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Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

Beiträge: 24.325
Zugriffe: 5.153.362 / Heute: 903
Bougainville Coppe. 0,42 € -1,41% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -28,57%
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Candidate pushes for Rio Tinto

15.05.12 12:02


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Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 LOFP

Orders bisher angenommen und eingestellt

15.05.12 14:55
Laut Comdirect wurde die Aufteilung meiner großen Order auf mehrere kleine angenommen.
Es wäre toll, wenn nekro oder bocandorra das Orderbuch mal wieder einstellen könnten, sodass man das auch schwarz auf weiß sieht!?
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro


15.05.12 17:22
Sorry, bin im Wellness Urlaub u. nachts z.Zt.anders beschäftigt ;-)))))))))))))
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 Böcklein


15.05.12 18:47


Hallo Tom,

wer wo was an der Börse mit seltsamer, merkwürdiger oder scheinbar nicht regelkonformer Vorgehensweise bezweckt ( und erreicht ), war in meinem Post nicht das Thema.

Wenn ich Dich richtig verstanden habe, hast Du in #11547 u. a. die Verpflichtung des Brokers eingefordert dafür zu sorgen, dass hohe Verkaufsorders platziert werden können um ein korrektes Bild von Nachfrage und Angebot am Markt wiederzugeben.

Darauf habe ich geantwortet, auf nichts Anderes – und ja: einverstanden, ich habe nichts dagegen!

Allerdings: Um ein korrektes Bild von Angebot und Nachfrage wiederzugeben, läuft es aufs Gleiche hinaus, ob eine Orderplatzierung entweder gar nicht zugelassen wird oder ob sie durch verwehrte Einsicht ins Orderbuch nicht verifizierbar ist, denn in beiden Fällen kann sich die interessierte Öffentlichkeit kein „korrektes Bild“ machen.

In dem Zusammenhang: Welchen „zuständigen Spezialisten“ man zwecks Überprüfung in Frankfurt einschalten kann, könntest Du ja hier vllt. mal bekannt geben, denn diesbezüglich scheinst Du mir eine Nasenlänge voraus zu sein. Ich würde diesen „Spezialisten“ gerne mal mit meinem Broker „zusammenführen“, der mir eine Orderbucheinsicht bislang als unmöglich beschrieben hat. Wäre nett …

Wenn’s aber schon eines „zuständigen Spezialisten“ bedarf, um in Frankfurt die korrekte Einstellung von Orders zu überprüfen, kann man wohl mit Fug und Recht von Verschleierung sprechen. Jedenfalls entsteht auch hier ebenfalls für die "normale" Öffentlichkeit kein korrektes Bild von Nachfrage und Angebot, ob zielführend oder nicht.


Und noch einmal: Positive Entwicklungen vor Ort, die nach wie vor auf sich warten lassen, wären erheblich – um Dein Wort zu gebrauchen – zielführender als alles Andere. Wenn es sie gäbe, bräuchte sich hier niemand großartige Gedanken über Ordereinstellungen in welcher Höhe auch immer machen. Wie werden sehen, ob das Bla-Bla in den nächsten Wochen ein Ende findet oder ob wir in einem guten halben Jahr wieder mal sagen werden „The same procedure as …“  

Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 LOFP

@ Böcklein

15.05.12 19:03
Mit seinem letzten Absatz hat er auf jeden Fall recht!
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 Tom0001

# 11554

15.05.12 19:52
Gutes Posting - ich kann mich nur wiederholen: Böcklein hat voll den Checker!

Du bist ein heller Kopf und ich hatte jetzt schon gehofft, dass Du mir zumindest einen Denkansatz für meine Frage liefern kannst: Warum hat FRA kein Problem mit hohen Orders aber sehr wohl die Broker an der ASX?

