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Wamu WKN 893906 News !

Beiträge: 198.956
Zugriffe: 20.776.510 / Heute: 1.981
Mr. Cooper Group. 78,73 $ -0,04% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +230,69%
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Bohne123

also mein

04.11.10 18:45

English ist nicht so besonders, aber das English geschriebene verstehe ich deutlich besser als das, was dieses Programm dort übersetzt hat :-D



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Wamu WKN 893906 News ! rocketeer24


04.11.10 18:46
lasst uns zurückschlagen!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! j.w.

meine Gedanken

04.11.10 18:49
Guten Abend an das Forum,
ich bin ja zu 90% stiller Mitleser, das kann man auch an meiner Postinganzahl leicht nachprüfen.
Nun möchte ich euch allen auch mal meine Gedanken mitteilen.

Irgendwie haben hier im Moment alle Recht. Die Pro´s und Kontra´s.
Fakt ist aber,wir haben uns vom Examinerbericht sehr viel erhofft und wurden alle schwer enttäuscht.  Der Kurs ging logischerweise in den Keller.
Was ich nicht kapiere ist, warum sind darin keine Zahlen enthalten, wieso nicht.....verdammt nochmal. Mr. Hochberg hatte den Auftrag ein"Gutachten" mit Zahlen zu erstellen. Er war/ist mit allen Befugnissen ausgestattet worden, und bekam keine Dokumente/Zahlen von z.B. der FDIC............kann ich nicht glauben. Das will nicht in meine Birne rein. Der hätte denen die Pistole auf die Brust setzen können und die hätten kooperieren müssen. Wer war da noch im Spiel, das er das nicht gemacht hat. Muss man nicht kapieren??!!!
Es wurden Mio. von US-Dollars für diesen Bericht ausgegeben, so einen Bericht hätte von den Spezialisten hier jeder "übertrieben" gesagt in 5 Minuten auf eine DIN A4 Seite schreiben können, und dazu auch noch bekannte/alte Zahlen, mit einarbeiten können. Z.B. wir waren solvent usw.
Aber wieviel Kohle hatte WMI, warum wurde WMB geseized wenn wir solvent waren.
Wollte man nur JPM retten, weil die am Abgrund standen, mit ihren toxischen Papiere?? Denn wenn die "umgegangen" wären, hätte das ein Erdbeben ausgelöst.

Aber gut wir wissen das alles nicht!!!Der Bericht ist nun einmal Fakt.

Jetzt bin ich gespannt was das EC/Susman noch bringt. Hat er noch die Smoking Gun, kann er mit Zahlen aufweisen, die er von Solomon hat. Will er an ein höheres Gericht, klagen. Dann zieht ich sich die Geschichte noch ein paar Jährchen...Oder ist die Geschichte bald zu Ende??!!

Alles Fragen, die wir zur Zeit nicht beantworten können. Wir spekulieren hier alle nur!!!

Jeder muss nun das tun, was er für sich selber das Beste hält. Ich verstehe auch diejenigen die nun das Handtuch werfen, denn die wollen noch retten, was zu retten ist.
Ich bin nun auch dick im Minus, aber verkaufen werde ich nicht mehr. Eher Ausbuchung. Bereitet Schmerzen und hinterlässt eine kleine Narbe. Aber Schmerzen gehen vorbei, und die Mädels stehen auf Narben.

Ich wünsche allen, das sie für sich das richtige tun. Ihr seid ein geiles Forum und es ist mir eine Ehre hier dabei gewesen zu sein, egal wie das hier ausgeht.


Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Baltin

Man man man

04.11.10 18:49
Warum hören die BurgerBoys nicht damit auf die Anwälte zu nerven ???? Da können 5000 anrufen und die werden immer noch nix sagen, weil sie dass nicht dürfen. Ich denke das der 9. für uns sehr entscheident wird was mit unserer Aktie passiert, also müssen wir uns noch ein wenig in Geduld üben. Es bringt ja nix sich die dollsten geschichten auszudenken da macht man sich doch immer bekloppter. Also Freunde, schön durch die Hose atmen, nen Bierchen dabei und auf Wunder hoffen ;o).

