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Changes in the governance of the Bonduelle Group

Ein Mann liest Wirtschaftsnachrichten (Symbolbild). pixabay.com


A French SCA (Partnership Limited by Shares) with a capital of 57 102 699,50 Euros
Head Office: La Woestyne 59173 Renescure, France
Registered under number: 447 250 044 (Dunkerque Commercial and Companies Register)

Villeneuve d’Ascq, May 2nd 2023,

Changes in the governance of the Bonduelle Group

The Bonduelle Group announces the departure from general management, by mutual agreement, of Guillaume Debrosse, who was appointed Chief Executive Officer in April 2018, after having worked successively in the fresh produce business in France and then in the canned and frozen food business internationally.

For this new stage, the Board of Directors wishes to entrust the general management of the Group to an executive with strong experience in the North American market and consumer products.
Guillaume Debrosse's successor will be appointed in the coming weeks, and will take up his position on June 1, 2023. In the meantime, Christophe Bonduelle, Chairman of the Board of Directors, will assume the role of Chief Executive Officer, with the support of Guillaume Debrosse during this transition period1.

In addition, Pierre and Benoît Bonduelle SAS company, General Manager of Bonduelle SCA, will henceforth be represented by its legal representative, Christophe Bonduelle.

Guided by its values and strengthened by its agribusiness fundamentals, the Bonduelle Group remains committed from the field to the plate and is pursuing its strategy of profitable and sustainable growth in buoyant plant-based markets.


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Bonduelle Realtime-Chart

Christophe Bonduelle, Chairman of the Board of Directors, states:
"The Board of Directors and I are convinced that given the demanding environment in which the company is operating, the Group needs a new lease on life. The new CEO, whose identity will be announced in the coming weeks, has extensive knowledge of the US market, where he has held general management positions for more than 20 years in several groups in the food sector. I would like to warmly thank Guillaume Debrosse for his professionalism and commitment during his 16 years with the Group.”

About the Bonduelle Group:
We want to inspire the transition to plant-based food, to contribute to the well-being of Man and the preservation of the planet. We are a French family business with 12,000 employees and we have been innovating with our farming partners since 1853. Our ready-to-use products are grown on 70,000 hectares and marketed in 100 countries, with sales of €2,203 million. Our 4 brands are Bonduelle, Cassegrain, Globus and Ready Pac Bistro.

1 The modalities for the end of Guillaume Debrosse's mandate will be made public as soon as they have been finalized.

PRESS CONTACTS : Benjamin ZEHNDER – Becoming + 33 (0)6 76 41 18 19 – Email : benjamin.zehnder@becoming-group.com
Vanessa VAZZAZ – Becoming +33 (0)6 34 32 24 23 – Email : vanessa.vazzaz@becoming-group.com



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