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Wamu WKN 893906 News !

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Mr. Cooper Group. 107,91 $ -0,73% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +353,25%

Stay tuned

05.11.10 08:04

Wenn du das wirklich glaubst, dann viel Glück!

Stay tuned Erlkönig!


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05.11.10 08:07
Heute sollte doch gar kein hearing stattfinden?!


05.11.10 08:09
"invested any of your 401(k) money in Washington Mutual stock at any time between October 19, 2005 and September 26, 2008,"

Es geht wohl um die Preshareholder und auch wenn hier immer wieder darauf hingewiesen wurde das Post oder Pre völlig Wurst sei. Diese Sache mit dem Fairness Hearing stimmt mich doch nachdenklich. Könnte der Deal nicht auch sein, Pre=Entschädigung und Post=Ausbuchung(CH11)? In den USofA wäre Susi trotzdem der gefeierte Held, der die Geier verscheuchte und den rechtmäßigen Besitzern ihr Eigentum wiedergab.

stay OFF shorthate

05.11.10 08:09
du glaubst offenbar nicht mehr an die sache und bis raus aus WAMU
weshalb bist du dann noch hier?
zuviel zeit oder einfach nur schlechter charakter dass du das nötig hast?
stay OFF shorthate und geh dort posten wo du investiert bist und was zur sache beitragen kannst...
carpe diem


05.11.10 08:11
schon 1000-und-ein-mal diskutiert
shareholder ist = shareholder
abgesehen davon haben wohl praktisch alle der pre-holders zu den den kursen der letzen monate nachgekauf um ihren EK zu drücken
...die wären wohl nicht so glücklich
so looong


05.11.10 08:17
Du liegst falsch, bin noch voll investiert und sogar vorgestern noch zugekauft!
Das ist aber noch lange kein Grund jeden Müll, den irgendein ( unglaubwürdiger wie ich finde) Ami postet zu glauben und zu verbreiten, nur weil es etwas Positives ist!
Im Umkehrschluss: Keiner hier würde es glauben, wenn dieser schreiben würde :
" Susman hat gesagt es ist aus, verkauft alle"!
Man muss schon objektiv bleiben!

Schönen Tag

Susman hat gesagt es ist aus, verkauft alle"!

05.11.10 08:22
Wo bitte hat er das gesagt?
Homer J:

Antwort auf die email bzgl. Stimmrechte

05.11.10 08:23

Wie bereits Moneyjunkie und auch andere User habe ich nun eine Antwort auf die email bzgl. der Stimmrechte bekommen. Ich möchte diesen standartisierten Text hier nochmal kurz posten:


Please find attached an electronic copy of the beneficial holder’s ballot.  Please read the instructions carefully.  Return the executed ballot to your custodian/bank/broker so that your vote will be counted on their master ballot form.  Please do not return your executed ballot to Kurtzman Carson Consultants (KCC).  Your ballot will not be counted if returned to KCC.  Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,

Also bitte nicht vorschnell ausfüllen. Ich habe mehrere Poster gefragt bzgl. einer Ausfüllanleitung. Bevor die nicht erstellt ist würde ich den Stimmzettel nicht abschicken.


Was ich Euch allen auch noch ans Herz legen möchte. Euphorie und Einsatz in allen Ehren. Wie viele andere Leute hier und in weiteren Foren, bin ich momentan ziemlich WaMu ausgemergelt. Ständig sucht man nach der Lücke, oder der Möglichkeit das Ding irgendwie rumzureissen. Aber bitte, bei allem Willen, Ehrgeiz und aller Euphorie, vergesst nicht die momentanen Fakten.

Nach dem Bericht, der eine Schockwelle ausgelöst hat, stehen wir offensichtlich mit dem Rücken zur Wand. Es gibt vielleicht noch Möglichkeiten, wie bereits angesprochen von Bopfan, id oder anderen Usern die ich sehr schätze.

