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Newsfile  |  06. Dezember 2024, 15:22 Aufrufe: 179

Josh Kesselman's RAW Rolling Papers Listed as Leading Market Player in 2024 Smoking Accessories Report by Allied Market Research

New York, New York--(Newsfile Corp. - December 6, 2024) - Josh Kesselman, founder of HBI International, the independent producer of RAW Rolling Papers, has announced that the RAW brand has been named as a leading market player in Allied Market Research's 2024 smoking accessory report.

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Aluminium London Rolling 2.676,52 $ Aluminium London Rolling Chart +0,26%
Blei London Rolling 1.958,61 $ Blei London Rolling Chart +0,49%
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Zinn London Rolling 30.535,26 $ Zinn London Rolling Chart +2,60%

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Josh Kesselman, founder of RAW Rolling Papers.

The report states, "The smoking accessories market was valued at $3.1 billion in 2020, and is estimated to reach $6.3 billion by 2030." Allied Market Research referred to the market as "highly competitive, with several established and emerging companies driving innovation", and noted RAW Rolling Papers first among its list of leading players.

The report includes rolling papers, filters, lighters, ashtrays, pipes, grinders, vaporizers, and other accessories used for smoking cannabis and other materials. It also addresses cannabis legalization, the growth of e-commerce platforms, and the rising popularity of premium and customized products as key market drivers. Health-conscious alternatives, eco-friendly and sustainable products, and technological advancements are also documented as trends shaping the smoking accessories market.

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RAW offers a wide range of smoking accessories.

In a statement on RAW's inclusion in the Allied Market Research report, founder Josh Kesselman stated, "Innovation is the name of the game with RAW. When people tell me what they want, I listen! That's how we constantly develop products that make the smoking experience better."

Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, and launched in 2005 by Josh Kesselman, RAW Rolling Papers is known in the smoking accessories community for their commitment to innovation. The brand is known for producing plant-based rolling papers and other smoking accessories.

More information on RAW Rolling Papers and their full range of products can be found at

SOURCE: Proven Media

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