to that area.

About Powderhorn

The Powderhorn project is located in North Central Newfoundland, 40 km southwest of the town of Springdale, 15 km north of the community of Badger and 3 km away from the Trans-Canada Highway. The property is comprised of 7 exploration licences covering 63 km2 (figure 3).

Discovery of sulphides in the area date back to 1940 but it appears that those were related to sediment-hosted pyrite and pyrrhotite. Zinc mineralization was found later along the shore of Powderhorn Lake and in a boulder located along a logging road. Although the property has been owned by several companies, exploration to date has resulted in limited drilling (less than 12,000 meters). Champion's exploration strategy at Powderhorn has been to identify geophysical anomalies underneath the sedimentary rocks that overly the mineralization-bearing felsic volcanic rocks. Drilling these anomalies was done in 2017. The geology at Powderhorn is similar to the one at Bucchans which produced more than 16 Mt at 14.5% Zn (Kirkham, 1987. In Geological Survey of Canada Paper 86-24), but also to several deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp. Geological and electromagnetic data suggest that mineralized layers at Powderhorn are undulating with an overall dip toward the northwest.

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Neue Seidenstraße Unbedingt investieren

24.08.18 12:19

China hat ein gigantisches Infrastrukturprojekt angeschoben: die Belt-and-Road-Initiative. Im Deutschen spricht man von der neuen Seidenstraße und bezieht sich auch die historischen Handelswege zwischen Asien und Europa.

Neue Seidenstraße: Erobert China Europa? | DW Deutsch

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Video von Februar 2018

24.08.18 12:21
Feichtinger kompakt: Chinas neue Seidenstraße - Ambition und Skepsis

Die alte Seidenstraße war über Jahrhunderte hinweg der wichtigste Handelsweg zwischen China und Europa. Brigadier Walter Feichtinger spricht in dieser Folge über die neue Seidenstraße, die der chinesische Präsident Xi Jinping aktiv vorantreiben will.

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Seidenstraße... Kupfer

02.11.18 11:03

Auch die neue Seidenstraße, ein von China geführtes, gigantisches Infrastrukturprojekt , mittlerweile von 70 Ländern unterstützt und mit einem Investitionsvolumen von über 1.000 Mrd. Dollar veranschlagt, sollte sicherlich einen erheblichen, langfristigen Einfluss auf die weltweite Kupfernachfrage haben!

„One Belt, One Road“ oder ganz kurz: OBOR. Gemeint sind eine Vielzahl an Bauprojekten zu Land sowie eine Schifffahrtsstraße zur See, die zusammen wie ein Gürtel die Erd- und Wassermassen Eurasiens verbinden sollen. 2013 erstmals vorgestellt, ist OBOR das größte Infrastrukturprogramm aller Zeiten – und gleichzeitig Chinas Masterplan, mit dem es die Weltwirtschaft neu ordnen will. 1000 Mrd. Dollar sollen nach dem Willen Pekings in neue Eisenbahnstrecken, Pipelines, Kraftwerke, Straßen und Häfen fließen – ein Netzwerk von Java bis Kasachstan, von Dschibuti bis ins Ruhrgebiet in Deutschland. Per Saldo rechnen viele Analysten sogar mit einer Angebotskrise in den kommenden Jahren – seit über 5 Jahren wird viel zu wenig in die Erschließung neuer Kupferprojekte oder die Exploration von neuen Kupferliegenschaften investiert. Darüber hinaus nimmt die Spitzen-Wiedergewinnungsrate in den großen Kupferbergwerken in Peru und Chile, die den Markt weiterhin dominieren, kontinuierlich ab, da die alten Minen nun ihre Kapazitätsgrenzen erreichen.

In den nächsten Jahren ist durchaus ein Anstieg des Kupferpreises auf über 10.000 Dollar / Tonne möglich surprise

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Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen K1-Sport

Champion Iron

10.11.18 13:08

Champion Iron Reports Strong FY2019 Second Quarter Results

MONTREAL, Nov. 08, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Champion Iron Limited (TSX: CIA) (ASX: CIA) (“Champion Iron” or “The Company”) is pleased to announce strong operational and financial results for the second quarter ended September 30, 2018 of the fiscal year end March 31, 2019.