Das Orderbuch an der ASX ist ja eigentlich auch nicht voll für jeden einsehbar - wir geniessen halt hier den Service von Axel und Nekro. Und in FRA kann man sich auch die entsprechenden Daten besorgen - siehe unten. Daher sehe ich da jetzt nicht den Unterschied zwischen FRA und ASX in Bezug auf Einsehbarkeit. Öffentlich sind beide und wie "breit" diese Öffentlichkeit ist, ist nicht wichtig in Bezug auf das Ziel der Kontrolle. Die Orders müssen drin sein - wer die jetzt aller sehen kann ist zweitrangig.

Den zuständigen Spezialisten findest Du hier:

Bei Spezialist wird dann Baader Bank angezeigt. Da dann draufklicken, dann bekommst Du die Kontaktdaten der Baader Bank. Da musste Dich dann durchfragen...

Die 2. Möglichkeit der Orderüberprüfung in FRA ist bei der deutschen Börse anzurufen: 0800-2302023 geht nur anrufen - keine mails und gaaaaanz freundlich sein und Glück haben, dass die nette Dame einen Blick aufs Orderbuch wirft und Dir die gewünschte Auskunft gibt....

Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Forget China...........

16.05.12 10:34
...........The next best thing, if you want a new market brimming with more opportunities than you can swallow, is much closer to home than you think. Papua New Guinea

........He believes PNG has yet to enter the height of its mining boom.

“There is yet more to come. Projects yet to be developed include the giant Wafi-Golpu porphyry system (gold, copper) which I was involved in some years ago; Frieda River (gold, copper); Yandera (gold, Copper, Silver, Molybdenum, Rhenium); Ramu Nickel (cobalt, nickel); my current project in Mt Kare; and even Bougainville (copper, gold).

Als ein First Moover muss man zwar manchmal etwas länger bis zur Kursexplosion warten, man muss den Kursen aber auf jeden Fall nicht hinterherlaufen.
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Nape’s stunt fails in House

16.05.12 12:18

By Gorethy Kenneth and Simon Eroro

SPEAKER Jeffery Nape reportedly held up Parliament for about two hours yesterday in a deliberate eleventh-hour attempt to muster the numbers to derail the 2012 polls by six months.
The bells began ringing at 1.45pm and Members of Parliament had to wait until 3.45 when Mr Nape eventually entered the Chamber to begin the last proceedings of the last session of the 2007-2012 Parliament.
But in a rare show of unity, MPs on both sides of the House put their differences aside and unamimously agreed that the Writs must be issued on Friday for the polls to be held now rather than later as scheduled by the Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen.
Speaker Nape could not explain the reasons for the delay.
Parliament agreed unanimously for the elections to go ahead when the 2012 National General Election writs are issued this Friday.
Speaker Jeffery Nape held Parliament to ransom for about two hours, keeping the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah, the Cabinet Ministers and MPs waiting for the session to start.
The bells started ringing at 2pm and kept ringing until 3:45pm when Health Minister Jamie Maxton-Graham eventually pulled Prime Minister O’Neill into the Speaker’s office to find a way out.
Speaker Nape eventually succumbed as Mr O’Neill and his entourage walked into his office, with other MPs gathering outside of the Speaker’s office to find out what was happening.
Post-Courier was privy to a comment Mr O’Neill made almost asking the Clerk of Parliament Don Pandan to convene the session by taking the Speaker’s Chair because he said he had enough.
Mr Nape could not explain the reason for the delay, but as of last night the Government Ministers advised several power brokers and advisers wanted the hijacking of the Parliament for the delay of the writs to a further six months.
Mr Nape in his outgoing speech informed the country that the eighth Parliament rose for the last time and that election was on schedule – that writs would be issued on May 18 and the country would go to polls in June.
Leader of Government Business Moses Maladina moved a motion before Questions Time advising that the six months deferral motion could not be dealt with as it was before the Courts under the Supreme Court Reference OS No 5 and that Mr Nape would still take it up with the Courts as the Parliament’s defendant.
There was only a voice calling out for division but all the 72 MPs present at the chambers eventually had their way, allowing the elections to proceed.
Maladina called for debate on the motion to have the issue of writs this Friday and Prime Minister Peter O’Neill was the first to make his statement, followed by Deputy PM Belden Namah and the other MPs. Parliament MPs paid tribute to outgoing leaders Sir Mekere Morauta and Dame Carol Kidu. They also paid tribute to Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and other leaders.
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Bougainville president concerned..............