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! alaadin75

bis zur Entschädigung der Aktionäre,

04.11.10 18:50

wird der € bei 2$ stehen....heheheh....die Amis sind schon clever ;-)

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! jh11

zur Unterhaltung

04.11.10 18:51
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Veyron1001


04.11.10 19:05
** WICHTIG ** - JPM macht TPS-case = Prefs IM GELD       4-Nov-10 11.03      
Ich habe gerade gebucht dies auf GB, aber ich musste es hier posten.

Wenn ich dies herauszufinden, so kann TPS und der Richter.  JPM ist tot, dank ihren eigenen Worten.

Der folgende Link (kopiert aus iHub) zeigt einen Brief von JPM die FDIC, wenn die Übertragung von REITs diskutiert.  Wenn Sie mich fragen, diese Punkte betrügerische Transfers - aber dann bin ich kein Experte. ...
[/ Quote]

OMG ....  WOW ...  OMG.

Eine Re-Lektüre der Details des JPM's "Annahmen" (ich hatte es nie gesehen), AUCH JPM offenbar einig in ihrem Bestreben mit meiner Timeline / Schlussfolgerungen.  Sie sagen (Seite 2 des oben genannten Link):

"Die (OTS) wird der Austausch direkt, und der Holdinggesellschaft sofort wird der Trust Preferred Securities beitragen IT erhält nach Exchange die Bank"

"IT ** ** ERHÄLT durch Austausch "......  dh nach wurde es der TPS in der Exchange (am 26., die selbst JPM stimmt ist, wenn der Exchange passiert), *** NICHT *** 25. welches vor dem Exchange stattgefunden hat und WMB wurde beschlagnahmt / verkauft.

Danke JPM ....

Sentiment: Hold

Re: **IMPORTANT** - JPM makes TPS's case = Prefs IN THE MONEY     4 minutes ago    
In one of the hearings, JPM said they could not find the assets transferred to them. Why they are hiding the assets they have received by fraudulent transfer.

Sentiment : Strong Buy
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! rocketeer24


04.11.10 19:06
wie viel wird es geben???
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Kesi231


04.11.10 19:11

hatte ich heute Mittag schon mal gepostet. Ist niemand richtig drauf eingegangen. Ich selbst versteh das auch nicht sooo richtig.

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pinot_Grigio


04.11.10 19:14
Ist das nicht die Sache mit der Citigroup. Das wurde heute Morgen schon diskutiert.
wamu_wolle hat es glaube ich reingestellt. Einfach mal zurück blättern.

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! jopel

suman der Texaner ein Bild von Terry Carter

04.11.10 19:16

Wenn jemand den Artikel über Steve Susmann ind Deutsche übersetzen könnte , wird verständlich, wenn ich sage: ich mache mir keine Sorgen um die longs. Das Wamu von diesem aussergewöhnlichen Anwalt vertretenb wird, ist gleichbedeutend mit Sieg. Lasst ihn mich den "flüsternden Texaner" nennen, kein Mann der lauten Worte und kein Mann publikumswirksamer Selbstdarstellung, sondern ein Anwalt für Ergebnisse, die effektiv sind.
Die englische Version des Terry Carter - Artikels lässt erahnen, wer Steven Susman ist

The G-Man
A week in the life of a $1,000-per-hour lawyer

American Bar Association Journal - February 2008 Issue
By Terry Carter

You asked me to look into doing a story on Houston litigator Stephen Susman as an example of the new breed of $1,000-an-hour lawyers.

It's complicated. Seems he's part of a breed all right. But it's a breed of one.

Billables account for less than 20 percent of his work. He actually bills a bit more—$1,100. And he prefers making a lot more for himself by taking on some of the risk with other fee arrangements. The selling point is that clients will come out better, too.

On a random week we chose in November (see attached), Susman showed me that he billed 11.5 hours at that $1,100-an-hour rate of his, though he wouldn't say what matter(s) or which client(s) were involved. But he seemed pretty surprised to discover when he looked a little deeper into his spreadsheets that in 2007, he had billed at hourly rates for a higher percentage of his time than usual.

