South China: Buy CITIC Pacific

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South China: Buy CITIC Pacific birkhauser

South China: Buy CITIC Pacific

South China: Buy CITIC Pacific

Feb 08,2000 - 12:02:29 HKT

South China Securities quoted the market as saying that CITIC Pacific (0267) is seeking a cooperative opportunity with an undisclosed US company. In addition, the relationship between CITIC and its mother company has improved and an advancement in its performance is expected. The brokerage house thus suggests a buy.

¡iQuamnet News¡j

Und steigt und steigt...

Heute in Hongkong: 40.10 HK$ +5.53% Volumen 463 Mio. HK$
umgerechnet in Euro: 5.25 E bei Volumen 60.6 Mio. Euro

Sonderangebote in FSE noch bei 5,00 E!!!

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