17.05.12 10:59
.............. about political instability in PNG

Posted at 06:06 on 17 May, 2012 UTC

The president of the Autonomous Province of Bougainville says the political instability in Papua New Guinea is a big concern and he expects strong voter interest in next month’s election.

In December, the Supreme Court ruled the parliamentary removal of Sir Michael Somare as Prime Minister was illegal but the Peter O’Neill led government ignored the order that he be reinstated.

In 2001 after more than a decade of armed conflict, the Government of PNG and Bougainville leaders signed a peace agreement which provided for a referendum to be held between 2015 and 2020 on Bougainville’s independence from PNG.

The president John Momis says it doesn’t bode well for the province that leaders in PNG aren’t respecting decisions of the judiciary and says people are worried.

   “It means that people will not respect agreements but by the same token now that the elections people are hoping that the new batch of leaders at the national level will be more committed to rule of law and the principle of the separation of powers, which has been a little bit confused in recent times.”

The president of the Autonomous Province of Bougainville John Momis.

News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 BOCandorra

24 Landkarten...

18.05.12 04:22
...von und zu Bougainville überarbeitet:
Alle aktuellen News zu Bougainville Copper auf der ESBC Homepage!
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Bougainville president says PNG parliament.......

18.05.12 07:49
..........lacking credibility

Solomon Star,

Bougainville president says PNG parliament lacking credibility
Thursday, 17 May 2012 16:37
RNZI: The president of the Autonomous Province of Bougainville says his people are starting to question the credibility of the national government in Papua New Guinea.

John Momis says there’ll be a lot of interest in next month’s election because the next group of Bougainville representatives will be in parliament in 2015 when first steps for a referendum on Bougainville’s independence from PNG are due.
He says the recent government instability in PNG is a bad sign for Bougainville.
He says the province is looking for more stability as well as funding from the national government which was promised under the Bougainville peace agreement.

   “The national government promised to give a hundred million, they haven’t given us anything yet. Fifteen-million which was stipulated in the Bougainville Peace Agreement has not been released and so the people of Bougainville are now beginning to question the credibility of the national government.”

The president of the Autonomous Province of Bougainville John Momis.
Bougainville has four elected representatives in the PNG parliament.

Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Nomination open

18.05.12 17:00

Die für uns interessanteste Central Nomination steht noch aus, idealerweise S.P. ;-)))
By Aloysius Laukai

First to nominate for the Bougainville Regional seat was the former Commissioner for South Bougainville,JOE LERA who nominated to the Provincial returning officer, and electoral commissioner for bougainville,REITAMA TARAVARU after 4pm this afternoon in Buka.

Immidiately following that the former member for women on central Bougainville on the ABG and women candidate, Magdalene Toroansi also nomonated for the Bougainvile regional seat.

The first to mominate for North bougainvile seat was the former resistance commander,DONALD HAMAU.
And the runner up in the last byelection and woman candidate,RACHAEL KONAKA OPETI
Nomination for the central and south bougainville seats were not available as of 5pm today.

More than 40 candidates are expected to nominate by close of nominations on thursday next week
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Kupfer: Angebotsdefizit im ersten Quartal

18.05.12 17:17,a2832970.html
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 BOCandorra

Erneuter Vulkanausbruch...