The Susman Godfrey firm opened an outpost in New York City a little over a year ago. Nearly half the year he and his wife, Ellen, live in the Regency Hotel on tree-lined Park Avenue, just a block and a half from work.

Each morning Susman either works out for an hour or heads to nearby Central Park, where he walks his two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, a toy breed that belies the nature of this particular owner.

And most mornings he has business breakfasts back at the Regency. (Mobil Travel Guide description: "Home of the original power breakfast, where deals are sealed and fortunes are made.")

Since planting the Susman Godfrey flag in NYC a year earlier, Susman has been power-breakfasting, power-lunching and powering whatever else to get work from big New York law firms. He tells them he's not out to steal clients. His firm has some specialties and some special ways of billing for them, and he pushes single-case litigations referred when firms are conflicted and such.

Says Susman: "I tell them we only do litigation for their clients as one-night stands, or like a heart surgeon. We're not needed again."

After the morning routine, he hoofs it to the office on Madison Ave. at 60th. The views from the newly built-out offices—the firm recently moved to double its space to 7,500 square feet—are OK, not spectacular. Unless you care that you're next door to Calvin Klein's flagship store and across from the upscale Barneys.

The offices themselves are nicely done, though without the effort some firms go to for an exalted aura of greatness. These folks are all about trying high-stakes commercial lawsuits.

He's a first-rate hustler.

Susman and his firm make for an amazing story: him the wild man, the counterintuitive business model, the high-stakes cases. There is no firm like it.

"I'm hustling New York City's big firms," says Susman. "And they're listening."

He is like a voracious animal, and that is the feeling you get in his presence. He scares people on his own side. The opposition is often terrified.

An associate in the firm's New York office, Tibor Nagy, says Susman "is a force of nature." I met some of the associates and partners, world-beaters on their own. They're gorillas among lawyers. But when Susman walks by, it's like they're making way for Kong.

It seems like his id, ego and superego are all always on stage at the same time, such that he can bellow a pretty explicit expletive at a new acquaintance who pokes a little fun at him; somehow it works.

Susman's evenings make you want to live in this city—with money. The night section of his daybook is to die for: the best of previews and openings for exhibits and shows, the best restaurants, etc.

His plane is parked in New York, though the two pilots are back in Houston till he needs them. He and Ellen were to leave at Thanksgiving for Houston and return to the Regency in March. (They prefer Texas taxes and spend more time there.)
S-G is as profitable as it is aggressive.

His now-90-lawyer firm is a litigation assault weapon, having made much of its reputation in antitrust and, more recently, thanks to the Eastern District of Texas becoming the plaintiffs patent-bar venue of choice, is big into IP litigation.

Revenues and profits per partner are off the charts, reportedly far and away the highest of all U.S. firms. Heavy emphasis on contingency fees and other alternative fee arrangements was a decade or two ahead of that emerging game.

His candlepower matches the physical presence. He left Houston for college at Yale in the early 1960s, then returned to the Lone Star State for law school at the University of Texas, where he is said to have had the highest GPA ever. Legend also holds him as the first clerk that Justice Hugo Black allowed to draft his opinions.

The firm hires almost exclusively former federal court clerks. All six who just came on board were: two of them at the U.S. Supreme Court and three at the circuits.

The business model probably is not replicable. They started in Houston in 1980 with an unheard-of plan: Do commercial litigation but make the money plaintiffs lawyers do in toxic torts, personal injury and medical malpractice. That meant alternative fee arrangements, especially contingency fees.

When $450 an hour was the top charged in a 1987 survey, Susman was getting $600 from the notorious Hunt brothers in Texas.

"At the beginning I wanted to hire lawyers who were personable and could persuade juries, young Joe Jamail types," he says. In the one-lawyer, one-vote system that continues today, Susman lost. The firm wanted credentials: law review, top of class, federal clerkships. Quality attracts quality, they said.
Susman is flexible, and Bill Carmody proves it.

Susman was able to recall only one exception to the rule—an exception who now occupies the only corner office in the firm's NY branch.

When Susman set up a shop in Dallas in the mid-'80s to represent the Hunts, a local lawyer named Bill Carmody sent him a letter inviting Susman and his wife to dinner.