For complete details of the unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and associated Management's Discussion and Analysis please refer to the Company's filings on SEDAR ( or the Company's website (  All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.


  • Net income of $67.5 million for the quarter ($88.2 million for the first six months);
  • Revenues of $174.7 million up 16% from previous quarter ($325.4 million for the first six months);
  • Operating cash flow totalling2 $49.6 million for the six-month period;
  • Cash on hand of $115.6 million and trade receivables of $86.4 million at period end, including two shipments totalling approximately $31.0 million (US$24.2 million) received on October 2, 2018;
  • Production of 1,858,300 wmt of high-grade 66% iron ore concentrate and 4,024,500 wmt since the mine commenced operations;
  • Total cash costof $45.2 per dmt sold and an all-in sustaining cost1 of $52.9 per dmt sold;

“Champion Iron has reported a strong second quarter and the Company is extremely pleased to report that it was our first quarter of commercial production and included a record month, with 648,400 wmt of iron ore concentrate produced in September, at name plate capacity,” commented Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael O’Keeffe. “Going forward, we are encouraged by the outlook for high grade premium iron ore and as such, the Company has commenced work on the Feasibility Study for Phase II of Bloom Lake which has the ability to double capacity and elevate Champion Iron to a leading high-grade iron ore producer.” continued Mr. O’Keeffe.

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Chinesen ehemals Heibei Iron ...

20.11.18 14:09

als Partner bei Alderon Iron mh

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Mines and Money Video 8/2018

03.01.19 12:20


Québec as a Mining Jurisdiction – Michael O’Keefe Champion Iron (ASX:CIA

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Champion schließt eine Explorationsvereinbarung...

24.01.19 16:50

Champion Iron Limited Enters Into a Joint Exploration Agreement With Supreme Metals Corp. to Evaluate Iron Ore and Cobalt Potential on the Bloom Lake East Property, Labrador

MONTREAL, Jan. 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Champion Iron Limited (TSX: CIA) (ASX: CIA) (“Champion”) is pleased to announce that a joint exploration agreement (the “Agreement”) has been reached with Supreme Metals Corp. (CSE: ABJ) (FSE: A68) (“Supreme”) in order to access the claims located on the Bloom Lake East Property (“Bloom East”).  

Magnetic survey work, conducted by Supreme in 2018, identified iron ore prospects at Bloom East, which could be of strategic importance to Champion and its subsidiary Quebec Iron Ore Inc. (“QIO”), as it could potentially be considered as a source of iron ore feed for the Bloom Lake Mine (“Bloom Lake”) concentration plant owned and operated by QIO.  The southern part of Bloom East is geologically continuous with the Bloom Lake orebody and is located east of the Quebec-Labrador Boundary, less than 3 km from the Bloom Lake mill.  Furthermore, Champion will evaluate the northern section of Bloom East, which hosts iron ore according to the Newfoundland and Labrador Geoscience Atlas.

Pursuant to the Agreement, Champion will grant Supreme access to the Walsh Prospect located on QIO’s Bloom Lake Mining Lease.  The Walsh Prospect, located 1.3 km away from current mining operations, was discovered in 1951 and yielded results “running to better than 11% Cobalt”1

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Champion Iron meldet Ergebnisse

14.02.19 13:38

Champion Iron Reports Strong FY2019 Third Quarter Results

Achieves record monthly production of 697,700 wmt and strong operating cash flow of $89 million for the quarter

MONTREAL, Feb. 14, 2019 /CNW Telbec/ - Champion Iron Limited (TSX: CIA) (ASX: CIA) ("Champion" or the "Company") is pleased to announce operational and financial results for the third quarter ended December 31, 2018.

For complete details of the unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and associated Management's Discussion and Analysis please refer to the Company's filings on SEDAR ( or the Company's website ( All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.