19.05.12 00:35
...auf  Bougainville !
Alle aktuellen News zu Bougainville Copper auf der ESBC Homepage!
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 havanna

Bericht über BCL

19.05.12 10:02
Liebe Leser,seit dem Tief Mitte Dezember ist es beim Kupfer wieder kräftig nach oben gegangen.

Die Befürchtungen über einen massiven Rückgang der Wirtschaftsleistung in China haben sich bis jetzt noch nicht bewahrheitet. Und grade die starke Nachfrage in China treibt den Kupferpreis immer wieder an. Diesen erneuten Anstieg sieht man auch am Aktienkurs einiger großer Kupferwerte..

Bougainville Copper

Dieses Unternehmen könnte schlicht und einfach der größte Kupferproduzent der Welt werden. Das Minenunternehmen verfügt neben der Pangunamine über 7 zusätzliche Lizenzen die sich auf der Insel Bougainville im Pazifik vor Australien befinden und von denen drei zu der größten Kupfermine der Welt verschmolzen werden könnten. Bougainville gehört zu Papua Neu Guinea, strebt aber die Unabhängigkeit per Referendum zwischen 2015 und 2020 an.

Erstaunlicherweise liegt das aktuelle Kurs vonBCL nur bei 0,60 €. Damit liegt die Aktie deutlich unter den Branchenschnitt der Bewertungen von potentiellen Mitbewerbern. Zudem soll Bougainville Copper auch noch eine attraktive Dividendenrendite von 2,8 $ zahlen sowie die Produktion wieder auf vor Bürgerkriegsniveau angestiegen ist..

Weitere Fantasie ergibt sich für diese Aktie und auch andere Werte aus dem Kupfersegment durch höhere Preise – und die sind gut möglich. Bedenken Sie: Derzeit kostet die Tonne Kupfer knapp 8.000 Dollar.Noch Anfang August 2011 waren es fast 10.000 Dollar. Und vom Tief bei knapp unter 7.000 Dollar hat sich der Kupferpreis auch schon wieder deutlich erholt. Insofern sind jetzt auch Kupferaktien wieder interessant.

Bougainville Copper sticht dabei aus verschiedenen Gründen besonders hervor: Das Unternehmen weist keine Verschuldung auf und sitzt zudem auf über 100 Millionen $ an der ASX angelegtem Cash. Zudem sind die Margen hoch und die Produktionskosten zählen zu den niedrigsten der Welt.. Aktuel notiert die Aktie nahe den 52-Wochen-Tiefständen.

Davon hat sie sich im Zuge des jüngsten Preisanstiegs beim Kupfer zwar wieder etwas gelöst – aber vom 52-Wochen-Hoch ist die Aktie auch noch extrem weit entfernt. Bei der aktuellen Bewertung an der Börse ist ein deutlicher Preisverfall beim Kupfer schon eingepreist.

Aussicht auf steigenden Kupferpreis sorgt für Potenzial

Doch in diesem Jahr ist auch ein weiterer Preisanstieg wieder sehr gut möglich. Das haben auch die Landeigner der Pangunamine und die Regierung PNGs erkannt.Schon nächsten Monat sollen Verhandlungen beginnen,deren Abschluss in der Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine münden sollen.Dieses Mal soll die gesamte Bevölkerung der Insel von den Gewinnen profitieren und genau daraus leitet sich das Aufwärtspotenzial und der Überraschungsfaktor bei Bougainville Copper ab. Hochprofitable Rohstoffwerte mit Reserven im2-3 stelligen Milliarden $ Bereich gibt es nur selten im Angebot.Zudem verdichten sich die Gerüchte auf der Insel dass sich PNG bereit erklärt haben soll ihren 19,6% Anteil an Bougainville Copper an die autonome Regierung Bougainvilles zu übertragen.

Doch nach den Turbulenzen im vergangenen Jahr an den Börsen gibt es auch mal solche Untertreibungen.