"The letter seemed cold," says Susman, and he didn't respond. But Carmody kept at it, letter after letter. "I finally told my wife we might as well take the free meal at a good restaurant."

They arrived early and were at the bar. Carmody, whom they'd never met, came in and clearly was known to the restaurant's management. He'd done his homework: Susman's favorite wines, and a version of the "Susman Tuna Tartare" then featured at the famous Tony's Restaurant in Houston.

At that initial dinner Carmody, knowing where Susman went to college, asked if he'd be attending the Harvard-Yale game. Susman didn't have tickets; Carmody could get them from a friend, former Dallas Cowboys running back Calvin Hill, himself a Yalie.

"I asked Bill whether he went to Harvard or Yale," Susman says.

Neither. He's from the Merchant Marine Academy.

"I like hustlers," says Susman. "His law office in Dallas was the swankest I'd ever seen."

So Carmody must have been quite successful already?

"No," says Susman. "He was spending far beyond his success at that time."

Susman wanted Carmody. But the firm blackballed him. Didn't have the credentials.

Some years later, a couple of other prominent Susman Godfrey litigators worked a case with Carmody. They were convinced he'd make the grade, and Susman finally got his wish.

Carmody is now the No. 5 rainmaker this year in a firm that's been averaging revenues of about $2 million per lawyer (including associates). In 2004, no partner took home less than a million bucks. In some years, associates have doubled their salaries with bonuses.

Carmody is near the top of the chart most dear to Susman: contingency work. This year his portfolio is 64 percent contingency, 32 percent fixed fee and 4 hourly. Partners get 40 percent to 60 percent of the premium from cases they bring in. Now it's harder for Carmody to outspend his success.

Susman calls Carmody the firm's concierge. "He can get reservations at the hottest places in New York, that day," Susman says, ticking off the names of several prime locations.
Susman can throw a party.

The guest list from November's first-anniversary party for the New York office had plenty of Who's Whos. It was, says a guest from Cahill, the most amazing and impossible mix of defense and plaintiffs bar imaginable in NYC at one 250-person fete.

"Only Susman could pull this off," the guest says.

It was catered to the max. By the Veuve Clicquot champagne stood bottles of Lone Star beer—an unexceptional brew, but a great label for the occasion.

There was Stanley Arkin of Arkin Kaplan, Bernie Nussbaum from Wachtell; and chatting for a long time by a table set with caviar and Russian vodka in Susman's glass-front private office were Mel Weiss and Ted Wells.

(People noticed. Weiss has been indicted by the feds; and a former partner, Bill Lerach, had recently pleaded guilty. A prominent client of Wells, Scooter Libby, got off not long ago without serving a day in prison—albeit via commutation from the White House.)

The Houston firm has branched out over the years: Dallas, Los Angeles, Seattle and now New York. In each instance it has done so for what others would consider the wrong reason.

Law firms typically open new offices to follow clients or chase business. "We've done it when we've either wanted to get or keep a good lawyer," says Susman.

Why now New York? The Big Apple was ripe for his hustle. And Susman wanted to be near his three grandchildren. Now 66, he wants to go another 10 or 15 years, if not more. The sheer élan in his approach to this new venture seems to have reversed the aging process.

Susman Godfrey looks for and holds on to entrepreneurial lawyers. The formal partnership track is four years, but no one stays that long without making partner. Everyone knows within two years or less whether mojo matches book smarts. Candid and pointed reviews at six-month intervals ensure it.

Each Wednesday all the firm's lawyers, even if on the road, meet via conference call to consider three or four pitches to take on work. On Mondays, memos of 10 pages or fewer are circulated for each. About 20 percent are shot down. One that lost out this week was great on the law, precedent and other necessaries except for one thing: unclear on the money.
If all that doesn't convince you ...

He teaches environmental law on the side at the University of Houston. He has been working with the Inuits, who are losing their Arctic lands and lifestyles to global warming. He did pro bono work last year that stopped development of coal-burning power plants in Texas. He's waiting for a federal circuit opinion that either will open or shut the door as to these being political or legal matters.