  • Production of 1,791,300 wmt of high-grade 66.4% iron ore concentrate and 5,815,800 wmt since the mine commenced operations in February 2018;
  • Total cash cost1 of $49.4/dmt (C1) and an all-in sustaining cost1 of $55.5/dmt.


  • Net income of $31.2 million for the quarter and $119.4 million for the nine-month period ended December 31, 2018;
  • Revenues of $147.5 million for the third quarter and $473.0 million for the nine-month period ended December 31, 2018;
  • Operating cash flow2 totalling $89.1 million for the quarter and $138.7 million for the nine-month period ended December 31, 2018;
  • Cash on hand3 of $185 million as of December 31, 2018, an increase of $160 million compared to cash on hand of $25 million as of April 1, 2018.

"We are extremely pleased with the strong performance delivered by the operations team again this quarter which included a record monthly production in October 2018 of 697,700 wmt of high-grade iron ore," commented Chairman and CEO Michael O'Keeffe. "Our company remains unhedged and looking ahead, the iron ore market looks favourable, which positions us well to take advantage of servicing the high-grade iron ore market." continued Mr. O'Keeffe.

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Champion Iron Februar 2019

19.02.19 10:19

Bloom Lake: 

November 2018-

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27.02.19 09:10
US-Regierung prüft Stahl-Dumping-Vorwürfe

Das US-Handelsministerium prüft Vorwürfe des Dumpings gegen Stahlhersteller in China, Kanada und Mexiko. Untersucht werde, ob Baustahl zu billig verkauft werde, teilte das Ministerium mit. Denkbar seien Zölle in Höhe von etwa 30 Prozent gegen Kanada und Mexiko sowie von 222 Prozent gegen China. Mit abschließenden Ergebnissen der Untersuchung werde bis Ende September gerechnet. US-Abgeordnete, Autohersteller sowie die Regierungen von Kanada und Mexiko verlangen von den USA, Aufschläge auf Stahl und Aluminium wieder aufzuheben, die im vergangen Jahr verhängt worden waren. Die USA und China sind in einem Handelskonflikt verwickelt, der mit Zöllen und Gegenzöllen ausgetragen wird. (rts)


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Zink Exploration...

20.03.19 13:04

MARCH 20, 2019

Confirmed Continuity of High-Grade Zinc Zone and Addition of Gold to the Expanded Copper Zone

Montreal, March 20, 2019 – Champion Iron Limited (TSX: CIA) (ASX: CIA) (the “Company” or “Champion”) discloses strong results from its 9,350-m drilling campaign completed in the fall of 2018 at its wholly-owned Powderhorn property, located in North Central Newfoundland, 40 km southwest of the town of Springdale. The drill program was designed to test the lateral continuity of the zinc-rich intervals intersected by Champion in the spring of 2018. Several drill holes yielded significant zinc values, including one interval in PH18-34 which returned 23.6% zinc (“Zn”) and 163 g/t silver (“Ag”) over 0.88 m. This high-grade sample is part of a mineralized layer that locally reaches 4.5 m in thickness (see Champion’s August 15, 2018 press release). The copper zone interpreted from previous work was also intersected and carries gold grades above 1 g/t. Powderhorn, originally considered a zinc project, can now be viewed as polymetallic.

David Cataford, Chief Operating Officer, commented: “The fall 2018 drilling results at Powderhorn are very encouraging, with the occurrence of a copper-gold zone close to surface and the continuity of high-grade zinc at depth. Champion is optimistic about this project, as these findings reflect the potential of an under-explored area located on prospective land held by the company.”

The Powderhorn project targets the same volcanic units that host the Buchans Mine, located 60 km away, one of the richest volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits ever discovered. Drilling in the fall of 2018 was done along a 100-meter-spaced grid in the shallower part of the Powderhorn deposit (southeast) while testing the possible connexion between the near surface zones with the deep intersect to the northeast.

