Gelber LKW beim Transport von Rohstoffen im Tagebau.
Donnerstag, 21.11.2013 18:40 von

AAC Demonstrates Advanced Mine Hunting Capability to Address USN Priority Mine Warfare Needs

Gelber LKW beim Transport von Rohstoffen im Tagebau. ©

PR Newswire

ARLINGTON, Va., Nov. 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC), a joint venture between DRS Technologies and Thales, successfully demonstrated advanced mine-hunting capabilities with the US Navy during the 2013 Fleet Experimentation (FLEX) Unmanned Systems (UxS) Campaign.  By towing the unmanned high resolution synthetic aperture sonar (T-SAS), the system detected all exercise mines with increased area clearance rates.

According to the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), the FY13 FLEX UxS Campaign Plan was developed to identify potential solutions to the fleet's highest priority operational needs.  Specifically, the Naval Warfare Development Center (NWDC), in coordination with the Navy Mine and Antisubmarine Warfare Command (NMAWC), solicited industry participation to demonstrate highly mature mine warfare capabilities that either improve large geographic area search or automate detection and classification of undersea mines and maritime IEDs.

During the FLEX at-sea demonstration off the coast of Camp Pendleton, CA, the T-SAS system augmented system operators by providing Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) sonar processing, enabling real-time (in-stride) detection and classification of exercise mines while eliminating the requirement to conduct post-mission analysis (PMA).  The high-resolution SAS sensor combined with ATR processing provides fleet operators with improved probability of correct classification and dramatically reduced false alarms.  Moreover, by eliminating the substantial PMA time commitment required by traditional mine hunting systems, the T-SAS provides the US Navy with a game-changing capability to increase area clearance rates and reduce the overall mine warfare detect-to-engage timeline.

The FLEX demonstration offered the opportunity to operate in a high-clutter tactical mine warfare environment.  Over three days, 1,100 contacts were processed in real-time with a final tally of 44 MILCOs (Mine-Like Contacts) and very low false alarm rates.  T-SAS, a mature and highly reliable system, was operational throughout the entire demonstration with more than 60 hours of in-water operations.

The AAC T-SAS system is an upgraded version of the TSM 2054 Side Scan Sonar, which is towed from both manned and unmanned vessels and has been in service with the Danish Navy since the late 1990s.  The T-SAS is currently in service in the French Navy and in an Asian country.  Its automated active control tow body (stabilization and automatic bottom following) is highly stable and produces extremely high quality Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) images even in high sea state conditions with the highest resolution in service in the world. The system was recently qualified for operation with an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) as part of the French ESPADON program, the towed body being automatically deployed/recovered with a LARS (Launch and Automatic Recover System patented) up to high sea state.  Additionally, the T-SAS is currently in production with a LARS to be installed on a USV for an Asian country.

About Advanced Acoustic Concepts
AAC is a technical leader in the fields of advanced sonar systems, training systems and knowledge management systems. AAC proudly leads a multi-community coalition that delivers modernization systems for the U.S. Navy through an open business, open systems technology insertion model.

About DRS Technologies
DRS Technologies is a leading supplier of integrated products, services and support to military forces, intelligence agencies and prime contractors worldwide and is the 2013 recipient of the Defense Security Service Award for Excellence in Counterintelligence as well as three James S. Cogswell Awards for Outstanding Industrial Security Achievement. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Finmeccanica SpA (FNC.MI), which employs approximately 70,000 people worldwide.


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About Thales
Thales is a global technology leader for the Defense & Security and the Aerospace & Transport markets. In 2012, the company generated revenues of €14.2 billion with 67,000 employees in 56 countries. With its 25,000 engineers and researchers, Thales has a unique capability to design, develop and deploy equipment, systems and services that meet the most complex security requirements. Thales has an exceptional international footprint, with operations around the world working with customers and local partners.

For additional information please contact:

Michael Mount
Director, Public Affairs

SOURCE DRS Technologies


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