Für mich stellt sich aber die Frage, werden diese Möglichkeiten aufgegriffen? Lohnt sich das? Wer will das aufgreifen? Und wie realistisch ist das? Unter dem Hintergrund dass sich unser EC extrem minimiert hat und ich die Arbeit von Susman überhaupt nicht einschätzen kann, möchte ich alle zur Vorsicht mahnen. Bitte überlegt genau, wieviel Geld Ihr hier investiert, überdenkt Euer Invest täglich neu und lasst Euch nicht von euphorischen Postings verwirren.

Dies soll keine Handlungsaufforderung sein. Ich bin immernoch so hoch investiert wie vor einer Woche, als die Aussichten noch "rosig" waren. Allerdings bin ich wesentlich vorsichtiger geworden. Auch wenn ich wie viele Andere die Hoffnung noch nicht aufgegeben habe.

Gruß Homer


Das f. heute geplante ist aus Kalender

05.11.10 08:23;style=B&positioning=A

entfernt worden!

Hat jemand von euch eine Agenda f. das Hearing am Dienstag, 09.11. und wird dieses öffentlich sein?

News aus w:o

05.11.10 08:24
NEWS unbedingt lesen , LONGIE

Paper Trail Blog
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Finance » Financial Reform Watch
WaMu Examiner Sheds New Light on Bankruptcy, Criticizes FDIC for Lack of Cooperation
By Ben Hallman | November 4, 2010, 3:55 pm

Updated: 11/4/2010, 4:19 pm | Timing is everything — in life, and, it seems, in bankruptcies.

Consider the failure of Washington Mutual Bank, seized by federal regulators in the fall of 2008 and quickly sold in a fire sale to JPMorgan Chase & Co. It was the biggest bank failure in American history. And yet, coming days after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the bailout of A.I.G., and with the public otherwise distracted by more terrifying signs of a looming financial apocalypse, the bank collapse barely registered.

It’s only fitting, then, that the WaMu bankruptcy examiner’s report, released on the eve of the midterm U.S. elections, would similarly land with barely a splash.

At first glance, there is reason to quickly move past the report, which examines a settlement among JPMorgan, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and WaMu that divides more than $7 billion in disputed assets, including bank deposits, to creditors, but wipes out shareholders. There are no Lehman-like allegations of accounting chicanery and there is little obvious ammunition for investor or government lawsuits. The examiner, Joshua Hochberg, concludes there was no fraud in the sale of the bank to JPMorgan, and said that there are “no known facts to establish the government acted in bad faith.”

And yet, the report contributes to the growing canon of documents that explain the great crash of 2008 and its repercussions, as Hochberg described the close involvement of federal regulators in finding a sale partner for the struggling WaMu. Hochberg also criticized the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. for its lack of transparency in cooperating with his investigation. The agency was “slow and difficult” in negotiations, he wrote.
WaMu Sale Discussed in March 2008

According to the examiner, the seeds of the WaMu sale were planted in March 2008, when JP Morgan first told government regulators that it was considering buying the bank, which was already faltering under the weight of bad mortgage loans.

Those talks broke down, but the pressure on WaMu increased.

In July 2008, officials from the Office of Thrift Supervision, WaMu’s primary regulator, and the FDIC told the board of directors that WaMu’s prospects were dim. Loan losses on junk mortgages would exceed estimates, the regulators said, and the bank’s liquidity was “stressed.”

That assessment didn’t include a run on the bank that followed the failure of another institution, IndyMac Bank. That month, spooked investors withdrew nearly $10 billion from WaMu.

There was also disagreement over that summer about what role regulators should play in either propping up or helping dissolve the bank.

Kerry Killenger, WaMu’s chief executive, pushed then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to place the bank on the “do not short” list. Paulson refused, and told Killenger that he should have merged with JPMorgan in March, when it had the opportunity to do so. FDIC chairman Sheila Bair later expressed surprise to Killenger that Paulson would say this.