In der Vergangenheit war es häufiger so, dass die Aktie ausgehend von solchen Bewertungsniveaus in den darauffolgenden zwölf Monaten deutlich zugelegt hat. Warum sollte sich die Geschichte dieses Mal nicht weiderholen.

Erfolgreiche Investments

wünscht Ihnen

Jean-Jacques Tire-Bouchon

Redaktion "Private Rohstoff-Research"
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 Tom0001


19.05.12 10:13
wo und wann wurde das publiziert?
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 havanna


19.05.12 13:16
Hab den Bericht von wallstreet online, da stand leider nicht mehr mit dabei.
Komisch ist nur, dass ich den Bericht gerade auf w:o nochmal anschauen wollte, ihn aber nicht mehr gefunden habe(hatte das Problem schon mal...)
Über google lässt sich auch nichts brauchbares herausfinden.
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

11565 Jean-Jacques Tire-Bouchon

19.05.12 13:43

Private Rohstoff-Research
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 tragob

Johann-Jakob Korkenzieher

19.05.12 16:24
hm.....Ich glaub dem ja alles bis auf den Namen
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Wie heisst es so schön............

20.05.12 08:01
...............Namen sind Schall und Rauch ;-)))))))))))))
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Ok Tedi plans to extend mine life

21.05.12 11:13

Rio, führend in der Technik des übergangs von Openpit zum Undergroundmining dürfte diese Option auch bei der Pangunamine vorsehen,zumal die Mineralisierung sich mit fortschreitender Tiefe immer weiter erhöht (ähnlich eines Baumes,bei dem nan von oben immer näher an den Stamm kommt) opportunity to extend mine life by another seven years from 2015 to 2022 by a combination of two underground mines and one open pit operation.

“Ok Tedi’s current annual copper and gold production is 160,000 tonnes and 540,000 ounces gold respectively............vergleichbar der Pangunamine.

Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Power costs for Frieda river mine.............

21.05.12 11:21
................not economically feasible
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

PNG elections. Same old, same old…..

21.05.12 13:57
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Wahlvorbereitungen nach Plan

22.05.12 06:49

...........Commissioner Trawen said polling will still commence on 23rd June as well as the date for the return of election writs which is on or before 27th July, 2012 adding that polling period of 14 days and counting period of 21 days remain unchanged.......
Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro

Somare or not Somare

22.05.12 07:37
Ein Glück dass nächsten Monat die Parlamentswahlen sind ;-))))))))))))

Updated May 22, 2012 05:17:18
PNG leader Michael Somare Photo: PNG's Supreme Court rules Sir Michael Somare should be reinstated as Prime Minister. (Mick Tsikas: Reuters)
Map: Papua New Guinea

The Supreme Court in Papua New Guinea has once again found Peter O'Neill's appointment as prime minister was illegal.

In a split three to two ruling the court upheld its decision of last December that Mr O'Neill's replacement of Sir Michael Somare as prime minister was illegal.

Chief justice Sir Salamo Injia said the order to reinstate Sir Michael still stands and is binding.

But only three members of the five-man bench took part in the decision after two judges withdrew because they felt their colleagues were biased.

In it, one of the presiding judges, justice Nicholas Kirriwom, refers to the O'Neill government as an "illegal regime".

Deputy chief justice Gibbs Salika said he would not deliver a decision because it could be compromised.

Justice Bernard Sakora disqualified himself and said he would be disregarding his judicial oath if he proceeded.

Mr O'Neill says he will not respect the court's decision.

"Our government remains until parliament decides otherwise. We do not recognise the decision of the court," he said.

He says the country's judiciary is biased and has ordered police to investigate Sir Salamo Injia.

PNG's parliament was dissolved last week ahead of the general election, but will be recalled for a special sitting this morning to deal with the court's decision.

