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 |  27. August 2012, 09:05

RS Components Launches Twitter-Powered Scalextric Competition

PR Newswire

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CORBY, England, August 27, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

RS and Scalextric prizes to be won on 31 August

RS Components (RS), the trading brand of Electrocomponents plc (LSE:ECM), the world's leading high service distributor of electronics and maintenance products, has launched a week-long Twitter competition with Scalextric to gather as many tweets as possible on its Twitter page @RSComponents. A live Twitter-powered Scalextric race will be held on 31 August and a number of prizes, including sets of Scalextric tracks, will be awarded to lucky individuals who take part in the race. Take part in the race on our Facebook page.

The competition, which starts on 27th August, will involve two Scalextric cars racing around a track designed specifically for the race. The cars will move according to the number of votes that they receive, both in the week leading up to and on the live race day itself. Players must assign each tweet to the RS Twitter page with either #RSRedTeam or #RSBlueTeam to vote for the car that they want to win. The winning car will be the one that completes the most laps.

Following the race, RS will award a major prize to one lucky player who voted for the winning car. Scalextric will also be giving away ten London 2012 Veledrome sets for several lucky individuals who take part during the day.

The race track has been built by RS and Scalextric specifically for the race following a competition that challenged engineering bloggers for the best design. The competition was won by Thomas Speller, who was presented with £150 worth of RS goodies, after submitting his Arduino based design.

Guy Magrath, Global head of eCommerce at RS Components, commented: "This is a fantastic competition we have designed in partnership with Scalextric. With each car moving every time they get a vote on Twitter, and there being no limit to the amount of times that you can tweet, be sure to join RS on 31st August to guarantee that your favourite car wins and to be in with a chance of winning some great prizes!"

About RS Components

RS Components and Allied Electronics are the trading brands of Electrocomponents plc, the world's leading high service distributor of electronics and maintenance products. With operations in 32 countries, we offer more than 550,000 products through the internet, catalogues and at trade counters to over one million customers, shipping more than 46,000 parcels on the same day the orders are received. Our products, sourced from 2,500 leading suppliers, include electronics, automation and control, test and measurement, electrical and mechanical components.

Electrocomponents is listed on the London Stock Exchange and in the last financial year ended 31 March 2012 had revenues of £1.27bn.

For more information, please visit the website at

Further information is available via these links:

RS Components on Linkedin

Electrocomponents plc

RS Components

RS Components on Twitter


RS Components on Facebook

SOURCE RS Components

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