Saba Software

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SABA SOFTWA. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

Saba Software

19.11.01 19:55
auch ein US-Tipp.Kurs zur Zeit in Frankfurt bei 5,85 mit viel Luft nach oben.Ich bin zu 2,85 rein,aber halte die Aktie weiterhin,den die Zusammenarbeit mit Veritas und Medtronic sorgt für ein solides Investment.

Saba Software "buy" Datum: 08.11.2001

Die Aktienanalysten von WR Hambrecht + Co bewerten die Aktie des Internetproviders von Lernmaterialien Saba Software nach wie vor mit dem Prädikat kaufen. (WKN 934513) Laut den Investmentbankern von WR Hambrecht + Co habe man seitens des Unternehmens gestern, am 7. November 2001, eine Konferenz mit zwei großen Kunden abgehalten. Die beiden Kunden seien zum Einen Veritas Software, ein Provider von Softwareprodukten mit einem Jahresumsatz von 1,5 Mrd. US-Dollar, und zum Anderen Medtronic gewesen. Medtronic stelle medizinische Geräte her und seitens dieses Unternehmens würde man pro Jahr einen Umsatz von 6 Mrd. US-Dollar verzeichnen. Die Vertreter dieser beiden Unternehmen hätten auf der Konferenz erklärt, warum man sich für eine Zusammenarbeit mit Saba entschieden habe und inwiefern Saba dem jeweiligen Unternehmen nützlich sei. Zudem habe man auf dieser Konferenz sowohl seitens Veritas Software als auch seitens Medtronic bestätigt, dass sich die Software, während der schon seit Langem bestehenden Zusammenarbeit mit Saba, als sehr effizient herausgestellt habe. Letztlich sei man zuversichtlich, dass sich der Marktsektor für Lernsoftware wieder erholen und florieren werde. Es bleibe jedoch weiterhin ungewiss, wann dies der Fall sein werde. Seitens der Experten von WR Hambrecht + Co rechne man für 2001 mit einem Umsatz von 53,1 Mio. US-Dollar bei einem Verlust von 1,11 US-Dollar pro Aktie. Die Schätzungen für 2002e würden bezüglich des Umsatzes bei 56,5 Mio. US-Dollar, sowie hinsichtlich des Verlustes bei 0,22 US-Dollar pro Aktie liegen. Nach dieser Analyse empfiehlt das Analystenteam von WR Hambrecht + Co nach wie vor die Aktie von Saba Software mit einem Kursziel von 8,00 US-Dollar zu kaufen.



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20.11.01 13:25
Tuesday November 20, 7:15 am Eastern Time

Press Release

SOURCE: Saba Software, Inc.

Saba Beats Out Over 30 Competitors to Win Learning
Contract For 40,000 Alcatel Employees

Alcatel Chooses Saba System to Reduce Training Costs, While Enhancing Training Operations

REDWOOD SHORES, Calif., Nov. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Saba (Nasdaq: SABA - news), the leading provider of Human
Capital Development and Management (HCDM) solutions, today announced that Alcatel (NYSE: ALA; Paris: CGEP.PA), a
world leader in the high speed access and optical transport market, has licensed Saba Learning, Enterprise Edition to provide
Web-based training, initially in five languages, to 40,000 employees worldwide. Alcatel will use Saba Learning to power
Alcatel University, a collection of 12 training centers in 12 countries, and schedules to extend access to all employees as well as
customers not later than 2003. By participating in the Saba Rapid Deployment Program, Alcatel expects to deploy the Saba
Learning system globally by the end of the year, and to achieve a reduction in training costs as a direct result.

Alcatel was looking for a single Learning Management System (LMS) to support its main business objectives, to align
processes across its multiple disparate training centers, reduce overall training costs, and support a large number of languages
for training employees. The globally scalable Saba system met these needs and will enable Alcatel to support additional
languages and extend its global training initiatives to partners and customers in the near future.

Over 20 Alcatel team members around the world selected Saba Learning from a field of more than 30 LMS vendors. The

highly competitive and deeply technical product evaluation process revealed Saba as Alcatel's preferred e-learning provider for
the following reasons:

   -- Rapid, cost-effective, global implementation plan which closely
      aligned with Alcatel's goals and vision
   -- Global capabilities including a presence in numerous countries in which
      Alcatel operates, such as Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and
      the United Kingdom
   -- Consistent technical approach with essential features clearly proven in
      product performance demonstrations

``Alcatel University and our project teams in Europe, Asia Pacific and the America's unanimously agreed that Saba Learning
supports our business objectives and that Saba is clearly the leader in terms of the scope of its successful implementations and
its world-class customer references,'' said Jan Ginneberge, Alcatel's Director Education & Training. ``Saba Learning will help
us to deal with one of our current concerns -- to reduce training related costs -- and will also enable us to improve productivity
and speed to competency on our products throughout our employees worldwide.''