Though he is collecting piles of pelts and heaps of money in patent litigation—among major cases, he is countersuing IBM right now—Susman thinks business might slow down. On the day I was there, he had lunch with the CEO of Christie's auction house, his classmate from Yale '62.

Susman says as the economy gets worse, people who commit to buying high-priced art back out—and need to be sued. He does that sort of thing.

Guests at the anniversary party included Peter Hewett, a director for a medical device manufacturing company that hired Susman for a patent battle in Texas. Hewett pushed aside his

New York patent lawyers who worked up the case—he sees two of them across the room—and got Susman because he wanted a Texas lawyer litigating.

First there was mediation with William Sessions, former federal judge and former FBI director ... and also a Texan. Susman was there with his client, Hewett. On the other side was a group of New York lawyers. They spoke first to "Judge Sessions."

When they finished, Susman was brief: "Bill, we are out of here in 60 f---ing seconds if these guys can't assure us that they can make decisions right now on behalf of their client."

Liberal use of the f-word might be a verbal tick, or it might just speak to Susman's directness in all matters.

Did I tell you this? Robert Rivera, who joined the firm in 1990 and recently made the move to New York, got the Houston office tour from Susman when he was hired.

A big, irregularly cut piece of cardboard was stuck to the wall in Susman's office, and the new hire asked if it was a memento from Susman's famous Corrugated Container anti­trust case, in which he got one of the biggest dollar verdicts in history.

The quick explanation: "No, f---face, it's a Rauschenberg."

Some years later, Rivera had a chance to tell that story to the artist, Robert Rauschenberg, a Port Arthur, Texas, na­tive. It prompted Rauschenberg himself to playfully jab at Rivera, saying Susman's estimation had been pretty much on the mark.

But then Susman has made quite a mark as a litigator who doesn't just eat what he kills—he consumes live prey in a most unconventional practice. He bills at $1,100 an hour but tries to avoid it so he can make a lot more.

Like I said, it's complicated.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Veyron1001


04.11.10 19:17
kann ich nicht sagen, jeder sagt in der POR steht für die COMMONS = 0 und für die PREF. 0-1%, also 10 $ für P und geteilt durch 114,5 = Commons = 0,062 €, selbst da bekommen wir was, denn eine WERTLOSE AUSBUCHUNG wird es nicht geben, das läßt MARY nicht zu und Susman auch nicht, also warten auf den nächsten Termin am 9.11.2010.

Es kann aus sein, daß MARY den "HAMMER" schwingt und der Vergleich, was GEHEIM verhandelt wurde, beschlossen wird.

ALLES KANN SEIN, nur eins kann nicht sein, daß die KOHLE GANZ FUTSCH IST, wenigstens noch 0,06 €, was ja von ROSEN im Dez. 2009 angeboten wurde für die Commons, daraufhin hat MARY den EC ins Leben gerufen, das ist FAKT.

Warten wir ab, was uns erwartet!!!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Kesi231


04.11.10 19:18

Ja das wurde heut morgen schon veröffentlicht hier im Forum. Ist aber niemand aufgefallen, das die Daten mit dem Seitzzeitpunkt übereinstimmen. Lest mal das Amipostig in Ruhe durch.

hier der Link zum Originalposting;mid=590910&tof=10&frt=1

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! rocketeer24


04.11.10 19:21
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! marc.noodle


04.11.10 19:24
hast du deine Erwartungen nun herunter geschraubt? Bist du schon mit 6 Cent zufieden?

Kannst du dich noch erinnern, dass du von 56 B $ ausgegangen bist die der EX findet und dass der Kurs dann bei $9 steht?

Was ist damit nun los?
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pinot_Grigio


04.11.10 19:25
Das ganze Ding haben die Experten heute schon auseinandergenommen. Und über das Datum wurde auch gesprochen. Das ist schon aufgefallen.