Despite the warning signs, the regulators then met and expressed satisfaction with WaMu’s financial condition, the examiner said.
FDIC Urges WaMu to Find Buyer in September

In early September, the WaMu board of directors replaced Killenger with Alan Fishman. A few days later, Fishman met with FDIC’s Bair, who gave him some chilling news. Bair said that there was an unresolved issue between her agency and the Office of Thrift Supervision over a key rating regulators use to judge the soundness of banks.

The FDIC wanted to lower the rating, which would put WaMu on the agency’s public list of “troubled banks.” Although WaMu would not be identified by name, it’s assets would be described in such a way that market traders would be able to discern the identity of the bank. To avoid this listing, WaMu should find a buyer, Bair said, according to the report.

On Sept. 14, Lehman declared bankruptcy. WaMu then experienced another run on the bank, this time losing more than $16 billion in a matter of days and overwhelming management’s efforts to mitigate the losses.

FDIC Phones JPMorgan CEO

A few days after Lehman fell, Bair called Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan’s chief executive, to ask if he was interested in buying WaMu out of receivership. She also urged him to seek an open-market acquisition of the bank. On Sept. 19, JPMorgan told regulators that it wasn’t interested in acquiring WaMu, because the debt of the holding company was too great.

A handful of banks, including Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and Banco Santader in Brazil had expressed interest in acquiring the bank, but now they also balked.

By Sept. 23, WaMu had just $4.6 billion in cash to meet its liquidity operations. The Office of Thrift Supervision contacted several potential banks to gauge their interest in buying WaMu out of bankruptcy. JPMorgan, according to the examiner, was the only serious bidder.

That Friday the OTS shut down WaMu and placed it into receivership with the FDIC. The institution, which earlier in the summer held more than $300 billion in assets, was sold for just $1.88 billion.
FDIC Bidding Process “Less Than Optimal”

Though Hochberg ultimately concludes that the sale was fair, he came down hard on the FDIC for failing to adequately cooperate with his investigation, and questions some of the agency’s actions along the way.

The FDIC’s bidding process, he said, was “less than optimal” and “could have been better.” He notes that the Sept. 16 call from FDIC’s Bair to JPMorgan’s Dimon came “before any formal opening of the bidding process.”

Hochberg also says that “some of the FDIC’s actions lack transparency.” As a result, he was “unable to determine whether the FDIC fully understood the value of the assets it seized and sold.”

In general, Hochberg was frustrated with the agency’s balking.

“The FDIC made clear that attempts to compel discovery could be met with certain obstacles . . . which could effectively delay and discovery beyond the tine limits of the examination,” Hochberg wrote. The FDIC had said it would litigate to keep internal deliberations secret, he said.

The agency also responded selectively to document requests, and refused to make Bair and two other senior officials available for interviews. The FDIC’s lack of cooperation was especially egregious compared with other players in the WaMu sale, he said. The OTS, for example, “was helpful and cooperative,” he wrote. (Hochberg didn’t return a call left on Tuesday).
FDIC Says It Cooperated

In a lengthy statement sent in response to a Center query, FDIC spokesman Andrew Gray said that the agency cooperated, not just with the examiner’s investigation, but also with investigations into WaMu’s failure by Congress and the agency’s own inspector general.

“It is unprecedented for the FDIC to let its process be subject to review by a bankruptcy examiner,” he wrote. “However, the FDIC voluntarily cooperated in an effort to move the settlement agreement forward, including the production of numerous documents and interviews with key FDIC senior staff. The FDIC General Counsel determined that interviewing other officials, including the Chairman, was not necessary to adequately respond to the needs of the special examiner and would set a dangerous precedent.”

Ultimately, Gray said, it is important to point to the broader conclusion of the report. “The settlement is fair, the process was correct and there was no undue influence on any party.”

Lack of transparency by the FDIC, while a concern, did not affect his final conclusions, Hochberg said.

Hochberg’s report, though valuable, doesn’t address the decision-making that led to Washington Mutual’s precarious position as of the spring of 2008. For that, it is instructive to turn to an earlier report co-authored by the inspector generals of the FDIC and the Treasury Department, which concludes that the bank failed because of management’s pursuit of a high-risk lending strategy that included liberal underwriting standards and inadequate risk controls along with, in many instances, fraud in mortgage originations.
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Hier ist lange noch nicht erledigt. lange noch nicht!!!!!