Champion Iron’s board of directors approved an additional 4,000-meter drilling program targeting the area between the shallow SE area the deeper NW zone. The ongoing program has been scheduled during the ice freeze-up in the winter months to minimize and prevent any damage to the wetland environment.

The most significant intervals from the 9,350 meters of drilling are listed in tables 1 (copper zone) and 2 (zinc zone).

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01.04.19 13:57
Champion Iron Announces the Appointment of David Cataford as CEO

MONTREAL, April 1, 2019 /CNW/ - Champion Iron Limited (TSX: CIA) (ASX: CIA) (the "Company" or "Champion") announces that David Cataford has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Company, effective immediately, following the transition of Michael O'Keeffe from the CEO position and the implementation of Champion's succession plan in this regard. Mr. O'Keeffe will retain his current position as Executive Chairman of Champion. Prior to his promotion as CEO, Mr. Cataford joined the Company in 2014 as Vice President, Engineering and was appointed Chief Operating Officer of Champion in 2017.

Champion Executive Chairman Michael O'Keeffestated, "We knew that David's comprehensive understanding of iron ore processing and mining operations in the Labrador Trough would significantly strengthen Champion and he has demonstrated this by transitioning the company from exploration to mine production, overseeing the Bloom Lake project since its acquisition, through the feasibility stage and most significantly, its successful re-start as a long-life, low-cost operation."  Mr. O'Keeffe added that the Company was well positioned to continue to benefit from an experienced manager of Mr. Cataford's calibre as Champion aims to double Bloom Lake's current production capacity of 7.5 million tonnes of high-grade 66% iron concentrate at its profitable flagship operation.

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Chinas Lieblingsprojekt ...

28.04.19 17:05

Vereinbarungen über 64 Milliarden Dollar bei Seidenstraßen-Gipfel unterzeichnet

Was ist eigentlich die "Neue Seidenstraße"?

Meist finanziert durch chinesische Staatsbanken

Es sollen Zugstrecken, Straßen und Häfen entstehen, oder werden schon gebaut - sowie Kraftwerke, Pipelines und Flughäfen. Die Infrastrukturprojekte sind meist finanziert durch Kredite von chinesischen Staatsbanken und gebaut von chinesischen Unternehmen. Bis zu 90 Prozent aller Seidenstraßen-Projekte gehen an Firmen aus China.

Ein Mega-Projekt

Die "Neue Seidenstraße" ist Kern der chinesischen Außenpolitik, ein wirtschafts- und geopolitisches Megaprojekt. China will ein neues Handelsnetzwerk zwischen Asien, Afrika und Europa schaffen und verspricht den Ländern Investitionen und Entwicklung. Gleichzeitig möchte China seinen globalen Einfluss ausbauen und die internationale Ordnung stärker auf China zuschneiden.

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Seidenstraßen-GipfelChina sammelt Milliarden für Megaprojekt ein

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Erzpreis bringt Auftrieb für Champion Iron

19.05.19 16:02

Iron ore price tops $100 a tonne for the first time in 5 years

schauen wir mal auf die letzten 5 Jahre money mouth

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oder so

19.05.19 16:04
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Champion Iron kündigt Refinanzierung für Bloom Lak

29.05.19 13:36

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Small Cap Opportunity: Champion Iron

18.06.19 16:56

BTV Business Television

Am 14.06.2019 veröffentlicht

Champion Iron sought opportunity from a structural shift in high-grade iron ore, bringing a project with billions recently invested back from the brink.

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Champion Iron meldet...

16.08.19 21:09
Champion Iron Completes Refinancing and Acquisition of 100% of Bloom Lake

MONTREAL, Aug. 16, 2019 - Champion Iron Ltd. (TSX: CIA) (ASX: CIA) ("Champion" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that its subsidiary Québec Iron Ore Inc. ("QIO"), operator of the Bloom Lake Mining Complex, has successfully completed the previously announced agreement with Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec ("CDPQ") for a preferred share offering of C$185 million in addition to a fully underwritten US$200 million credit facility (the "Loan Facility") with The Bank of Nova Scotia ("Scotiabank") and Societe Generale. Concurrently, QIO is pleased to announce the completion of the previously announced transaction (the "Transaction") with the government of Québec, through its agent Ressources Québec Inc. ("RQ"), to acquire RQ's 36.8% equity interest in QIO for a total cash consideration of C$211 million. Further to the closing of the Transaction, there no longer exists a non-controlling interest in QIO.