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pjöngjang

WamuTruth: Washington Mutual Shareholder Voter

04.11.10 19:26
WamuTruth: Washington Mutual Shareholder Voter Alert

Press Release Source: On Thursday November 4, 2010, 2:10 pm
HOUSTON, Nov. 4, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Washington Mutual recently passed its Disclosure Statement and is currently soliciting votes on its plan of reorganization and "Global Settlement Agreement." It is extremely important that holders of the preferred stock (WAMPQ.PK & WAMKQ.PK) and PIERS (WAHUQ.PK) reject this plan as it severely undervalues a large number of the estate assets. Unfortunately, a large number of shareholders have either not received ballots regarding this plan or have received conflicting and confusing instructions on how they can register their vote and what the implications are. Since the majority of retail investors hold their stock with a broker (TD Ameritrade, Scottrade, Etrade, etc), they need to contact their broker immediately by phone regarding this to receive further instructions on how to vote and to receive their ballots to avoid being disenfranchised.

There are two main decisions to make on the voting ballot. One is whether to vote for the plan. It is our recommendation to not vote for the plan as the distributions for the plan are completely inadequate and will result in little to no recovery for the preferred stock. The second issue is whether to choose the opt out election. It is our recommendation that one does not opt out as by doing so you will be locked out of trading any shares you own of the company's stock. You should only choose this option if you are prepared to hire your own attorney to engage in a lawsuit.

Again, it is extremely important that you register your vote with the company to show your disagreement with this plan and the current management that has sat on the board without election for over two years. Voting ends on November 15th but we strongly recommend that you vote by November 10th as your broker may require additional documentation besides a phone call.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Kesi231


04.11.10 19:28

nur die "Experten haben nichts (kaum was - eine Antwort) geschrieben bezüglich des Datums.

LG Kesi

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! noenough

warte seit mehr als eine

04.11.10 19:28
halbe std. in ffr. das meine kauforder ausgeführt wird könnt mal bitte jemand ein paar verkaufen!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Greys

WamuTruth: Washington Mutual Shareholder Voter Ale

04.11.10 19:28
WamuTruth: Washington Mutual Shareholder Voter Alert

2010-11-04 14:10 ET - News Release


HOUSTON, Nov. 4, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Washington Mutual recently passed its Disclosure Statement and is currently soliciting votes on its plan of reorganization and "Global Settlement Agreement." It is extremely important that holders of the preferred stock (WAMPQ.PK & WAMKQ.PK) and PIERS (WAHUQ.PK) reject this plan as it severely undervalues a large number of the estate assets. Unfortunately, a large number of shareholders have either not received ballots regarding this plan or have received conflicting and confusing instructions on how they can register their vote and what the implications are. Since the majority of retail investors hold their stock with a broker (TD Ameritrade, Scottrade, Etrade, etc), they need to contact their broker immediatelyby phone regarding this to receive further instructions on how to vote and to receive their ballots to avoid being disenfranchised.

There are two main decisions to make on the voting ballot. One is whether to vote for the plan. It is our recommendation to not vote for the plan as the distributions for the plan are completely inadequate and will result in little to no recovery for the preferred stock. The second issue is whether to choose the opt out election. It is our recommendation that one does not opt out as by doing so you will be locked out of trading any shares you own of the company's stock. You should only choose this option if you are prepared to hire your own attorney to engage in a lawsuit.

Again, it is extremely important that you register your vote with the company to show your disagreement with this plan and the current management that has sat on the board without election for over two years. Voting ends on November 15th but we strongly recommend that you vote by November 10th as your broker may require additional documentation besides a phone call.

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! spect


04.11.10 19:31
Inertssaent und wcihitg für mchane Uesr !!!

Ich hbae fegstestlelt dsas es eagl ist, in wlehcer Rienhnelfoge die Bcuhstbaen in eniem Wrot sethen, das enizg Wcihitge dbaei ist, dsas der estre und lzete  Bcuhtsbae am rcihgiten Patlz snid. Der Rset knan ttolaer Böldsdinn sein und du knasnt es torztedm onhe Porbleme lseen. Das ghet dseahlb, wiel wir nchit Bcuhtsbean für Bcuhtsbean enizlen lseen, snodren Wröetr als Gnaezs.

Güßre Secpt
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! noenough


04.11.10 19:32
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Bohne123


04.11.10 19:33

geht das ganze jetzt auch noch mal auf Deutsch? 

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Dude44

Doc von heute

04.11.10 19:33
Withdrawal of Proof of Claim for Fair Isaac Corporation re: Claim No. 3755


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