``In an economy where organizations around the world must perform with fewer resources, Saba solutions enable measurable
productivity enhancements, while reducing the costs of managing and delivering learning across a global enterprise,'' said Bobby
Yazdani, Saba Founder and CEO. ``Alcatel is a giant in the telecommunications industry and we are pleased to share the same
vision regarding the importance of leveraging the Internet to cost-effectively provide people with access -- anywhere, anytime
-- to personalized learning designed to improve productivity and overall performance.''

About Alcatel

Alcatel builds next-generation networks, delivering integrated end-to-end voice and data networking solutions to established
and new carriers, as well as enterprises and consumers worldwide. With sales of Euro 31 billion in 2000, Alcatel operates in
more than 130 countries. For more information please visit

About Saba

Saba is the leading provider of Human Capital Development and Management (HCDM) solutions. Saba offerings include an
integrated Internet-based platform to manage learning, content, performance, and collaboration; and related professional
services. Saba customers around the world rely on the Saba platform to increase productivity and reduce costs by rapidly
delivering and managing critical knowledge and skills throughout their extended enterprise of customers, partners, and

Of the companies on the Fortune 500, 3 of the top 5 are Saba customers, as well as all of the ``Big 3'' automakers and 3 of the
``Big 5'' consulting firms. In the Public Sector, Saba customers include eArmy University, several branches of the U.S.
Government, and the governments of Norway, The Netherlands, and Scotland.

Among the Global 2000, Saba customers include DaimlerChrysler, 3Com, EDS, Procter & Gamble, Medtronic,
Anheuser-Busch, Ford Motor Company, Continental Airlines, General Electric, Cisco Systems, EMC Corp., i2 Technologies,
VERITAS Software, and Sun Microsystems.


Also klarer Kauf,oder Herr Dr.? o.T.

20.11.01 14:08

ich möchte ja niemanden einen guten Wert

20.11.01 16:16
aufdrängen,aber Saba macht seit gestern schon wieder +20%.Nur ist es kein Zockerwert sondern,für mich ,eine solide Anlage.

Einen Einstieg zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt?

20.11.01 16:56
Lieber nicht. Wie oft sollen die noch täglich zweistellig zulegen?

Gruß Dr. Broemme

Saba Software 481417

da müßte sich mal einer der so zahlreichen

20.11.01 17:05
Charttechniker mit befassen,aber ich denke nach oben ist noch viel Potenzial.Es muß ja auch nicht jeden Tag 2-stellig weitergehen.Ein moderater,aber dafür langanhaltender Anstieg wäre mir auch recht.
Gruß Carupano

Heute Saba Software zu 1,01 gekauft.

27.12.02 19:00
Die Window-Dressing Welle ist gelaufen, schon mal bei möglichen heftigen Kursbewegungen
im neuen Jahr einen Fuss in die Tür stellen.
Die Bodenbildung von Saba ist vorhanden, könnte sich doch ein Aufkäufer für interessieren Anfang des Jahres, natürlich spekulativer Kauf ohne Background ausser dem
Chart und dass ich diesen Chart seit über 2 Jahren kenne.

Gruss E.
Ramses II:

eskimato, us-kürzel? o. T.

27.12.02 19:05


27.12.02 19:31
Last 5 Days:

Fri Dec 27   1.02   417,981   0.98   0.97 - 1.07  
Thu Dec 26   0.96   1,076,460   0.89   0.88 - 0.97  
Tue Dec 24   0.89   1,282,850   0.85   0.85 - 0.90  
Mon Dec 23   0.85   834,698   0.93   0.84 - 0.93  
Fri Dec 20   0.93   1,755,045   1.01   0.84 - 1.05  
Thu Dec 19   1.02   148,548   1.14   1.02 - 1.15  

Gruss E.


27.12.02 19:43
FRIDAY , DECEMBER 20, 2002 12:11 PM

This is the 2nd VOLUME alert for SABA in the past 7 calendar days.

