Tubular Running Service Awarded for Reducing Costs, Maximizing Safety
HOUSTON, May 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Weatherford International plc (OTC Pink: WFTLF) today announced it has been named Contractor of the Year by Santos, one of the leading independent oil and gas producers in the Asia-Pacific region. Santos' operations team awarded Weatherford the honor from among the several hundred contractors the company employs across their operations.
The objective was clear for the Weatherford Tubular Running Services team across the four well campaign: Complete the running of all casing and tubing with zero incidents and minimal non-productive time. Adding to the urgency of the challenge was the fact all operations were classified as red zone, meaning high risk with field personnel operating in harm's way.
Weatherford Vice President, Asia, Eric Young, commented, "We are very happy Santos chose to highlight the work of our Australia tubular running service team by recognising their 'Pacesetter' performance in the efficient completion of the task. Being Santos' Contractor of the Year is a tremendous achievement."
Brett Darley, Executive Vice President, Offshore, Santos, commented, "Weatherford provided a solution that enabled Santos to execute a safe, efficient tubular running operation with hands-free technology. Safety is extremely important at Santos and Weatherford delivered an outcome with zero incidents and zero near-misses."
About Santos
An Australian energy pioneer since 1954, Santos is one of the leading independent oil and gas producers in the Asia-Pacific region, supplying the energy needs of homes, businesses and major industries across Australia and Asia. With its origins in the Cooper Basin, Santos has one of the largest exploration and production acreages in Australia and extensive infrastructure and is committed to supplying the domestic markets, unlocking resources and driving value and performance.
About Weatherford
Weatherford is the leading wellbore and production solutions company. Operating in more than 80 countries, the Company answers the challenges of the energy industry with its global talent network of approximately 20,000 team members and 600 locations, which include service, research and development, training, and manufacturing facilities. Visit https://www.weatherford.com/ for more information or connect on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube.
Karen David-Green +1.713.836.7430
Senior Vice President Stakeholder Engagement and Chief Marketing Officer
Christopher Wailes +1.832.851.8308
Director, Global Media Engagement
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/73933/weatherford_international_logo.jpg
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