Chief reinstated


GRAND Chief Sir Michael Somare has been restored as Prime Minister by the Supreme Court.
In a rare and unprecedented decision two Judges of the five men bench abstained from making a ruling while three ruled that Sir Michael Somare is the legitimate Prime Minister and he should assume the top executive post forthwith until the writs for the 2012 elections are returned.
The two Judges that abstained, were Deputy Chief Justice Gibbs Salika and Justice Bernard Sakora while the majority three Judges that delivered their decisions were Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia, and Justices Nicholas Kirriwom and Les Gavera Nanu.
The court also ruled three to nil that the Supreme Court’s judgment and orders given on December 12 2011 is confirmed and binding on all persons including the parties in the reference, Parliaments decision made on December 9 2012 to rescind leave of absence granted to Sir Michael is unconstitutional, the Prime Minister and National Executive Council (Amendment) Act 2011 passed by Parliament is unconstitutional, Prime Minister and National Executive Council (Amendment2 ) Act 2011 passed by Parliament is unconstitutional, Governor General Sir Michael Ogio’s action in recognising Sir Michael Somare as Prime Minister is constitutionally valid, Governor Generals other action of retracting that action and recognising Peter O’Neill as unconstitutional.
It also ordered that it was the duty of all persons including the Governor General the Speaker and all other members of the Executive Government officers, bodies and agencies are under a duty to give full effect and to comply with the binding opinions and orders issued.
In a dramatic court session just after 1.30 pm the five Judges walked in and the Chief Justice informed the court that today was the day for the decisions of SCR1 and SCR2.
But there were two preliminary applications to be dealt with, one by Prime Minister O’Neill and the other by the Attorney General.
O’Neill’s application was to defer the handing down of the decision which was refused 3 to 1 with the Deputy Chief Justice abstaining while the disqualification application was also dismissed 3 to 2 with Chief Justice Sir Salamo,
Justice Kirriwom and Les Gavera Nanu refusing it while DCJ Salika and Justice Sakora granting it.
In a ruling that lasted for nearly two and a half hours, from 4pm to 6.45pm each member of the bench, from the Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia, Deputy CJ, Gibbs Salika, and Justices Bernard Sakora, Nicholas Kirriwom and Les Gavera Nanu each gave their own verdict and reasons for their decisions.
The three that ruled that the election of Peter O’Neill as Prime Minister was unconstitutional were the Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia and Justices Nicholas Kirriwom and Les Gavera Nanu.
The two who abstained were Deputy Chief Justice Gibbs Salika and Justice Bernard Sakora.
Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia in concluding as the chairman of the bench stated that “pursuant to section 19 of the constitution, an opinion given by this court on the interpretation and application of a provision of constitutional law is binding.

O’Neill is an ordinary MP: Sir Michael


IN what capacity is Peter O’Neill re-calling Parliament?
He is only an ordinary MP following the issue of writs last Friday.
This is the view of Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and his team of loyal MPs that followed the entourage to the Ela Beach Hotel, following a second Supreme Court ruling to reinstate him as Prime Minister yesterday.
In December last year, the Supreme Court ordered the reinstatement of Sir Michael Somare as Prime Minister.
A five-judge bench ruled that Mr O’Neill’s election was invalid and reinstated Sir Michael.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill says he will not respect the court’s decision and has re-called
Parliament for this morning.
Sir Michael says he is satisfied that with much consideration the Supreme Court has handed down its independent decision.
Sir Michael said any action taken by the regime from May 21 onwards by the O’Neill/Namah regime is illegal and once
again unconstitutional, he added.
As of 9pm last night, Sir Michael and his team which included Madang regional MP Sir Arnold Amet, Southern Highlands governor Anderson Agiru, Pomio MP Paul Tiensten, suspended Angoram MP Arthur Somare, Nawaeb MP Timothy Bonga, East Sepik Governor Peter Wararu Waranaka Ben Semri, Tony Aimo, Andrew Kumbakor and Enga Governor Peter Ipatas.
They were understood to be meeting to confirm that all the interim key positions were in place.
Others that came included senior police officers and several former department heads.

