First Warning Systems Celebrates Nedra Lindsay's Breast Cancer Survival after 19 Years - See Video on FWS Website

Dienstag, 02.10.2012 14:35 von

PR Newswire

RENO, Nev., Oct. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- First Warning Systems, Inc. celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness Month with the release of a testimonial of Nedra Lindsay's 19 year breast cancer survival account.  Nedra's story is one of chance.  Present day recommended breast cancer screening protocols are very similar to what they were almost 20 years ago. Current protocols recommend mammographic screening starting at age 40 unless there is a heightened risk or family history.  This video represents the power of earlier, safer, and accurate screening beginning at an early age, yielding a proactive approach to the discovery and management of this devastating disease.  It is now widely accepted that identifying the disease in its earliest stages significantly increases chances of survival.  Nedra's story is a testament to this proactive approach.

Nedra, a 24 year old nurse at Greene Memorial Hospital in Xenia, OH, heard about a clinical trial being conducted by Dr. Ron Fletcher, Chief of Staff and Principal Investigator of a study being conducted for the First Warning System.  Her friend had planned to participate in the study, but could not make it.  Nedra decided to substitute.  The First Warning System indicated tissue anomalies that were clearly abnormal and that might be compatible with a cancerous condition.  Mammography was then performed and indicated cysts.  Further testing was performed, and ultimately a biopsy confirmed a very aggressive form of cancer which was then treated.

Nedra is alive today because of the clinical trial and her chance participation.  "I would not be alive today, were it not for this testing opportunity," according to Nedra.  And as Dr. Fletcher says, "Here is a young lady that would have waited years and years for testing while a tumor kept growing, and manifesting the potential to spread and might have been incurable.  I see First Warning as the potential to help eliminate a potentially mortal threat by detecting that early circumstance," adds Fletcher. 

Please see the First Warning website to see Nedra's story.

About First Warning Systems Process

Temperature readings of breast tissue create a dynamic cell chaos profile using 9,600 points of dynamic data which are correlated to dysfunctional circadian genes. Multiple bioinformatics algorithms compare the circadian gene protein profiles to identify breast tissue abnormalities at different stages of development of disturbed breast cancerous cells. FWS delivers a report to the primary care physician with industry leading 90% accuracy.  The FWS process is the only detection process that identifies abnormalities before a tumor presents and can be used by a primary care physician.

About First Warning Systems

First Warning Systems, (FWS) founded in 2008, is based in Reno, NV.  FWS's principal shareholder is Lifeline Biotechnologies, Inc. (OTC Market: LLBO). FWS holds the exclusive development, manufacturing and marketing worldwide license from Lifeline, to commercialize the intellectual property. The FWS product line is a device and process that detects breast tissue abnormalities leading to health risk assessment and management and potentially, breast cancer. Three clinical trials with over 650 participants have achieved proof of concept and superior outcomes when compared to other diagnostic protocols.  FWS is planning a final, limited clinical trial and a 510k device classification to validate the fourth generation of the FWS product. FWS is preparing to apply for a Euro CE Mark to market in the UK, EU and Russia markets. See FWS' video, "Breast Cancer Tumor Progression" at

For more information, contact: Jim Holmes, CEO, 775-852-3222,  

SOURCE First Warning Systems, Inc.

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