Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat!

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Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat!

05.10.05 18:47

(Verkleinert auf 67%) vergrößern
Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat! 16774


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BIs jetzt überhaupt nicht!

29.11.05 16:18

Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat! 2251038

One big family:Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat! 2251038 MfG bauwi

Bis jetzt überhaupt nicht!

29.11.05 16:18

Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat! 2251041

One big family:Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat! 2251041 MfG bauwi


16.03.06 21:44
NGEN - Nanogen Inc (NASDAQ NM)3:28 PM ET, 3/16/2006 
Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat!" style="max-width:560px" border=0>

Eindeutiges Zeichen erst im März V-Formation

16.03.06 21:46

lieben gruß



Nanogen Anstieg

30.03.06 19:42
Ausbruch erfolgt ? Kenne mich da nicht so, würde gerne noch ein paar nachladen.


Tote Hose!

27.04.06 23:14

Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat! 2527099Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat! 2527099                                              

Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat! 2527099               MfG bauwi              


Wird besser ! o. T.

21.01.07 23:08

Ab jetzt wird es ein sehr solides Investment

25.01.07 04:27
fast wie ein Sparbuch.

Nächster Halt 25 Flocken pro Stück

Kurs erneut eingebrochen?

09.02.07 08:22
...kann man jetzt eine kleine Position wagen?


Leute, was machen wir mit Nanogen?

09.02.07 13:40
       Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat! 3081971

vielversprechender Auftrag !

04.04.07 19:08
wenn man jetzt noch einen Anhaltspunkt zum Volumen hätte...

Nanogen Obtains GSA Contract for NanoChip(R) 400 Platform
Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq:NGEN), developer of advanced diagnostic products, announced today that it has obtained a United States Government Service Administration (GSA) Schedule contract. The contract, number GS-07F-0283T, applies to the company’s NanoChip® 400 microarray instrument and reagents.

The contract enables Nanogen to be listed on an approved GSA Schedule and sell its NanoChip products directly to government agencies such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), military hospitals and Veteran’s Administration (VA) hospitals. Nanogen’s inclusion as a GSA Schedule Vendor allows government customers to obtain approved pricing and license terms from a pre-qualified vendor. Government agencies typically have separate GSA and non-GSA budgets, and therefore inclusion as a GSA vendor allows Nanogen broader access to government customers’ budgets.

“Securing a GSA Schedule contract for the NanoChip platform is a terrific opportunity for Nanogen, because both current and new customers will be able to expedite future purchases through the GSA ordering process,” said David Ludvigson, Nanogen’s president and chief operating officer. “Increased efficiency, coupled with the opportunity for immediate implementation, will be the result for customers in the government sector.”

The NanoChip® 400 instrument is an automated multiplexing platform that laboratories use to detect genetic sequences. Tests can be performed using reagents supplied by Nanogen, or laboratories can develop a variety of “homebrew” assays. The NanoChip instrument employs Nanogen’s core microarray technology, which utilizes patented microfluidics and electronic technology to automate sample handling and detection of results.

Founded in 1949, GSA serves as a centralized procurement and property management agency for the federal government. GSA manages more than one-fourth of the government’s total procurement dollars and influences the management of $500 billion in federal assets. More information is available at

About Nanogen, Inc.

Nanogen's advanced technologies provide researchers, clinicians and physicians worldwide with improved methods and tools to predict, diagnose, and ultimately help treat disease. The company's products include real-time PCR reagents, the NanoChip® electronic microarray platform and a line of rapid diagnostic tests. Nanogen's ten years of pioneering research involving nanotechnology holds the promise of miniaturization and continues to be supported for its potential for diagnostic and biodefense applications. For additional information please visit Nanogen's website at

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements, including whether patents owned or licensed by Nanogen will be developed into products, whether the patents owned by Nanogen offer any protection against competitors with competing technologies, whether products under development can be successfully developed and commercialized, whether results reported by our customers or partners can be identically replicated, and other risks and uncertainties discussed under the caption "Factors That May Affect Results" and elsewhere in Nanogen’s Form 10-K or Form 10-Q most recently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. Nanogen disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

Nanogen, Inc.
Robert Saltmarsh
Chief Financial Officer
Suzanne Clancy
Corporate Communications
Porter Novelli Life Sciences
Kim Richards
Media & Investor Relations

Source: Business Wire (April 4, 2007 - 8:02 AM EDT)

kann jemand aktuelles Potenzial der Aktie bemessen o. T.

11.04.07 20:05

heute wieder 8 %, irgendwas kommt da, bin drin o. T.

12.04.07 18:16

nanogen kurz vor der pleite?

22.11.07 12:50
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Neueste Beiträge aus dem Nanogen Forum

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  15 Nanogen - Ausbruchskandidat! lancerevo7 Parocorp 22.11.07 12:50
  5 Nanogen im Auge behalten? barolo solarworld 02.11.06 12:30
  35 Nanogen Inc. Dan17 TB75F 03.08.05 09:58