Trading for Saba Software Incorporated (NASDAQ NM: SABA) has been heavier than usual in today's session. By 12:10 ET, the stock had already traded 416,600 shares via 236 trades. The cumulative volume is 37.52% above than its 20-day average of 302,937. Normally the stock experiences around 266 individual trades per session.

So far, today's volume surge has caused a net decline in SABA's stock price. At the time of this alert, the stock was trading at $0.900, down $-0.120 (-11.76%).

One year ago, the Company's shares closed at $5.200. The price has declined more than 82 percent since then.

Over the last 10 trading session SABA has traded in a range between $1.020 and $1.420 and is currently trading 83.90% below its 52-week high of $5.590 set on December 21, 2001 and 11.76% below its 52-week low of $1.020 from December 19, 2002.

der Grund war wohl der Report am 19.12. und der deutlich reduzierte Umsatz,aber die Prognose wurde aufrechterhalten:
Second quarter revenue was $9.5 million compared to $13.7 million in the same quarter of the previous year. Saba's pro forma net loss was $5.7 million, or $0.11 per share. The pro forma net loss excludes non-cash stock compensation costs, amortization of purchased intangible assets and a restructuring charge of $913,000. Net loss was $7.9 million or $0.16 per share in the quarter. Average enterprise contract value was $275,000 and Saba ended the quarter with $27.5 million in cash.

Saba completed 13 new deals during the quarter and our total customer count grew to 230. New customers and add-on deals during the quarter include sales to Honeywell and FedEx Ground. Customers that went live during the quarter include Sprint, Kinko's, Kaiser Permanente and Banco Itau.

"Saba is committed to return to profitability as quickly as possible. We believe our market leadership position and opportunity remain intact and we are reaffirming our guidance provided earlier in the month," stated Geno Tolari, Saba's President and CEO.

Das ansteigende Volumen gefälllt mir und

27.12.02 19:58
SABA ist jetzt 4 Handelstage auf Schlusskursbasis hintereinander gestiegen, bullische
Auf SABA werfen viele Ami-Fondsmanger ein Auge, davon bin ich felsenfest überzeugt.

Gruss E.

SABA läuft jetzt prima.

19.06.03 17:56
Nach dem 1 zu 4 Split hat es nur gute News in Reihe gehagelt. Ansehen.

Gruss E."


Heute kommen die Quartalszahlen...

18.09.03 20:49
Saba Software" style="max-width:560px" >


Das sieht nicht gut aus...

18.09.03 22:08
Kurs ausgesetzt.

Saba Software 1182604


+11% bei

18.09.03 22:21

da findeste auch den Report,Story interessant,Verluste reduziert,Ausblick etwas problematisch

Und warum ist der Kurs ausgesetzt? o. T.

18.09.03 22:25

Saba is kein...

18.09.03 22:32
schlechter Wert.
Sind auch im Musterdepot von
Die haben alle Werte im Depot deutlich im Plus und sind
längerfristig orientiert.
Hab durch deren Tips schon echte Erfolge verbucht.
Schaut ma rein.


Yazdani neuer CEO

18.09.03 22:40
REDWOOD SHORES, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 18, 2003--Saba (Nasdaq: SABA, news), the leading provider of human capital development and management (HCDM) solutions, today announced that its founder, Bobby Yazdani, has been named chairman and chief executive officer. Yazdani succeeds Geno Tolari.
Michael Moritz, general partner of Sequoia Capital and a Saba director since August 1998, stated, "Saba needs the complete dedication and passion that only a founder can bring. It also must start generating cash in a consistent and predictable fashion. Bobby has the conviction required to lead the company and understands that Saba's future will be dictated by bottom line necessities. He has the unqualified support of the entire board of directors."

Widely recognized as a successful executive in the industry, Yazdani founded Saba in 1997 and took the company public in 2000. He led the company as it grew to become the global leader in enterprise learning and, subsequently, in the broader HCDM market. Yazdani served as Saba's chief executive officer until March 2002 and has remained a director and officer.

"I am clearly disappointed with Saba's sales performance," said Yazdani. "I am looking forward to assuming my new role as chairman and CEO and restoring the company's momentum. I have four immediate objectives: first, to align our sales organization to successfully execute our sales plan; second, to drive to profitability; third, to introduce our next-generation products; and fourth, to maintain Saba's relentless commitment to customer satisfaction," Yazdani added.


Und schon stehen sie bei 3,70(-14%) o. T.

18.09.03 22:44

3,40 ... o. T.

18.09.03 22:59
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  19 Saba Software Carupano Dr.UdoBroemme 18.09.03 22:59