"This is an important milestone for our Company as we take full control of our flagship iron ore producing asset. Reducing our financing costs as part of today's refinancing arrangement allows us to maximize Bloom Lake's cash flow generation. Today's announcement strategically positions Champion's future, following the recent filing of a Feasibility Study on August 2, 2019, that proposes an expansion at Bloom Lake that would double its capacity to 15M tonnes per year." said David Cataford, CEO of Champion, commenting on the Transaction and capital restructuring. "With the repayment of the previous long-term debt instruments held by our Company, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the Sprott Private Resource Lending group, the Glencore International AG, CDPQ and the Ressources Québec teams for being early supporters of Champion. In a difficult financing environment, these partners shared our vision and were instrumental in providing the capital required to restart Bloom Lake and help get us to where we are today."

Transaction Highlights
The Transaction is expected to be immediately accretive on key operating and financial metrics, including earnings, EBITDA and operating cash flow per share. The Transaction utilizes Champion's balance sheet strength while maintaining low financial leverage. The Transaction is expected to increase Champion's share of the Bloom Lake allocated production by approximately 2.75 Mtpa of high-grade iron ore. The Transaction was funded from proceeds of the new credit facilities in addition to cash on hand.  

Capital Restructuring Highlights

  • Significantly reduces cost of debt – At current effective rates, the new facility weighted average cost of debt ranges between 6.88% and 7.67% depending on the Company's Net Leverage, compared to a weighted average cost of debt between 12.37% and 14.75% for the prior credit facilities which were put in place to finance the Bloom Lake re-start in October 2017.
  • Fully underwritten by sophisticated global financiers – Scotiabank and Societe Generale as Joint Lead Arrangers, Joint Bookrunners and Co-Underwriters.
  • Maintains CDPQ as strategic partner – CDPQ's total commitment to Champion increases by approximately C$57 million, from US$100 million of long-term debt to C$185 million in preferred shares of QIO.
  • Improves balance sheet flexibility – Compared to QIO's current long-term debt facilities, this Loan Facility bears less covenants, further enabling the Company to contemplate organic growth opportunities and greater flexibility.                        
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Rohstoffe und der Virus

29.01.20 15:34
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Ciriaco


18.04.20 14:51
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Ciriaco


18.04.20 16:45
Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen Ciriaco


18.04.20 16:58
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Nachfrage nach Eisenerz / China

16.06.20 11:49

Der Eisenerzpreis hat sich in den letzten Wochen stark gezeigt, deutlich stärker als Kupfer auf jeden Fall. Verschiedene Banken, darunter Morgan Stanley und Jefferies, sind der Ansicht, dass sich das nun ändern sollte. Angesichts der Lockerung der COVID19-Beschränkungen insbesondere in Europa sollte das rote Metall nach Meinung der Experten deutlich stärker glänzen, hieß es in einem Bericht von MiningNews. Der Anstieg des Eisenerzpreises sei vor allem durch eine hohe Nachfrage aus China bei gleichzeitig geringen Lieferungen aus Brasilien bedingt gewesen, hieß es. Auch Kupfer habe hinzu gewinnen können, liege mit rund 5.800 USD pro Tonne aber immer noch unter dem Niveau von vor Beginn der Corona-Krise.