Das Hearing von heute...

05.11.10 08:32

...welches auf den 07.11. verschoben wurde, betrifft die Aktionäre, die Ihre Pensionen(401K) bei WaMu angelegt hatten. Hier soll wohl ein gesondertes Abkommen erzielt werden.

Ohme Gewähr, auf die Schnelle überflogen.   


ab wann

05.11.10 08:37
müßte Susman/Nelson einen Einspruch gegen den Bericht einlegen?!

welche Auswirkungen hat ein Einspruch? z.B. der von Rosen?

wurden jetzt deshalb die Termine verschoben? wegen der Einsprüche?

Hochberg sagt ja, dass die Übernahme nicht "optimal" verlief und schrieb auch, dass die FDIC nicht oder schlecht mit ihm zusammengearbeitet hat!???
(das die Assentliste fehlt ist natürlich der größte Witz - wie soll man da etwas beurteilen, wenn die wichtigsten Unterlagen angeblich "verloren" sind????)
Das habe aber keine Auswirkung auf seine Schlußfolgerung???? Hä???

also durch diesen Fall hier, komm ich vom Glauben ab!

aus dem ihub

05.11.10 08:43

The Examiner was directed to:

Order(AGREED)Directing The Appointment of an Examiner(related document(s) 4644, 5119) Order Signed on 7/22/2010. (MEB) (Entered: 07/22/2010)…-12229-5120.pdf

2. The Examiner is directed to investigate (the "Investigation") (a) the claims and assets that may be property of the Debtors' estates that are proposed to be conveyed, released or otherwise compromised and settled Wlder the Plan and Settlement Agreement, including all Released Claims, as defined in the Settlement Agreement, and the claims and defenses of third parties thereto (the "Settlement Component") and (b) such other claims, assets and causes of actions which shall be retained by the Debtors and/or the proceeds thereof, if any, distributed to creditors and/or equity interest holders pursuant to the Plan, and the claims and defenses of third parties thereto (the "Retained Asset Component"); provided, however, that the foregoing is without prejudice to the Court modifying the (oregoing scope of the Investigation in the event that the Court otherwise deems appropriate.

Did the Examiner investigate all claims and assets?

No. The Examiner was only required to investigate claims and assets pursuant to the Plan.

This is why many(most) of the claims and assets we(equity) were expecting to see in the "Examination" were not included.

7. The Debtors, the other Parties and the Equity Committee are directed to fully cooperate with the Examiner in conjunction with the performance of any of the Examiner's duties and the Investigation.

Did all parties fully comply with the Order?

Page 275.…00000000027.pdf
"The process of obtaining information from the FDIC has been slow and difficult.....

...FDIC's position was that discovery is unwarranted because no set of facts could support a legally cognizable claim against the FDIC....

...the FDIC made clear that attempts to compel discovery could be met with certain obstacles including time-consuming, multi-step regulatory procedures, which could effectively delay any discovery beyond the time limits of the Examination....

...the FDIC noted that, if a subpoena was served, it could move to quash, either in the Bankruptcy Court or the DC Court, any effort by the Examiner to seek broad-ranging discovery. In particular, the FDIC sought to protect internal deliberations."

Things we can definitely expect:

-The EC will contest the Examiner Report(for inconsistencies if nothing else)

-There will be valuation hearings(The Mirant BK had 5 weeks of valuation hearings in which our EC chairman, Mike Willingham, testified)

-Equity will "ride the coattails" of the TPS action.

-(Possibly) we may see the documents submitted under seal which moved the judge to change her decision on appointing the examiner thanks to the recent shareholder letter.

Sadly, this is all just part of the BK process.

We all "know" the FDIC "gifted" Wamu to JPM so why lose heart now?

