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EQS  |  23. Februar 2023, 17:48 Aufrufe: 321

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR / Jungfraubahn Holding AG: Remo Käser becomes the new Head of Marketing and a new member of the Executive Board

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Jungfraubahn Holding AG 187,80 CHF Jungfraubahn Holding AG Chart +0,21%

Jungfraubahn Holding AG / Key word(s): Personnel Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR / Jungfraubahn Holding AG: Remo Käser becomes the new Head of Marketing and a new member of the Executive Board 23-Feb-2023 / 17:48 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

23 February 2023


Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Jungfraubahn Holding AG: Remo Käser becomes the new Head of Marketing and a new member of the Executive Board

In an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 of the Listing Rules, Jungfraubahn Holding AG wishes to announce that Remo Käser was chosen as a new member of the Executive Board and as Head of Marketing. He succeeds Matthias Bütler, who leaves the company at the end of April 2023 at his own request and is taking on a new challenge outside the company.

Jungfraubahn Holding AG and Berner Oberland-Bahnen AG are in the fortunate position to be able to fill the post with an internal candidate thanks to long-term personnel planning. Remo Käser (39) was previously Head of Sales and deputy to Matthias Bütler. This will ensure a smooth and seamless handover.

Remo Käser has been Head of Sales at Jungfrau Railways since 2016 and has several years of management experience. His previous posts have included Head of Markets at Interlaken Tourismus and Project Manager at Holcim Group Support Ltd. He has a Master of Science degree in International Management and speaks several foreign languages.







End of Inside Information
Language: English
Company: Jungfraubahn Holding AG
Harderstrasse 14
3800 Interlaken
Phone: +41 33 828 71 11
Fax: +41 33 828 72 64
E-mail: info@jungfrau.ch
Internet: www.jungfrau.ch
ISIN: CH0017875789
Valor: A0CACJ
Listed: Regulated Unofficial Market in Frankfurt, Stuttgart; SIX Swiss Exchange
EQS News ID: 1567387
End of Announcement EQS News Service

1567387  23-Feb-2023 CET/CEST


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