Laut den Analysten von Jefferies ist der entscheidende Unterschied zwischen den beiden Industriemetallen ihr Zielmarkt. Auf dem Seeweg verschifftes Eisenerz sei der ultimative „China-Rohstoff“, hieß es, da die Volksrepublik rund 74% der Nachfrage ausmache. Europa hingegen zeichne für gerade einmal 8% der normalisierten Nachfrage verantwortlich, während die USA als Zielmarkt zu vernachlässigen seien. Gehört die zweite Jahreshälfte Kupfer? | - Vollständiger Artikel unter:

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15.07.20 09:27
Iron ore price jumps to year high as Chinese imports soar

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31.10.20 17:33
Champion Iron meldet Rekordproduktion im dritten Quartal

Champion Iron (TSXV: CIA) has reported increased production in Q3, as operations at the Bloom Lake mine in Quebec returned to full operational capacity.

Bloom Lake produced 2.2 million tonnes of high-grade iron ore concentrate during the three months to September, up from the 2.1 million tonnes produced in the same period of 2019.


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The miner reported revenues of C$311 million and C$555 million for the three and six-month periods ended September 30, 2020, respectively, compared to C$160.4 million and C$438.3 million for the same periods in 2019.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation reached C$197.8 million for the three months under review, and C$325.5 million for the six months ended September, compared with the C$62.6 million and C$229.5 million reported respectively for the previous corresponding periods.

In connection with Bloom Lake’s Phase II expansion project, which proposes to double the mine’s nameplate capacity to 15 Mtpa, the company increased the Phase II cumulative budget by an additional C$22 million, for a total budget of C$120 million.

“Our team’s agility in adapting operations is unlocking the full potential of our flagship Bloom Lake Mine, resulting in record quarterly production and financial results for our company,” Champion CEO David Cataford said in a media release.

Midday Wednesday, Champion’s stock was up 2.7% on the TSE. The company has a C$1.42 billion market capitalization.

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Champion Iron... Wachstum!

19.11.20 11:54
Champion Iron to acquire Kami out of Alderon restructuring

Champion Iron (TSE: CIA) plans to acquire the Kamistitusset iron ore project in Canada’s Newfoundland province – only a few kilometres away from its Bloom Lake mine.

The project’s former owner, Alderon Iron Ore, defaulted on a $14-million loan from Sprott Private Resource Lending in March.


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In return for the project, Champion has agreed to pay C$15 million in cash, and to extinguish C$19.4 million in secured debt of Alderon and certain of its affiliates by issuing 4.2 million shares to Sprott and Altius Resources. The company has also agreed to make “a finite production payment on a fixed amount” of future production from Kami.

The deal has been approved by the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador and is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter. It still requires approval of the province’s Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology. Deloitte Restructuring is acting as the court-appointed receiver for Alderon.

The high-grade Kami iron ore project is located in the Labrador Trough, close to the Quebec border.

As part of the acquisition, Champion expects to secure an additional 8 million tonnes year of port capacity, including a pre-payment of port-related fees, at the port of Sept-Îles, which the company currently uses to export Bloom Lake iron ore concentrate. As such, the company expects the acquisition to strategically position it for growth.

“While our company is rapidly gaining global recognition for its ability to deliver quality iron ore products, the acquisition would further position our company to service the rising demand for high-grade iron ore concentrate globally,” said Champion’s CEO, David Cataford, in a release.

“With our proven ability to transform opportunities into valuable assets for our shareholders, the acquisition would add to our portfolio a highly prospective project, which is near existing infrastructure.”

A 2018 feasibility completed by Alderon outlined a 23-year mine life for Kami, with average annual production of 7.8 million tonnes of premium-quality concentrate grading 65.2% iron.

In a research note, BMO Capital Markets mining analyst Alexander Pearce noted the acquisition brings both the potential for production growth from a nearby greenfield asset, and could potentially reduce port costs for Champion’s upcoming Bloom Lake expansion.

“At first glance, the acquisition would appear to be a good fit for the company and is easily affordable on our forecasts,” Pearce wrote.

The C$982 million projected capex for Kami could also potentially be reduced through shared infrastructure with Bloom Lake. Champion will be updating the feasibility to assess potential synergies.

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08.07.21 19:23

Fancamp unterzeichnet Lizenzkaufvertrag mit Champion Iron Limited

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Champion Iron erwirbt Pellet Fabrik


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