This is the Wamu rollercoaster....did so many people forget March 12th? lol


05.11.10 08:47
Es ging mir nicht um die Behandlung von Pre/Post bei einem evtl. JETZT stattfindenden Settlement, das wurde wirklich ausreichend besprochen und ist völlig klar.
Mir geht es um folgendes. Hypothetische Situation, wir werden erstmal alle am 9.11. ausgeknockt und nächstes Jahr gibts ein Hearing für alle die nachweisen können das sie Preshareholder waren.
Hoffe das war verständlich und würde mich freuen wenn sich meine Bedenken zerstreuen ließen, Danke.

docs der nacht

05.11.10 08:48
Certification of Counsel Regarding Debtors' Fifty-Third Omnibus (Substantive) Objection to Claims

Certification of Counsel Regarding Debtors' Fifty-Second Omnibus (Substantive) Objection to Claims

Certification of Counsel Regarding Debtors' Fifty-First Omnibus (Non-Substantive) Objection to Claims

Certification of No Objection Regarding Debtors' Fiftieth Omnibus (Substantive) Objection to Claims

Limited Statement in Support and Partial Reservation of Rights of the FDIC, as Receiver for Washington Mutual Bank, in Response to Debtors' Fifty-Fifth Omnibus (Substantive) Objection to Claims

Debtors' Response to WMB Noteholders' Request to Allow Claim for Voting Purposes Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3018(a)

The WMB Noteholders' Response and Opposition to the Debtors' Fifty-Fifth (55th) Omnibus (Substantive) Objection to Claims

Order Granting Admission Pro Hac Vice of Edward W. Ciolko

Order Granting Admission Pro Hac Vice of Joshua Schumacher


05.11.10 08:51
hat jemand schon die Docs angesehen?


05.11.10 08:51
würde durch ein Urteil ohne die von Ihr geforderte Liste unglaubwürdig und ein negatives Urteil würde Ihr das ganze Leben nachhängen.Ich denke Sie hat wenigstens Ähnliches in den Händen,weiß die ungefähren Werte und Sie weiß bestimmt
daß Wamu nicht insolvent war.
Kopf hoch Männer,unsere Gegner sind auch am Schwitzen.


05.11.10 08:52
Es geht also nicht um Shareholder. Danke, das beruhigt mich etwas.


05.11.10 08:54

das scheis englisch geht mir auf den sack!!!!!

ich versteh da nur bahnhof



05.11.10 08:59
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! 9002985
Text oder Webseite übersetzen
das scheis englisch geht mir auf den sack!!!!! ich versteh da nur bahnhof

Übersetzung von Deutsch nach Englisch


I understand there not out


05.11.10 09:01
nach Rettungsanker Mary scheint Susman noch eine Steigerung zu sein.(Imageverlust)

i break completly together

05.11.10 09:03

Lack of transparency by the FDIC

05.11.10 09:03
Lack of transparency by the FDIC, while a concern, did not affect his final conclusions, Hochberg said.

Mangel an Transparent durch die FDIC, beeinflusste nicht seine Schlussfolgerung!
Tja nun ist die FDIC an der Reihe. JPM hat durch Hochbergs Aussage nun den Schwarzen Peter an die FDIC weitergegeben.
Bleibe LONG

das gute Denglisch

05.11.10 09:04


05.11.10 09:04
Wenn ich mir überlege, was dieser Fall schon an Kosten verschlungen hat. Wäre es doch einfacher zu sagen, ja gut, wir als FDIC haben einen Fehler gemacht. Aber nein, jeder pocht auf sein Recht und zieht den ganzen Fall immer weiter in die Länge. Und der EX-Bericht ist so schwammig, dass es im Grunde genommen eine Frechheit ist, so etwas vorzulegen.

Ich wäre allerdings vorsichtig mit der Interpretation der einzelnen Aussagen vom EX. Hier wird mittlerweile versucht, sich das Ganze so hinzulegen, wie es dem Betrachter gerade lieb ist. Damit meine ich auf die angebliche Aussage von Susman. Die sollen uns abfinden und gut ist.

Das spiegelt nur meine bescheidene Meinung wieder.

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