Parliament recalled

By Simon Eroro

Governor General Sir Michael Ogio has recalled Parliament for 10am today for a special sitting to deal with the Supreme Court decision yesterday to reinstate Sir Michael Somare as the legitimate Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, while announcing this in a press conference last night, also declared that his government will not recognise the decision of the Supreme Court to reinstate Sir Michael.
However, Sir Michael’s daughter Betha Somare in a text message stated that Sir Michael was satisfied that with much consideration the Supreme Court has handed down its independent decision. Any action taken by the O’Neill – Namah regime from 21 May 2011 onwards is illegal and once again unconstitutional. She advised that a further statement will be released today.
Mr O’Neill said the Supreme Court was once again, overstepping its mark by handing down the same decision they had expected.
He said it has become apparent that they have made the same decision and their decision is a proactive action to ensure that they create a chaotic situation in the country.
“This is unbecoming of a Supreme Court bench. For two of their most senior Supreme Court bench, Deputy Chief Justice Gibbs Salika and Justice Bernard Sakora to refuse to take part raised serious questions and that in itself, evidence has been shown in court.
“There is no constitution that allows for the courts to appoint a Prime Minister and those privileges remain with the Parliament,” Mr O’Neill said.
He said the decisions were made well before reinforcing the court order.
Mr O’Neill said the process to elect a new government had already begun starting this week with the issue of writs on Friday and the campaign decisions.
He said if the Supreme Court judges were concern about the country, they should have made a good decision - It is disappointing to see that two of the very senior members of the judiciary disqualified themselves.
“And this shows that the emails circulated by the judges are true.“It is my strong belief that Supreme Court was bias and that today we have given directives or instructions that all public servants will continue to work to maintain stability. Our position is we remain as care-taker government. The separation of power is very clear and that is Parliament can not overstep into the courts, likewise, the court. Court has no authority to instil a Prime Minister because our government has over 90 MPs compared to Court appointed PM Sir Michael with either eight or nine MPs.

Two judges step aside


IN A RARE and unprecedented move, two of the five most senior judges of the Supreme and National Court presiding over the question of who is the legitimate Government have openly criticized their fellow brother judges on the bench, of perceived bias and dragging the Judiciary’s integrity in to the mud.
The two, Deputy Chief Justice Gibbs Salika and Justice Bernard Sakora, made these observations after voluntarily abstaining from making a decision on whether the O’Neil/ Namah or the Somare /Agiru faction were the legitimate Government. The three who were majority of the bench, Chief Justice Sir Salamo and Justices Nicholas Kirriwom and Les Gavera Nanu ruled that the Oneil/Namah regime were unconstitutional (see separate story on page 2). Chief Somare says O’Neill is only an MP. Deputy Chief Justice Gibbs Salika in his decision to abstain and in his ruling on two preliminary applications, one to defer the handing down of the decision and the other a disqualification application for a member of the bench , said “Issues of the integrity of Judges has never been raised like it is now before. If we were to save the judiciary from been further dragged in to the mud …then leave must be granted to the disqualification application..I am worried about the integrity of the judiciary”
Justice Sakora was more direct when deciding to abstain by stating that “ a Judge should not be a judge in his own court”
He further stated that the country and the Judiciary is bigger and more important than any individual and that he doesn’t want to be a part of this court after going through all these perceived bias to be a part will bring dishonesty to his private and personal integrity.

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  1 Kick off und get ready this year Fuchsbau24 Fuchsbau24 17.01.24 15:16
  38 Wann sollte man BOC WKN: 852652 kaufen? 1ALPHA 1ALPHA 06.07.23 18:01
2 7 BOC (852652) wird heiss ;-))) nekro bockaufboc 24.04.21 23:52
28 3.965 BOUGAINVILLE (852652) slashgoerdi tbhomy 24.04.21 23:24
